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"That can never happen" the three of the caughted off guard when when they heard taeyang said. He was infront of the door looking angry. Jungkook and jisoo's eyes widen. "Only this family will know they are not real siblings.... what would the whole world say.... the whole world sees them as siblings.... our reputation will be all gone.... we can't go and day to every person that jungkook is really not our son.... this is something that will never happen.... I am really shocked that you agreed with this dara.... I am telling to the three of you forget about it.... this will never happen with my permission" taeyang's those words were hurting both jungkook's and jisoo's heart where dara couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that is the same taeyang she been married to years.

" aren't you the same person who keep telling to them not to think about what the world say.... if you think about the what the world say then you can't live peacefully.... but suddenly today you...." "yes I did tell.... but it is not in situations like this.... do you what will happen.... we will lose our reputation.... if you look at all jungkook's documents I will be his father and you are his mother.... the whole world believes they are siblings..... even if they are not real siblings.... they both grow up being siblings.... I never even dream about both of them wanting another relation between them.... when that day jisoo told that.... I proudly told my self jisoo will not be like that.... for sure jisoo talk about a friend" taeyang said being angry.  Dara look at floor not knowing what to say. Taeyang is also saying truth. There was complains in jisoo and jungkook's heart. They both got a hope that they can be one but even before they could celebrate they again have to forget out it.

"No.... dad please no.... I never forget that he us my brother.... even though I have this feeling I just hide it and stayed silent.... dad please don't do this.... I really love jungkook a lot.... dad think about this once.... if I change this feeling then I would have done that.... no one will know how I felt.... but today when I finally got what want why are not letting me have him.... why.... dad please don't do this.... I don't have any more patience dad.... all these years I stayed because I thought he is my brother.... but know today when I knew the truth.... I can't wait anymore.... dad please" jisoo said as she infront of taeyang and cried. She was pleading to get her love. Jungkook and dara couldn't do anything and stayed there watching jisoo cry. Jisoo heart was breaking to small pieces. But she was using her brain as she think about a way.

"Kim jisoo.... still be patience and think about him as a brother.... and forget about loving him.... you both are my children.... i don't care even though you are not real siblings and you both can get married.... that is my eldest child jungkook and you are his sister.... there can't be any other relationship between you too.... remember this" taeyang said as he moved little far from jisoo. Jungkook didn't know what to do. He don't want forget what dara and taeyang did for even when they are not related to him. At the same time he don't want to break the heart of the love of his life. Even though it was a tough decision jungkook had a final decision.

"Dad.... don't worry.... between me and jisoo there will another relation other being siblings.... I will make sure of it.... I will never forget what you both have done to me.... even though we are not related I am thankful that you call me as your eldest child.... dad I promise you.... if you don't want there will not be any other relation between me and jisoo.... I will always be your eldest child.... this relation will never happen.... I promise.... I live you both a lot.... so I can't go against any one of your will" jisoo and dara was shocked here jungkook say this. Dara couldn't say anything against taeyang but she was wishing that jungkook will change his decision.

Taeyang smiled a little after hearing jungkook. He also loves jungkook a lot. This time also jungkook save his reputation. Taeyang was also hurt by his own decision, even though he wanted to say yes to that relation he knows jungkook and jisoo can't live peacefully. He thought it will all be fine when jisoo leave to Australia after two days. "No.... no... mom tell them not to do that.... mom.... you know right how long I waited for.... mom.... please tell them not to do this" jisoo ran to dara and said. Dara couldn't do anything. She made jisoo sit on the floor as she also sit near her.

Taeyang went and hug jungkook. "Thank you son.... I thought you will be angry with me because of my this decision.... I also want you both to be happy.... but u am sorry I can't say yes to this relation.... you can understand this right" taeyang said still hugging jungkook and jungkook just nod his head as tears fell from his eyes. Dara look at jungkook not believing. There was complains in dara's eyes because of jungkook's this decision. When jungkook look at dara, dara shook her head saying not to take this decision.

"No.... dad please.... jungkook.... please.... don't do this.... dad please don't do this.... I might die" jisoo got out of dara's hold and ran to taeyang and jungkook as she hold both of their legs. Jungkook just couldn't stay anymore. He look at jisoo and make jisoo to leave his legs. "I can't stay in this house for one more second.... dad don't think that I did this because I was angry.... your decision was best for this family.... I am not breaking my relationship with you all.... but i am leaving because i love you all.... I want sometimes alone for myself.... mom.... I am sorry.... dad.... I am sorry if i have ever hurt you.... I love you both a lot" jungkook said and start to walk even with out looking at jisoo.

1061 words

To be continue

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