Chapter 1

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I step out of my car and look at my new school, with new teachers, and new students. The school looks like any other school. It's built out of bricks. Is covered in windows and has huge doors as the main entrance. Students are rushing inside and walking around to find their friends.

I take a deep breath and grab my backpack. I put it on and start walking towards the main entrance.

I had friends at my old school, but... well I should've told you this. My parents are divorced. My mom took me when she left and my dad took my brother. My mom thinks it's a good idea for me to come here and spend some time with my dad and brother.

My brother and I use to be very close. We were best friends. Mom and dad would fight a little. And when I was little I'd get scared and start crying. I'd walk into my brothers room knowing he'd calm me down. But after my parents split up we stopped talking to each other. And I have a feeling being back home is going to be nothing like how it was before mom and dad split up.

I sigh and walk into the office. "Hi I'm new." I quietly say. The secretary looks at me. She looks me up and down and gives me a dirty look. Why's she give me a dirty look. I don't look bad well I mean I'm not super pretty but I'm not ugly. I have brown wavy hair and big brown doe eyes as my mother called them. I'm pretty short I'm 5'1.

Is it my outfit? Does she not like my outfit. I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing ripped blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. I have on white sneakers and my jean jacket.

The secretary rolls her eyes. "Name." She says in a very bitchy voice. "Scarlett Stone." The chic rolls her eyes again and starts typing something on the computer. "Here." She says tossing a map of the school and my schedule to me. "Thanks." I quietly say and walk out of the office.

I put my schedule in my backpack and start looking for my brother. Dad said that he normally hangs out with his friends near the art room. I wonder around and find the art room. I look around and see him.

He has brown hair like me but he has blue eyes. He's really tall about 6'1 maybe 6'2. He has tattoos on his arms. I'm not sure if they cover his whole arm all I know is he's wearing a t-shirt and from the sleeves of t-shirt and down are covered in tattoos. It looks like he has a lip piercing. He changed a lot since my mom and I left. Then again that was almost 7 years ago.

I'm not sure if it's him though it doesn't look like him. I mean the hair and eyes are the same as him but he doesn't look like my brother. He laughs and fixes his hair. On his wrist is a bracelet. It's a gold chain it has no charms on it just a plain gold chain. And I have one just like it.

When my parents got them for us my brother promised to never take it off. And take bracelet is just like mine. That means that's him that's my brother. My best friend.

I smile a huge smile and run over to him I wrap my arms around him hugging him. "Hi bubba." I say in my normal quiet voice. Shawn(my brother) pulls me away from him and looks confused. I look at him also confused.

He moves his hand and picks up a strand of my wavy brown hair. I look at him even more confused. He pulls on the strains of hair. I don't think he meant it but he did. I quickly move away. "Oww that hurt." He smiles and pulls me towards him hugging me.

I giggle and pull away. "What are you doing here" he says shocked and I smile. "Mom thought it was a good idea for me to spend some time with you and dad sooo here I am." I say and he looks at me. My smile drops and forms into a frown. "Did dad not tell you."

Shawn shakes his head and then smiles. "It's fine I'm glad you're here. Come on I'll show you to your class." He says and grabs my hand pulling me. Everyone in the hallways are looking at us. "Bubba you're walking to fast and pulling my arm to hard." I say and he slows down.

"What class do you have first." He ask. "Biology with Mr.Thomas." "You're with me." "You have biology but your a senior." I say confused and he laughs. "I know but the school fucked up my schedule and I didn't have a science class last year." "Ohh well that makes sense." He laughs and pulls me up the stairs.

"So why do you have so many tattoos are you like a bad boy now or something." "Yeah my friends and I...." he stops talking "my friends I forgot about them I was supposed to meet them downstairs. I was so excited you're here I forgot." He says chuckling.

He shrugs "they'll see me later "anyways my friends and I..well I had a few tattoos before I met them, but once we became friends we all decided to get tattoos and I decided to get sleeve tattoos." "Well what about your lip piercing." "Ohh I got that when I was 16 I think."

"Wow." He laughs and pulls me into a classroom. "This is the science room. You probably have to ask Mr.Thomas where you're going to sit." I nod and walk over to the teacher. "Hi" I say. The teacher looks up at me. "What." He says a little annoyed.

I jump up and back up a little. "I just wanted to know where I'm going to sit." The teacher looks at me again and sighs. "I'm sorry I thought you were one of the cheerleaders." I laugh and shake my head.

"Sit next to Mr.Stone." He says and I nod. I smile and run over to over. "Hey bubba guess what." "What." He says and I smile. "Mr.Thomas said I'm sitting next to you." He smiles. "Great now I can cheat off you." I glare at him. "Oh come on no glaring you know you're a lot smarter than me."

I roll my eyes and smile. I put my backpack next to me and sit in my seat. I get out my pencil and put it on my desk. I glance over at Shawn and smile a small smile.

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