Chapter 4: Agreement

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After a long day, the wedding is now finish. This is the day the pair won't need to go home to their parents houses for they will be living together. Upon entering the house they started to unpack their things. After a while they sat a the living area.

" I need you to sign this, this are the rules that we must follow" Yibo said and gave it to Xiao Zhan which the other accepted.

1. Mind your own business.
2. You don't know me at school so don't mention about us to anyone, approach me or even call for my attention.
3. No bringing of anyone inside the house.


Xiao Zhan took out a pen and signed the paper. He gave it back to Yibo and told him that he will go to his room to unpack and the other just nodded.

Upon entering his room Xiao Zhan took a deep breathe and gave his best smile and continued to work. He fixed his clothes and placed them on his cabinet. He called at US to get some Updates from his closest friend Yubin.

"Sean, good thing that you called. How are you and how does he treats you?"

"Yubin, we just got married and now I'm unpacking my clothes because we just move in. I'm fine though. How is everything doing there?" Zhan asked

"Everything is under control specially with the help of Jiejie so don't worry too much. We'll call you when needed"

"That's  good to hear. Don't hesitate to call me when you need anything. Ok then bye!I will call you again soon now I have plenty of things to do."

They ended the call and Xiao Zhan lay on his bed. He took a nap and after an hour he woke up. It's  time for dinner, he went to the kitchen to start cooking hoping that Yibo will join him. He fixed the dinning table and placed the food once satisfied he smiled and went to Yibo's room.

He knocked at his room while calling his name. He smiled when Yibo opened the door but was taken a back when Yibo said one word to him in  a angry manner.


"It's time for dinner" Zhan said sheepishly

"Ok, just eat I'm full" Yibo said lazily
Zhan was a bit disappointed but he still smiled and went to eat

Zhan ate alone but he still smiled. He aye half of what he cooked and he is happy that it tastes good. Tomorrow is the first day of school. They are now in 2nd year college. Yibo's University and his is thesame so he will see his husband sometimes.

Zhan heard that Yibo's cousin, Wang Yang is also there but he doesn't know that person since he is still travelling back during the wedding. Well, he will see him tomorrow so he's hoping for the best that he doesn't know anything about Sean Xiao in US.

After eating he fxed the table, he wash the dishes and went back to his room. It's still early so he decided to paint. Just to let his emotions go. He painted for hours until he felt sleepy. He fixed his paints and brushes. He went to his bed and dozed off to sleep.

The following morning, Xiao Zhan is the first to wake up in the morning he went to the kitchen and started to cook for their breakfast. After cooking he prepared the table and went straight to the bathroom and take a bath upon going out the restroom he saw Yibo prepared and ready to go.

Zhan expected Yibo to take a sit and eat but expectations are not the reality. Yibo went straight to the door and went out leaving Xiao Zhan alone. Zhan just smiled and fixed himself, he then went to get his car and went straight to the univesrsity.

After a few minutes he reached the University. He parked his sportscar and went to his assigned room. Now he is wearing his casual attire making him look adorable.

 Now he is wearing his casual attire making him look adorable

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He went out of his car and entered the university. He is now looking where his first class will be held. Everyone is looking at him, he is looking good walking on the hallway. Finally he found his room and he can see the teacher inside. He knocks at the dor earning everyones attention. He smiled and enter looking at their amazed faces.

"Oh I almost forgot you will be having a new classmate he's a transferee" said he professor.

"Hi everyone my name is Xiao Zhan, I hope we will get along well in the future" he said

"You can go and take a sit beside Ms. Qing" Xiao Zhan smiled

Xiao Zhan took his sit beside Qing, Lan, Xingchen and Ning.

"Hi my name is Song Lan you can call me Song-ge"

"Hi my name is Qing, call me anything you want"

"M-my name i is Ning"  and Zhan smiled

"Nice meeting you guys, It's good to have friends in school"

The professor told them evrything that they needto know and the things they need to do. The welcoming party is also announced that's why this day they will be allowed to go home early to prepare for the ball 6 in the evening.

It's time for lunch, the four of them went to the cafeteria at the most secluded place. Ning and Xingchen are the ones who went to get foods when girls started screaming. Zhan look at the source but was shocked to see when it was his husband with 3 other boys and a girl is holding his husband. He felt hurt but didn't mind anyhing, instead he asked.

"Who are they?"

"Zhan, they are the University  Prince's . Wang Yibo, Wang Yang, Cao Yixuan, and Jili" Qing said

"Thats only 4 then who's that girl?"

"That's Emily Qi, the Qi Heiress, he might be the fling of Yibo for this week" Ning said and Zhan just nodded.

They ate until they are done. They went home to prepare. Everyone is excited, Zhan can hear the girls telling how they will prepare in order for Yibo to notice them but he didn't care. He went straight home and rest for a while.

It's already 4 in the afternoon when he woke up, he is used to this kind of ball since the school where he's from hold a  banquet every month to celebrate their achieements which Zhan is also part of.

He stayed in a bubble bath for 30 minutes and he startedto fix himself after. The view of what happen awhile ago keeps on playing on his mind. He then snap out of his thoughts and went out to his car to go to the reception.

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