Chapter 2: Meeting

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Wang Yibo's POV

Early morning I was woken up by a knock. I know only one person can freely do this to me and that's no other than my brother, Haikuan. My head is throbbing , it hurts a lot. Last night I am with my friends at a club. Playing around girls and drinking different wines until I got drunk I don't even know who sent me home.

I didn't speak or respond to the knock I just dragged my heavy body from the bed to open the door for my brother. I might have a very bad and cold attitude towards others but my brother is the only exception. He is my best friend, brother and also my only play mate when I was young.

Upon opening the door I saw his calm and bright smile. My brother never faild to give that smile to anyone. That smile makes everyone's day bright. His personality is actually the the opposite of mine. Cold stoic and always serious are what they all call me. They even gave me a title, Ice Prince.

"Yibo, we will go to Xiao Mansion tomorrow. Prepare yourself and clear your schedule." He said calmly and I nodded

"Let's have breakfast now " he added

"Ge, just go I am not feeling well I will follow you later I just want to sleep" I replied and I saw a slight disappointment in his face but still smiled at me

"Ok then, I will send your food in your room" said brother

"Ok ge" I said with a sleepy voice

Oh yeah, today i heard that the youngest child of Xiao family will arrive from America this afternoon and tomorrow we will be going at their house. I don't know what or why my presence is needed but I don't really wanna go but I have no choice since my brother asked me so.

It's been 10 years and now he's back. I wonder if he still remembers me but who cares, I don't give a damn about it anymore. I went back to my bed and started to sleep because the pain in my head is now killing me.

A few hours has passed I was woken up by my phone. It's ringing so loud and it irritates me. I took my phone and I found out it's Emily. I answered the phonewhile I'm still sleepy.

" Babe, how are you?" She said in a flirtatious tone

"I'm fine I just need to rest, my head is throbbing" I replied in a lazy manner

"Do you want me to got at your house?" She asked and I said No need and we end our call

Hell no, I never took anyone in our house except for my friends because of my father. He doesn't want anyone entering our house if he doesn't know who that person is.

It's night time already I better get some rest for we will be going out tomorrow. I placed my tired body on my bed and started to cover myself with a blanket
My mind started to drift off to my own dreamland.

The following day I woke up 6 in the morning. I took a shower and change my clothes. I just chose a casual attire since we will just visit them at their house. Maybe a family gathering?I don't  know. I went down to the dining area and saw my broth and father while the maids are preparing our drinks for this morning. I took my seat at the opposite side of my brother. Few minutes passed by and the coffee and bread are now being served. We ate quietly for speech is forbidden while eating in our family. We just drank coffee and bread since we will have breakfast at the Xiao's.

After eating my father was the first one to speak. The thing he said is directly said to me. I know how serious it is and now I'm curious as to what will happen.

"Son, be prepared I'm sorry but this is needed to be done" Father said and he pats my shoulder.

We all stood up and went to the car, I'm curious. I'm not aware of what's happening, I look at my hrother and he just smiled at me. After half an hour we reached their mansion. It's like ours but theirs is just surrounded by more plants and trees. The gate opened and we entered. After  awhile we got out of the car and we are greeted by a pair of lovely couple. They took us to the living room and we sat there, they started to have conversation with my brother, father and me occasionally.

A few hours has passed when I heard someone running and screaming. Looking up I saw 2 boys chasing each other. Childish. They stopped the moment they saw us. I can say that they are shocked.

"I'm sorry about that, well they didn't know that we will have visitors today" Uncle Jueming said and we nodded

"Kids introduce yourselves" Aunt Yi said

The first one to intruduce himself is Zhuocheng.

"Hello, My name is Zhuocheng" he said and smiled

"Ahh you've grown up into a fine young man A-cheng" said father with a smile

"Hi I'm Se.. ohh Zhan, nice meeting you" Zhan said

"Zhan, you've become more beautiful and why is that?" Father said while chuckling

"Uncle, I'm handsome not beautiful" Zhan replied while pouting.

He looks so cute, what am I saying? He is such a childish person

After they introduce themselves, me and brother told them who we are and after a while we went to the dining area and there I saw a Young Maiden, Yanli-jie. I met her several times before and I know her. Zhan sat beside her and I sat infront of her. We started eating when the food is now setved by the maids.

Something caught my eye. Wait, what? Yanli-Jie is feeding Zhan like a baby. I shake my head he is such a child. I was disturbed by father when he spoke.

"The Xiao and Wang fakily has been friends for a long time, now it's time to talk about strengthening our bond through marriage" father said.

I look at everyone who has smile on their faces except Xiao Zhan whose busy eating while Yanli-Jie is feeding him.

"Ohh, Ge who will you get married to?" I asked and he chuckles.

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