i hate mysefl

371 24 34

one day Daft Punk were hungry and wanted mcdonalds

"guy-manuel do you uh weanna go to- to th mcdondalds" thomas asked

"oui" guy-man reponseds

and then they wenrt to micdanodsl


once thy got to the mac donadl  . they were happie becasue they were arrthe mic donalss and that was where wthey wanted to go because theye were hungery and you eat food at mc donsa. 

"hey welcme to mcd onal what can i do for yout oady???????" the dued at th eufcking uhhh idk where you watlk up to order said cheefyully

Thomaf  asked "hello uh can i get a a uh ag uh kids chicken nuggest meal and th the Double quarter pounder with extra cheese, ,  hold the pickles" Guy-Man wasn't relly paying atention but he had hoped that thomas said what he told himt o say (he didnt  Lol #yolo)

as guy-man lest gis eyes scan the room meaninglesssly thtohma nudged his arm telling him thet hey were gonna go sit down at a tabel now so they went a sat at he table they saw that was empty because if you see an empty table at a resutarun you go sit at it

Eventually hteir number is called and tey go pick up thei food they odrered. yep yep

THoamddfd chucles as he hands Guy-Man the kid meal and Guy-Man is irritated but doesnt act much opon it because 1. chicken nuggets are fire and 2. the are  in public

thent hey ath te food and go bakc home wherever that s idk i guess they live tgeter in this fanficiton I Disdnt Think This Through but for the sske of this fanficiton i guess they share an appaernemnt maybe yeah that sounds fun

The End 

daft punk go to mcdonaldsWhere stories live. Discover now