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"Look how secretly these two are going without even say hi.... mom told you you went to draw.... show me what you have you drawn'' taeyang ask. Jungkook who playing with his phone look at the two who was standing on the stairs.  Jisoo and taehyun look at each other as they communicate though their eyes. Jungkook look at jisoo's face and he saw the tense and fear in her from her face. Same goes to taehyun too. Taehyun looknat jisoo before he walks towards taeyang. Jisoo shook her head to taehyun and taehyun nodded his head which made jisoo to sigh in relief.

Jungkook saw all this. Taehyun slowly came and show the painting to taeyang and Jungkook. Jungkook was looking at taehyun's more than to the book to understand something from his face. "It is so beautiful.... after many days right you went out with your noona.... what did you do" both jisoo and taehyun's heart beats a little faster with that question. Taehyun look at jisoo.

"Eat" taehyun said and look his book and go away from there. Jisoo hugged taehyun as he reached her. Just was in big question mark. For sure he knows something have happened.

"Noona.... yesterday also that person disturb you right.... that's why your mood was off" taehyun ask as there were going to the room. Taehyun can understand that kind of things now. Jisoo answered by nodding her head. She quickly went to her room not wanting here any more questions from taehyun.

Taehyun went into the room and put his art book on the table as he put his head on the table as he sit on the chair next to the table. Every thing that happen was in his mind. He knows jisoo lied to him. Ofcourse he will now the truth and the stories that are made up. He not that young. The things that person said to jisoo is repeating near his ears. Taehyun knows there will a reason behind the fact that jisoo wants to hide this from their mother. But what will happen if this person dtart to disturb jisoo all the time.

At that time he heard someone open the door. He is so sure it is jisoo. Jisoo again is going to make up some stories so he will not say to any one. That why he didn't even look to see who that person is as he started to talk. "Noona.... didn't I told you I will not tell anyone" taehyun said.

"Tae" taehyun widen his eyes look behind to see jungkook standing infront of the door. He got scared. Will jungkook hear what he said. "Here you left your pencil case in the living room" jungkook said give him the pencil case. Taehyun sigh in relief when he thought Jungkook didn't her him. But jungkook did hear him very clearly.

When dara said she can't come to the dinner jisoo stay in the kitchen to help sasha. She put the plates on the table and went upstairs to call others. When jisoo open the door of taehyun's room he was doing some works. "Tae.... come and eat" jisoo said as she caressed his hair. Taehyun didn't say anything and went out of the room and ran down the stairs to go before jisoo. She was going to ask taehyun to call jungkook. But know she have to do this her self. She knock on jungkook's room and ask to come to eat when he opens the door.

When taeyang came they all start to eat. Unlike other day taehyun was so silent. Jungkook: saw all this. Time by time jisoo kept looking at taehyun. "Tae what happen" taeyang ask. He also didn't like this silence from taehyun. "Nothing dad.... I am just kind of sleepy.... that's all" taehyun said. Then there was only talking between taeyang and Jungkook about jungkook's job.

Jisoo took the plates and went to the balcony. She close her eyes and remember every word sehun said. There was complete fear in her heart. Same goes to taehyun too. He was drawing in a book as he was in deep thoughts. He did even knew that jungkook came in the room.

Jungkook came and caressed taehyun's hair as he sits next him. Taehyun stands up as he was shocked by this. "What happen to this house small prince" taehyun didn't say anything and looking at jungkook as he there was a fight between his heart and brain. Should he tell this to jungkook.

"Yes tae.... you can share anything you wants.... I will not tell to any one" jungkook said as he understand taehyun's look. "Trust me tae.... it will be easy for you if you share it with me.... I know some has happened.... so tell me" jungkook ask. "Hyung.... noona" jungkook holds taehyun's hand when he stops.

Taehyun told everything to jungkook. He even told that jisoo ask him not to tell their parents and make up some stories. Jungkook got angry. "But hyung.... for some reasons noona will be wanting to hide this from mom and dad.... noona even cried when that person hds her cheeks.... last night also mom told right something happen to noona.... but she didn't say right.... noona told me last night also that person disturb her" taehyun said. Jungkook got very angry. He angry at jisoo than that person.

But he controlled his anger when he saw the way taehyun is looking at him. "Really.... then I will look about this.... if your said anything like that just tell me.... and yes you don't have to hide anything from me.... okay" jungkook caressed taehyun's hair. Taehyun sigh in relief. The fear in heart is now gone. And he knows jisoo will also be out of it when jungkook said he will look after it. "Now sleep you have to go school tomorrow.... now I am in charge of it.... so don't think about it and sleep tight" jungkook said and went out of that room.

1005 words.

To be continue

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