Chapter 1

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Opal has just come back from a 6 year long mission

"Finally" opal said as she walked inside the big green hidden leads villages door. She looked around and spotted someone fimular at the gates desk. "Genma" she asked in her head. "genma!" Opal yelled while running to him.

Opal hugged genma as tight as she could with her arms around his neck.

"Long time no see" genma said as he pulled back from the hug looking into opals green eyes.

"Right!, so how have you been?" Opal said making eye contact with him and smiling.

"I've just been focusing on myself and training as always" genma said as he moved some hair our of his face.

"That's great genma...well I have to go and meet with the 5th hokage and give her a statues report about my mission...but when I see you around I promise that we will finish this conversation." Opal said as she felt bad but still held a smile on her face.

"Of course of course" genma repeated as he patted her in the head.

Opal then soon after left and was on her way to the hokages office. As she was walking She was so distracted with the new stores and the new book shop, she stopped in front of the book shop and looked through the glass to see that she saw a icha icha book she has never seen before. "Is there a new icha icha book!" Opal yelled in her head.

She immediately walked into the store and saw the icha icha book that was standing one it's shelf, only to see that there was only one more left. She walked over to the shelf and grabbed the book, only to feel another hand on top of hers.

Opal looked up and saw a light greyed hair boy that wore a mask and had one eye covered.

"I'm sorry but I really need this book and plus my hand was on it first." Opal said as she felt the guys warm hand on hers.

"What? you like reading porn?" The guy asked while making eye contact with opal.

Opal immediately started going red and looked away from the guy making him chuckle.

"Do you?" Opal asked in a attitude while making eye contact with him again, looking into his black eye.

"Well actually I do and I enjoy reading it" the guy said with a closed eye smile to opal which just made her blush even more.

"Well whatever...As I said before, my hand was on the book first which makes it fair for me to have it." Opal said while going back to her normal skin color and still making eye contact with the guy.

They guy then moved his hand to the side of tho book making it look like they both grabbed it at the same time.

"Bull shit" opal said aggressively looking at they guy, as she noticed that he had a small smirk from underneath his mask.

They guy then took his hand off of the book and looked at opal making eye contact with her once more.

"How about we make a deal?" The guy asked as he put his hands in his pockets.

"What is it?" Opal asked with her arms crossed with the book in her right hand holding it tight. "Well actually what's your name before you start talking?" Opal asked the guy as he scratched the bock of his head.

"Kakashi...kakashi hatake." Kakashi said while his hands were still in his pockets looking at opal but she looked away.

"Ok then kakashi...what is your deal?" Opal said while tracing his eye with hers once again.

"When your done with the lend me it" kakashi said effortlessly.

"Hmm" opal said Turing her head. "Who does this kid think he is?"..."fine" opal replied back to him while rolling her eyes.

"Great" kakashi said giving her a closed eye smile while walking up to her. "Here take this" kam continued as he have her the money to pay for the book.

"I'm not accepting" opal said as she moved his warm hand away from him.

"Hmm ok then" kakashi replied knowing what he had up his sleeve.

Not too long after kakashi left the store while opal still looked around for other books but ended up staying with icha icha. Once she got to the cashier register she handed her the book.

"Is your name opal?" The old lady asked as she rubbed her eye.

"Yeah?" Opal replied confused as she arched her eyebrows.

"Oh well the guy"- she stopped, "I'm pretty sure his name was kak-" she stopped again.

"Kakashi?" Opal said looking at the old lady still confused.

"Oh yeah well he came up to me and paid for it already . He told me to tell you to take it as it was a gift." The old lady said slowly.

Opal signed and shook her head. "Well thank you for your time" opal said remembering that she had to meet with the 5th hokage.

Opal soon after left kind of angry at kakashi for sound something she said no to but again she thought it was sweet.

Once she got to the hokages office she knocked on the door waiting for tsunade's approval.

"Come in" lady tsunade said through the door which made it sound faint.

Opal did as she pleaded and walked in.

Opal gave lady tsunade a full report on what had happened in the past 6 years. Even though it was the 4th hokage who sent opal on this mission.

" least everything went well, I will be taking you off missions for awhile just to see around the village and to relax. In the mean time you are dismissed" lady tsunade said with a faint smile on her face with her arms crossed while she was still sitting down.

"Thank you 5th" opal said as she left and began to walk home.

Opals POV
Once I got home a unlocked my door with my keys. It was a total mess. "Ugh" I said out loud. I began to clean up and throw away stuff I didn't need or that was to girly girl for me, 6 years ago I was 15 now I'm 21 as a jonin. It took me about 3 hours to finish cleaning my whole house. I did laundry, cleaned my kitchen, bathrooms, redid my living room, cleaned my room, and swept my balcony.

I took a nice warm shower and put on a yellow set of pajamas. It felt nice being home and comfy. I laid down and bed and took out the book kakashi bought me and started to read until my eye lids began to fell heavy. I was already halfway done but I was too tired to continue reading so I put the book back down on my night stand and turned off my night light and began to fall Sleep.

Authors note:
Let me know if the chapters are too long...I get carried away :)
Also kakashi and opal won't fall in love right away...I takes time!

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