Protective Taehyung and Jimin

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"I can't believe Yoongi wouldn't let us go for a walk by ourselves. That damned Omega can be so paranoid." Taehyung scoffed.

Jimin giggled.
"He just worries about us. His inner Omega is strict, and doesn't like when we're out alone." He smiled.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"You're twenty, no longer a Pup. And I'm an Alpha-"

"You may be an Alpha, but you're still a Pup, Tae." Jungkook spoke up.

"Not for much longer. They treat us like babies!" Taehyung huffed.

"Who cares. Namjoon-Hyung gave us permission and freedom to go out. Why does it matter?" Jimin said with a slight irritated frown, irritated at the Alpha Pup who could never seem to look on the bright side of things.

The glass is half full, Tae!

Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Umm earth to Jimin, he made us turn the tracking notification on." He huffed, the grip on Jungkook's hand tightened a little.

Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Just be thankful we're actually aloud out by ourselves for onc-" Jimin was cut off by a stranger's voice.

"Annnd What do we have here? Two Omegas...and an Alpha Pup. How...delightful." A predatory look took over the strange Alpha's face.

Taehyung snarled, stepping in front of his Omegas.
"Get away." He growled.

The man smirked.
"Oo I love an Alpha with spark." He stepped closer.

Taehyung's grip on the Omegas tightened, causing them to whimper.

Jungkook shook with fear, gripped the back of Taehyung's shirt with his free hand.

"Tae...let's go." He mumbled.

The large Alpha in front of them snapped his attention to the youngest.
"Awe and look at you. Newly presented, I see. How long? A week, maybe two?" He laughed as Jimin growled at him.

"I wonder just how fertile a newly presented-" the man didn't get to finish his sentence as he was tackled.

"Taehyung! Stop!" Jungkook panicked, about to rush forward, but Jimin held him in place.

"Jimin, let me go! Taehyung will kill hi-"

"Good." Was all Jimin said as he glared to the bleeding Alpha on the ground.

"Fuck! Okay. Pup, get off." The man said, tapping Taehyung on the arm as if to say 'I surrender, I'm no longer a threat.'

Taehyung growled in his face.
"I'll rip your throat out if you look at him again."

The Alpha huffed, annoyed at the situation.
"Got it, little Pup. Now get off me." He said, pushing Taehyung off of him.

"I'll see you around." He smirked, winking to them.

Taehyung was about to pounce on him again, but Jungkook grabbed him by the back of the shirt.
"Stop. Let's just go home." He whined. He hated that their first walk without one of their elder pack members was ruined.

"Don't tell any of the Hyungs. They'll never let us out of their sight ever again." Taehyung huffed.

Jimin nodded.

Jungkook bit his lip. He REALLY hated lying. Plus if one of the elders found out something was wrong with him, he would crack under the pressure.

But he nodded anyway.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook into a hug.
"You alright, Pup?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded.
"Just...that was so scary." He sighed in relief.

Jimin kissed his cheek.
"We'll keep you safe, Kookie. You don't have to worry about that."

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