Chapter 4

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Opals POV
"Ugh" I said with a huge headache that kept my head pounding. I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Kakashi and I had no longer needed to guard the gates so we wouldn't see each other often how we used to. I then heard a knock of my door. "Shit shit shit" I said walking out of my bedroom. I open the door and see a tall tan skinned guy that was smoking a cigarette.

"And you are?" I said while making eye contact with him with my eyebrows crossed.

"Oh yeah" he paused "my name is Asuma I'm a joinin and sensei of team 10." He stated with a smile.

"Oh um ok, so what brings you here Asuma?" I replied back while I leaned against the side of my open front door.

"Well all of the jonin are going to the BQQ tonight and kakashi told me to invite you." Asuma stated scratching the back of his head.

"That damn kakashi" "ok I don't know if I'll be able to go since I might have things to do tonight but maybe next time." I said as I gave him a quick smile then closed the door.
POV end

Opal went back upstairs and laid down in bed, she stared at her ceiling wondering why kakashi told Asuma to invite her. All though she did consider kakashi as a friend so she kinda understood why.
Asuma told her to go to the BBQ around 8 if she would be able to go. Opal did have anything to do today even though she told Asuma that she did to get her way out.

Opal got up and grabbed a pair of black ninja gear pants and a white shirt. She grabbed her towel and everything she needed the and the shower. She waited for the water to get hot until she was able to go in. Once she got in she washed her slim body and washed her dark brown hair. Not too long after she heard noises, noises like stuff were being moved around. She jump a little and turned off the shower leaving some conditioner in her hair. She quickly wrapped the towel around her body and opened the door slowly trying to not make a creak. She walked out and saw a guy in all black looking in her kitchen drawers trying to look for something. She quickly backed away knowing she doesn't have any clothing on and all her weapons were stored in her room.

She backed away slowly and once she did the floor creaked. She looked up and saw the person looking at her, He had a black mask on so she couldn't see his face. She quickly ran up her stairs tripping a little  until she felt the the masked guys hand on her ankle. He pulled her down making her towel come up a little bit but luckily didn't show anything. She kicked him as hard as she could but he wouldn't let go. Opal then grabbed the hoodie off of the guys sweatshirt and pulled him up towards her, she put her fist in a punching position in the opposite hand and threw the guy a punch in the face.

The guy fell down the stairs running out of the door. Opal quickly got up and locked the door leaning against it. Opal felts warm tears coming out of her cheeks. She then wiped her face and began to go walk upstairs. She put in her clothes still traumatized on what had just happened. Opal didn't want to stay at her house that's night so she decided to go to to the bbq Asuma was talking about. She got changed and walked out of her apartment as fast as she could.

As she was walking to the bbq she made sure about her surroundings and made sure nobody was following her. Then our of nowhere she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder, she turned around and punched the light greyed hair in she stomach. She realized it was kakashi and automatically ran to him.

"Oh my god?! Are you ok?!" Opal asked kakashi kneeling down at him and lifting up his shirt to see a huge purple bruise.

"Ouch" opal said as her eyes widened at the size on how big the bruise was.

"I mean that's what I get for sneaking up on a strong girl that doesn't know about her a surroundings." Kakashi said living up his upper half body.

"I'm so sorry kakashi, I thought that you were-" opal cut herslef of before getting to say who she think it was.

"No no, it's all my fault" kakashi replied getting up and tucking back down his shirt. "Who did you think I was?" He continued.

"Oh nobody, just a old friend who used to play tricks on me like how you just did." Opal replied back a little bit sweaty from lying.

Kakashi automatically knew she wasn't telling the truth but just played along with it.

"Oh ok, cmon let's walk to the bbq together." Kakashi said as he looked down at opal.

"How did you know I was going to the bbq right now ?" Opal asked kakashi looking up at him and making eye contact which made her slightly go pink.

"Where else would you be going, plus you would probably be in bed right now knowing you missy." Kakashi replied putting his elbow on opals head as they walked to there destination.

"Hmm" opal hummed.

Opal and kakashi got there about 10 minutes later, opal was silent the whole walk there and didn't say a thing. Opal would zone out and remember what had happened at her house and somewhat flinch every-time.

As they got to there destination they stood outside for a second. Kakashi looked down at opal and saw opal looking down.

"Hey, are you ok?" Kakashi asked as his eyebrows went down a little.

Opal quickly lifted up her head and nodded with a short little smile making eye contact with kakashi.

"Somethings not right...if you say so." Kakashi replied as he thought and as he replied looking back up at the bbq.

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