Chapter 1: Arrival

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Xiao Zhan's POV

It's been 13 hours since I sit in this chair. Beside me is a man sleeping, maybe he is a businessman or an assistant who went to a business trip according to his clothes. Well,  the whole 13 hours I've been sitting and waiting patiently. I read business books and news about what's  happening n the world. The sit is comfortable and I'm sitting beside the window. There's only one person sitting beside me which made the place spacious and I can move freely.

Yes, right now I am sitting in a first class seat. My grandma said so because the trip is long and it's better to have lesser people around. I just agreed to my grandma, I love her very much and I don't want her to be worried about me. 

Before going back my grandma gave me a choice. If everything is so hard when I go back I can come back to US and continue my studies there instead. I am now going back to China since my Father and mother wanted me to spend my College years in China. At first, my grandparents don't want the idea but I assured them that I will be fine. That's when they both tell me about the choices they gave me. A night before my flight my father called me telling me the most shocking news in my life. I'm getting married and with a man. I don't  really mind marrying a man but the fact that I am marrying a person whom I don't know makes me quite uneasy but I just approved to make everyone happy. I didn't  tell my grandparents about this because I know they will be worried about me and I don't want that to happen, they are now old and is still running the company which is a huge responsibility and I don't want to add any more of their burdens.

The man beside me now starts to wake up. He fix himself and look at me. He is mesmerize?No, he just look at me with a smile. From his appearance I can see that he is an American but what does he need in China. Well, that's none of my business so I didn't  bother to ask.

"Hello there!My name is Mark, is it also your first time to go in China?" He asked me and I was quite shocked.

"Ahh Hi Mark, I'm  Sean well it's not my first time but this is the only time I went back home after 7 years" I replied and he smiled

"That's  good to know, now it's  time for you to enjoy your time with your family to make up with the past 7 years" he said and I smiled also

Well, Mark is a good guy in my opinion. The way he talks and smiles. I think this man has a family of his own already. We kept on talking with each other and I can say that he is a hardworking man and a good man. We didn't notice that  we are now about to land until the pilot started to tell us to fasten our seatbelts and we all gladly obliged. Finally, this 15 hours ride is finally over now I just want to rest and think about what to do next but that will only happen when I will reach home.

We finally landed. People now are starting to go out and Mark already walk towards the exit yet I still look at the window. I'm feeling nervous at the same time happy. Different emotions are eating me right now, I took a deep breath and placed a bright smile.

"I'm  back." I said to myself and started to prepare to go out as well. I took my bag and went out, I didn't brought a lot of stuffs knowing that I have plenty of things at home and if everything didn't fit then I will just go and shop everything I need.

Now, it's  time to go and meet my family. I know a lot of things changed for the past 7 years but if there is one thing that didn't change then thats us. We are still thesame like we used to, a happy ,contented family  and  supportive to each other.

Upon my arrival I saw my siblings with my father and mom. I smiled at them and my siblings went straight to me and gave me a huge and tight hug. After they let go of me my parents hugged me too. We exchanged jokes and we talked a lot. We laugh until we went to the car that's  waiting for us. We went straight to our mansion still the same like it used to. Elegant and charming, its home no matter what. We entered and we are greeted by our housekeeper and our butler,Uncle Pal.

Someone took my things and place inside my room. Me and my siblings talked a lot, we made sure to tell stories towards each other for hours until Uncle Han called us for dinner. We all went to the dinning table and we are greeted by the warm smiles of our parents. Everything that was served today are my favorites we sat and started eating.

"Zhan, your brother fixed everything for you at school and your schedule is also fixed already. You can start attending your classes two weeks from now since this week will be a busy week for you." Father said with a warm smile. Oh yeah how can I forget about the wedding maybe I will get married next week  well who knows?just maybe.

"Yes father I wil ask Cheng-ge about it " I replied and started eating.

We had a meaningful and fun conversation during this dinner. We laugh and talk about serious stuffs. I saw my family happy and that makes me the happiest one. The hoise seems to be very lively and now I'm starting to think about my grandparents in US. I hope they are fine and doing well.

After eating dinner I excused my self and went to my room. I'm  tired and I need to rest. Despite of being tired I took my phone and called the person I love the most who is left at US for a while. After a few minutes I placed my tired and sleepy body on top of my king size bed and darkness finally consume me. I slept and took a rest for it's  been a long day.

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