Chapter 26 - Daddy's Advice

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**Caution!! Violent Scene!! Beware!!**

Haley POV -

I open the door as slowly and quietly as possible hoping not wake up my mom. I shut the door and lock it again once I'm inside and tip toe to the stairs that lead to my room. I climb up each step quietly and avoid the only stair that actually squeaks

I almost make it to the top when I see Linda pop out of nowhere and push me back down. I go flipping down the stairs and feel the pain shoot all around my body. I get to the bottom step and land on the floor with a thud and my stomach touching the cold tile.

"Trying to sneak in?" she asks curiously walking down the steps after me.

"I didn't want to wake you up." I say getting on my knees and trying to ignore the stinging sensation in my stomach.

"Or you were just trying to avoid the beating you deserve for being late."

"It's five minutes past my curfew not five hours." I smart mouth at her.

Suddenly I feel a sting on the back of my head from Linda's hand smacking my head toward the ground again. I don't fall over completely and find that she hadn't hit me as hard as she usually does. I quickly recover and stand up to stare at  her with a blank face. She grabs my arm and starts pulling me back up the stairs.

"Looks like you need another night in the room. I figured you would have learned by now how to respect your mother." She says and starts to unlcok the door with her key.

"This is what you call being a mother? If it is then I think you need to go to a class or read a book or something." I say sarcastically and immediatley regret it when I go flying down the stairs a second time.

As I reach the bottom I hit my head on the wall and my vision gets a little blurry. I attempt to stand up but can't get my balance in line enough to stand on my feet. I begin to crawl away from the stairs not really knowing where I'm going.

"You see? You never listen, I told you the rules and you still disobey me."

"I'm taking the abuse to spare my friends family, not to make you happy. So don't expect me to give you any respect." I say getting to my knees by using a chair nearby.

I stand up and lean against the dining table and look my mom in the face. She gives me a smirk seeing how hurt and unbalanced I am. She slowly starts walking toward me but I don't show any sign of fear because I know that's how she gets off with the abuse.

"What, not scared anymore Haley?"

"I was never scared Linda, the tears I cried were from the pain you caused."

She grabs my arm and flings me across the dining room and I hit the wall with a thud. I stand up again using the wall to steady me. I'm almost to the point of standing on my own when I feel something hit my arm.

I fall on my knees wincing at the pain of the belt against my skin. She takes another lash at me and I let whimper escape my mouth. I look up at her for five seconds before she hits me again only this time on my back.

"You should always fear me Haley."

"Yeah well I don't, I'm just disgusted by you." I say looking up at her with a look that matches my words.

As she sees my expression she pulls the belt back and slashes at my face making me scream in pain. I reach up and touch my face and bring my hand back to see blood covering my fingers. I look back up at her with tears bordering my eyes but not passing my eyelids.

"Don't look at me like that!" she yells with frustration. "I am your mother and I brought you into this world, so don't think I can't take you out of it." she says with a threatening tone.

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