Chapter 3: Wedding

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Everyone was smiling then Yibo asked his older brother the question that made his brother chuckle.

"Ge, congratulations but who are you going to marry?" Yibo asked Haikuan

"It's not me but you , Yibo" he replied to his brother

Yibo's spoon now fell from his hand. He is shocked and stopped for a while but what made him more shocked is when his father continued to speak.

"You and Xiao Zhan was arranged to marry ever since you're  children. Your mother's  wish is for the both of you to be married." Wang Qiren said ang Yibo just nodded.

Yibo didn't utter a single word since that statement was released.

"So when will we hold the wedding?" Jueming asked

"Before they go to school." Wang Qiren said

"Is that fine?" Asked Xiao Yi

"Ok, Mom" Xiao Zhan simly replied

"It's fine Aunt" Yibo said

It's not like they have a choice. They will get married whether they like it or not for it's been arranged eversince  before.

Yibo then spoke and give his condition in this wedding to everyone which made everyone listen to him

"I will agree in this marriage but only us and relatives will know and invited" Yibo said with a strict tone.

"Ok, anything else?" Wang Qiren said

"Nothing else, that's all father" Yibo said and the others ascended

Now everythings settled, they will get married next week before they go to school. Our relatives will be invited and it won't be featured in news.

Xiao Zhan's family thought it's  not a good idea but Zhan said it's  fine. Thats when they decided that the wedding will be simple yet elegant then the guests will be their relatives. Shareholders and business partners aren't invited.

Days passed quite fast today is now the wedding day. Everyone is busy fixing themselves for the big day. Now, they are at their own houses preparing to go at the reception where the wedding will take place.

Xiao zhan is now looking at e mirror while they are fixing his hair. Suddenly words from his grandma came to his mind.

'Zhan, your wedding day should be your happiest day. That day will only happen once in your life so make the most of it during that day' Zhan closed his eyes for a while and smiled. A few minutes passed and now he is ready. He is wearing a suit with a dark color. He is now looking at the mirror then a knock came from the door.

"Zhan, you look great

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"Zhan, you look great. Our baby is now grown up" Xiao Yi said to Xiao Jueming.

"Ofcourse mom be happy that you have a very handsome baby." Zhan said with a wide smile.

The three hugged each other and the two siblings entered the room.

"Can we join the group hug?" Asked Yanli

"Ofcourse Jie, come here and also you grumpy Gege" Zhan said and all of them laugh

"Zhan , if he hurts you just tell me and I will break his legs" Zhoucheng said in a serious tone

"Aiyaa I will Ge. I know you love me alot" Zhan said

"Who loves you?" Zhoucheng said as he rolled his eyes.

All of them laugh at the ohers actions being seen. They are indeed a happy family. They hugged together once more and left the room

On the other side, Wang Yibo is now looking at himself at the mirror he is wearing a suit thay has a darker shade of black than Zhan. He is fixing his bow when a sudden hand reached his shoulders.

"Yibo, I know that you are against this marriage but please do understand

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"Yibo, I know that you are against this marriage but please do understand. This marriage has been arranged by our mother long time ago.You will learn how to love Zhan someday he isn't that hard to fall inlove with" Haikuan said

"Yes brother I understand but Love?I won't be able to love him even in the future or now" Yibo responded and Haikuan sighed they both left the mansion

Fast forward, now Zhan is walimg on the aisle while Yibo is infront. Te smile on Zhan's face never left but somehing is running on his mind, ge conversation of him and his mother.


"Zhan, if two years this marriage will still won't work then  just get divorce ok?just tell us and we got jour back." Xiao Yi said

"Don't worry mother this will work so dont worry too much about me mom" Zhan said to make  sure his parents won't worry too much but deep inskkde he himself is not sure of this will work or not.

End of Flashback

They now reached the place where Yibo is standing with his brother. Xiao Jueming took Yibo's hand and placed it on top of Zhan's.

"Yibo, take care of my son. This day on I will leave him in your care" Jueming said

"Don't worry Dad, I will take care of him now and in the future" Yibo said

Now it's time for their vows.

" I, Wang Yibo, take Xiao Zhan  to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and there to I pledge thee my faith."

"I, Xiao Zhan , take Wang Yibo to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

"You may now kiss your partener"

Wang Yibo don't know whether he will kiss Xiao Zhan or not but wveryone is now waiting so he kissed him at his cheeks. Everyone giggles and are happy except for him. They now started to eat and the ceremony took a whole day before it's done.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan went to the house given by Xiao Zhan's father. From this day on, they will live together n their own house given to them. They won't be able to protest so they did as they were told upon.

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