Nursing The Pups

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They sat cross-legged on the floor as Seokjin guiding Yoongi's arm to the back on Jungkook's neck.

Yoongi groaned uncomfortably.

"You'll get the hang of it. It's not so bad." The oldest Omega said.

"I'm am Omega nursing a's bad." He huffed, earning a chuckle from Seokjin.

Jungkook whined, causing the newly presented Omega to tense.
"What's wrong with him? Seokjin, what does he want?"

"Well...He likes to lay his hand on my chest to feel my heartbeat as he feeds." Seokjin smiled, running a hand through Jungkook's hair.

Yoongi lift the Pup's hand to his chest, over his heart.

Jungkook relaxed, closing his eyes.

"Jungkook is the easiest to feed. Jimin would rather doze off and sleep instead of feeding, which can be frustrating. And Tae...he gets restless and bored, he can be a handful." He smiled.

Yoongi huffed.
"This is exhausting enough. If Taehyung is going to be a pain in the ass, I'm not feeding him."

Namjoon walked into the room, he smiled to the newly presented Omega.

Yoongi turned his flushed face away from the head-Alpha's view.

"You're doing an amazing job." Namjoon said.

"He is, isn't he." Jin smiled up at the Alpha.
"Can you tell Tae to come in here." He said, starting to take his shirt off.

Namjoon nodded, leaving the room. Returning a few seconds later with the other unpresented in tow.

"C'mere Tae." Seokjin urged, beaconing the Pup towards him.

"I'll show you how to handle him when we feed, it might be able to help." Jin smiled.

Yoongi nodded, watching as Taehyung flopped heavily into the oldest Omega's lap with a playful smile, causing Seokjin to groan.

"Pup. You've been warned about that before. Don't do it again." Namjoon glared to the unpresented.

Taehyung huffed.
"Yes, Alpha." He mumbled.

Seokjin sighed, taking hold of the younger boy's hands, trapping them between both of their bodies.
"You need to restrain his hands or he'll start pulling at everything out of boredom. He's broken a few of my necklaces and bracelets, as well as completely picked out the threading on three of my favourite shirts." Jin sighed heavily.

Yoongi glared at the young unpresented with an unimpressed look.

Taehyung shrugged.
"It's not my fault. I get bored."

"But it IS your fault for acting like a brat." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Namjoon sighed.
"Don't argue."

The Head-Omega smiled, moving the young unpresented to a comfortable position.
"If you bite me this time, I won't be feeding you anymore, and neither will Yoongi-Hyung. Do you understand me?" Seokjin asked sternly.

The unpresented whined but nodded.
"Yeah, Hyung, I understand." He mumbled.

The Omega nodded once.
"I like to lean back against something when feeding Tae, with him being so restless, it puts strain on my back."

Yoongi wanted to make old man jokes, but decided against it.

The Head-Omega shuffled backward till he was resting against the wall.
"Much better." He smiled, moving Taehyung's hands back between them, having dislodged from their spot during the shuffle.

Yoongi watched as Taehyung attached himself to the Omega.

Seokjin smiled, hummed to the younger boy, slowly rubbing his thumb gently down the boy's cheek bone.

Yoongi watched as milk dribbled down the side of the Pup's mouth.

Namjoon sighed.
"Don't eat like a pig. Calm down."

The Pup glared to the Alpha, but slowed down none-the-less.

The newly presented Omega didn't notice when Jungkook stopped feeding.

Seokjin nudged Yoongi, nodding towards the youngest Pup.

Yoongi looked down, looking into Jungkook's big eyes.
"Everything alright, Pup?" He asked.

"Can we build a nest?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi nodded.
"Yeah, later. I want to feed Jimin first tho."

The young unpresented nodded, tucking his face into Yoongi's shoulder.

The Omega smiled.
"Can you go get Jimin for me please, Pup?"

The younger boy whined.

The Omega cocked his head.
"The faster you get going, the faster we can build a nest."

Jungkook got up and walked out of the room.

Seokjin chuckled.
"You're already handling them so well."

Namjoon nodded.
"What a great Omega." He said playfully.

Yoongi sighed.
"So embarrassing." He mumbled, earning laughter from the other two.

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