Babying Yoongi

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Yoongi paced back and forth in the Omega's Den. He woke up feeling 'off'.

He felt tired, like he just hadn't slept ten whole hours that night.

His body felt lethargic, and his mind was foggy.

Seokjin stepped into the Omega's Den, noticing the younger Omega's behaviour.

He instinctively pulled Yoongi into their Nest.

"You alright, Yoonie?" He asked.

Yoongi whined.
"Yeah, Hyung." He mumbled.

Seokjin whined back in reply, starting to groom the younger boy.

Yoongi groaned in protest.

The Older Omega grinned, rubbing their cheeks together.
"Feeling alright?" He asked again, hoping the stubborn Omega will actually answer him this time.

Yoongi sighed.
"I don't feel sick...but I don't feel 'well' either. I'm tired, my body feels weak, and my head feels foggy. Kind of like a dream." He sighed, closing his eyes to stop the world from tunnelling.

Seokjin whined.
"Do you need anything? Let me know and I can get it for you." He was about to get up when Yoongi pulled him into a hug.

He blushed.
"Just stay here." he said, pausing for a moment.
"Actually, get Jimin and Jungkook in here too." He pouted.

The head-Omega smiled brightly.
"I'll be right back!" He chirped, tripping over his own feet as he clambered out the bedroom door, calling out to the two younger Omegas.

Yoongi sighed, wondering if asking for the two little shits was actually a good idea.

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