|28| 𝙸'𝚖 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚒𝚍 ✔︎

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Harper was nervous, as Dick's name flashed on the screen, Harper was shaking. She had decided to listen to Gar's advice and phone him. She missed him,  that wasn't a lie. She realised that, yes he did lie to not only the team but to her as well, but he did it because he was afraid. And being afraid was being human. So, she gathered her courage and dialled his number.

After minutes of gruelling waiting, his number went to voicemail. She drew back her phone before dialling it again. This was unusual, he never missed her calls. Something was wrong.

When it went to voicemail again Harper became worried. Why wasn't he picking up?

She heard a knock on the door, her  body turned as the familiar mess of brown hair, freckled face and pale skin walked into her room.

" Hey kid" Barry said as he sat down on the edge of her bed.

" You know I'm not a kid right. I'm an adult." Harper laughed, she pushed aside the negative thoughts of Dick being hurt or in danger as maybe that he just needed some space. She would check in later.

" You're still a kid in my eyes little arrow. " he grinned as he ruffled her hair.

" Bare, I'm not the sixteen year old girl anymore." She whined as she smacked his hand away.

His shoulders deflated as he looked at her sadly. " I know."

She sent him a small smile.

" I remember the first time you came to Star Labs, Iris fell in love with you immediately. She wanted to kidnap you." Barry laughed as he remembered that day. He could picture the way Iris was overjoyed and how she had hugged Harper so tight, she turned blue. After that, they spent almost the whole time talking. Iris had spilled many embarrassing stories about Barry, that it was enough blackmail for a lifetime.           " Caitlin, Cisco, Joe. They all loved you. You were so fascinated by how everything worked. But you were ever the smart ass. Cisco was not impressed that you corrected him on his modifications on the suit."

Harper laughed at the memory. Cisco had tried to add rocket boots to Barry's suit. She didn't understand why he needed them as he had super speed but she allowed for Cisco to do his thing.  But Harper saw the flaw in his model and signalled him out for it. When Cisco had ignored her, saying he was the brains of the operation and that he was qualified, he went ahead with testing the boots. Long story short, Cisco had just lost another suit.

" That wasn't my fault. I told him it was going to malfunction." Harper defended.

" You're still a kid to us. We don't want you to grow up. But seeing you now, the woman you've become. We couldn't be prouder. I'm proud of you, kid."

Tears had gathered in her eyes at his words. Without saying anything she moved across the bed and wrapped her arms around his torso. Barry held her close in his embrace as he feared the minute he let go, she would disappear.

When they pulled away, Barry had moved to the bay window as he patted the spot opposite him. Harper smiled as she sat down in front of him, their faces glowing under the moonlight as the looked out the window. They had always done this, whenever they needed to talk, they always sat by the window. It was their spot.

" You're not going to chastise me on Dick." She joked but there was a nervousness in her tone as she looked at him. If one thing Harper always strived for was making her mentors and family proud. She didn't want to let them down, or become a failure.

It wasn't in her blood.

" I'm sure you have already gotten the lecture from Oliver. I can only assume Bruce is on your guy's case as well."

It was true. Oliver had sat Harper down for almost two hours of interrogating and reprimanding, ensuring that everything was in order. It was cute, other than the fact that she wasn't a child but a grown adult.

" But I know something is going on." Barry said.

Harper sighed. " I know you're mad at him, for the secret. But kid, I've known you loved him for the longest time. You guys are strong, you'll get over this." He assured her.

" I know Bare. " She didn't know how to feel. She wanted him back, every minute apart was agonizing. She wanted him by her side again, to hold her, to kiss her. She missed him more than she realised. Had she made a mistake by leaving.

" I tried phoning him." She told the man truthfully. " He wasn't picking up. I'm worried Bare, he wouldn't just ignore my calls."

Barry leaned over and grabbed her hand. " I'm sure he is alright. Don't worry. That boy knows how to handle himself. "

" Yeah. Yeah he's fine."

That was a lie.

Harper considered telling Barry about Ryder, because she honestly just wanted to get it out there. She hoped Ryder would listen to her advice and come to his senses and return back to her, but she was scared. She was so close to having him back in her life, but one slip up, one wrong move, would mean she would lose him forever. That was something she couldn't live with.

So she didn't say anything. The less people that knew about Ryder, the better it would be for her. So instead Barry and her stayed by the window and talked about everything else. It was times like these that made her realise how much she'd missed when she had left. How much she had left behind. So for the next few hours, Barry and Harper had made up for the time they had lost.

And neither would have traded it for the world.

And neither would have traded it for the world

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Awwww Barry and Harper. Such cuties.

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