The Aftermath

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Josiah was put in a not so good situation here. Either he has to have her help him or he goes and does this on his own. The second one is not a very good choice in his mind and that left him with no other options. Josiah sighed, “Well I guess I need you at this point. But what are you gonna do?” Coral responded "I am going to guide you though your transformation. Tell you what's going to happen and such! Before we start though, do you have any questions about your transformation?" Josiah gave it some thought and said, “Well, when will I fully be transformed?”

Coral responds "A week. 7 days. No more no less." Josiah was shocked. Seven days?! I don’t even know if that’s too fast or not. Coral sees Josiah's worried expression. She responds to his worry and says, "This is how fast it happens to everyone. Just calm down, it’ll be alright." Josiah sighed, “Will I be able to control my appearance with my new abilities?” Coral responded with more hope and joy in her voice, "Yes! You will be able to control yourself just like any mermaid! Who knows, you might even have a special ability of your own!" Josiah became slightly more hopeful with a smile on his face. “Oh thank goodness! I thought I was gonna look like one permanently! Wait...did you say I might have my own special ability? Coral responded, "Yes I did! My special ability is water bending! Water bending is a rare ability! You will definitely get some sort of ability. You are not the first to change like this and you won't be the last."

Well that was reassuring, I guess, Josiah thought. “Well what now? Do I just go home like nothing happened?” Coral responded "Well I still have things to tell you. Unless you want me to follow you home. Or wait until tomorrow. It's your choice." Josiah pondered this choice in his head for quite some time. Did he want his parents to see this new girl? What would they think? Would they be okay with her being in his house? The questions rushed through his head but he knew that he needed her in case anything unexpected happened. Coral was waiting patiently for Josiah's answer. Josiah sighed and with some slight regret he said, “I guess you are going home with me.”

Coral was very happy with Josiah's answer. She responded "All right! Let's go!" So Josiah walked away and said, “Follow me then.” Coral ran after him, keeping step with him and did not say anything. Josiah was very nervous, he hardly knew if what was happening to him was even making sense and bringing this girl was making him feel like a mess. 

 -At Josiah's House-

Coral has never been at a human house before and she was very excited! Josiah on the other hand was not feeling the same way. He felt scared outta his pants. He was just glad that his parents were out tonight. Josiah trying to be proper said, “Well this is my home! Make yourself comfortable, I guess." Josiah had never had a girl over, especially not one like this. Coral plops on the couch and smiles. "Your house is awesome!" she exclaimed. Josiah smiled, “Thanks, it ain’t much but it’s home.” Coral responds "Well I wouldn't know, I lived in the ocean my whole life. So this is the best human house I've seen so far!" Josiah had one more question that he forgot to ask though, “So was there anything that I missed that is super important?” Coral responded nervously "Yes…” She tells him something that makes his whole world stop.

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