Chapter 16.) Stuck

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That's how I ended up in the white room that I escaped out of. Now, I'm locked in this cold, dark room, and I can't move.

"E-Evelyn?" A voice called. "Is that you?"

It was her.

"Morgan!" I shouted. "Morgan where are you?" I struggled to sit up.

"Over here," I heard her faintly call. "I got caught sounding the alarm." I couldn't see her through the darkness.

"We'll get out. Jason's here, and so is Elliot," I had told the group about him a while ago. Did they know where we were? Did they get caught too?

I sat up and began wriggling my wrists, hoping they'd slide out of the cuffs, but they didn't. I struggled into a squatting position and brought my hands from behind me under my legs and over to my front. I wobbled as I stood, maintaining my balance. Slowly, I kept jumping until I made my way to the barred doors. I took my iron cuffs and began banging on the bats with them, hoping Jason and Elliot could hear it and come to get us.

After about 10 minutes or so, an alarm went off for a few seconds, then turned off. Morgan had been working on standing up, and finally, when she did, she said, "It's the signal!" She saw my confused expression on my face.

"We made a signal, Jason and I. If anything went wrong with our plan while we were here, that's what we would do as a distraction. We came up with it the night before you escaped," she explained. "They're coming!" I kept banging on the bars and she did too. I heard something bang against the door. I stopped and dropped down to the floor. Something jiggled the handle. Then, the door flung open.

"Elliot!" I cried. He put a finger to his mouth to shush me. He pulled out a small knife and played with the my lock on the bars. Jason appeared in the doorway, watching for anybody coming nearby. The bars flung open and Elliot began unlocking the cuffs on my feet, knees, and finally, my wrists. He grabbed both of my hands and helped me stand up. I wobbled a little bit, but he straightened me.

"I'm so glad you came!" I whispered to him, tears of joy running down my cheeks. He blushed.

That moment, without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. I sensed his shock, but he wrapped his arms around me. We released, and he went to help Morgan.

Oh my god. I kissed him? Do I- do I like him? But, I'm matched to Jason. And what about Nick? I stood by the gate, staring at the floor, thinking. I didn't realize that Morgan met Jason at the door and Elliot was leading me out. I shook my head, clearing out my thoughts. We ran faster towards our nearest exit.

We were outside, and all that was left of our group and our rescue was the one car that was locked.

"Stand back," Elliot said, approaching the car. He smashed the driver's window and cleared away the glass before jumping through it and into the car.

"I heard this from a guy in the jail," I heard him say. The three of us neared the car and saw he was fiddling with something underneath the wheel. Finally, the car rumbled to life, and he unlocked the doors.

"Anyone know how to drive?" He asked, a grin on his face.

Jason raised his hand, and Elliot slid over to the passenger's seat. Jason got in, and Morgan and I were in the back.

"One thing," Jason said. "Where are we going?"

"Let me check," Morgan replied, sliding out her tablet. A few minutes later, she said, "Noelle says their goal is to reach Zale, then they'll all hop the fence from one of the roof's buildings. Make any sense to you guys?" Elliot looked back over to me. "Do they mean the Wallace store? The roof's slanted, and it'll take a good jump to land in the little lake."

"I guess that's our only bet," I replied. The rest of the car ride was quiet. Everyone was exhausted and tired. Finally, we got there, and saw the other cars and our group. We made our way to the Wallace store in small groups, so it wouldn't seem as suspicious. We climbed the ladder and hurried over to the other corner of the roof where we'd jump off. I felt the wind whip through my hair as I jumped, and then the cool rush of the water as I landed.

I'm free! I'm actually free!

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