waking him for cuddles when you can't sleep

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With a long and heavy sigh, you ran your hands over your face before trying to close your eyes once more. But it wasn't long before you were opening them yet again as you become restless and irritated.

It's well after two in the morning now. You and Jungkook came up to bed almost two hours ago. He was so tired he fell asleep as soon as his cheek hit the pillow while you were wide awake and quickly growing frustrated.

You've tried every tactic you can think of to sleep. You've counted sheep and you've laid in the same position with your eyes closed for several minutes at a time. But it was all hopeless and the more time that passed by, the more restless you became.

Staring at the ceiling was doing you no good. So you rolled over onto your side to watch your boyfriend sleep instead. You watched his back rise and fell and listened to his soft breaths. You'd find yourself cracking a small smile on occasion when he'd let out a soft sound here and there in his sleep and move slightly, only to fall back into a deep and peaceful slumber.

You're so close to your breaking point for the night. You're so close to simply laying a kiss to your boyfriend's head and heading down the stairs for the night to find something to entertain yourself till the sun comes up.

But every time you get ready to leave the bed, there's a tug at your heart. You didn't want to leave Jungkook, knowing well enough that he'd wake in minutes without you being there with him and he'd wake up and look for you.

You didn't want to disturb his sleep, you stuck it out.

Or, you tried to, at least. Soon enough you were growing frustrated. You found it hard to lay still. You're still wide awake, despite the time now being close to three in the morning.

At your breaking point, you moved closer to hug Jungkook. His back to your chest, you found a little comfort in wrapping your arms around him. But, as much as you loved holding him, you'd much rather be held by him.

Before you could stop yourself, you were moving your hand up his back to his shoulder where you shook him slightly. He mumbled something incoherently, and let out a soft sigh as he fell back asleep. Only did he wake up when you shook his shoulder once more and began to whisper his name.

His eyes opened and when he noticed it was still dark he let them close once more. But when you said his name, this time much louder than before, he heard the sadness in your voice and they flew back open immediately.

"Y/n?" He turned around quickly and breathed out a sigh of relief when you dropped your head to his chest and moved to wrap your arms around him. He put his arm around you and his fingertips trailed along your back slowly and soothingly. "What are you doing up? It's three in the morning. Did you have a bad dream?"

"No." You mumbled and breathed out a shaky sigh against him. "I can't sleep."

"How long have you been awake for?"

"Since you fell asleep."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "What can I do to help? Tell me, I'll do it in a heartbeat."

"I know you would." You mumbled, cracking a small smile as your heartbeat became more steady. He cares about you so much, has the utmost love for you. "Can you just hold onto me? Maybe just lay with me and cuddle me?"

He couldn't deny the smile tugging at his lips. But with your face buried in his shirt, you couldn't see that. So when he said, "That's what you woke me up for?", you had apology after apology on the tip of your tongue. But you didn't even have a chance to say it, because he was speaking immediately again. "That's so sweet."

His lips touched your head, lingering in the same spot for a few seconds before he pulled back and said, "Happily."

You rolled onto your side and felt his arms wrap around you. Hugging you to his chest, he closed his eyes and breathed out a soft sigh. His legs tangled with your own and as his lips touched the side of your head, you heard him yawn but he didn't dare allow you to give it a second thought as he whispered softly in your ear.

"I like this."

You nodded and closed your eyes as his fingers started to run through your hair.

"Why can't you sleep? Something on your mind? Tell me about it, I'll listen."

You moved your hands to lay over one of his that rested on your stomach and said, "Nothing is on my mind, I promise. Just can't sleep. But you're already making me feel better. Trust me."

He nodded wordlessly and let his head fall onto yours. He brushed his thumb against the palm of your hand and started to hum in your ear. He waited for your breathing to even out till he stopped twirling your hair and peeked around to look at you.

Finding your lips parted and your eyes closed as you breathed steadily and it caused him to smile a little. He kissed your head once more and closed his eyes again.

"Goodnight, y/n. Sweet dreams." He whispered in your ear before drifting back off to sleep, happy that you were doing the same all thanks to him.

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