Though the valley persisted and the mountains on both sides remained, the tree canopy on the east side of the river broke open into a wider clearing. It was so broad that they could see the blue sky and the sun overhead. Jake found it refreshing and informative. Judging by the position of the sun, he clocked the time at around an hour past noon. With his stomach complaining, he slung his backpack off his shoulder and unzipped it as they continued their journey. He fingered out a beef jerky and a power bar. Tony got the same idea, and before long, everyone had stopped for a lunch break.
As they rested, Jake took an imperceptible glance at Dr. Graham as the man stared out at the river, not eating like everyone else. At first, he recalled being impressed with Graham's force of character. He was determined and possessed a lot of nerve, enough to continually hound Dylan and Savannah about the map and their presence on the island. And as he'd mentioned at least twice before, if Jake remembered correctly, he had survived in this wilderness, alone, for two months. Jake didn't question his ability to help them, especially when it came to staying alive, but then the doctor kept pressing the issue about the gold and he kept spying over Savannah's shoulder to study the old map.
Jake bit his lower lip. It seemed like Graham had a keen interest in the treasure. It appeared he wanted to help them find it as much as he wanted to help them survive. Maybe more? Who knew? Maybe Jake was thinking too hard about this? Anyone would be interested in gold. Right?
After finishing the beef jerky, he bit into the power bar.
"You're hungry," Sarah said, nestling next to Jake on a rock with the river providing a picturesque backdrop with the natural rush of rapids. "It hasn't been that long since breakfast."
He'd been so deep in thought, she'd startled him a bit. "Yeah, but I've spent plenty of energy during the hike. I'm not like you."
"What do you mean by that?" Sarah drew back to look at him.
"The serum. Since they shot you up, you haven't been, well..."
"That's not what I meant."
"But it's the truth. Did you see the way I ripped open that treasure chest underwater?"
"I saw it," Jake said. "I was there."
Sarah shrugged. "I have to admit, I'm not unhappy about my newfound strength and stamina. But like you mentioned before my doctor visit, the possible side effects do bother me, especially the ones I'm not aware of."
"I'm concerned about that too. More than you'll ever know. There are times I want to yank Roland Zanderthal up from the bottom of his watery grave and beat the mess out of him."
"Same here." Sarah kissed him on the cheek.
"But the more I think about your situation, I begin to wonder if it's all bad?"
"I'm not sure I follow or want to."
"Well...what about this?" Jake tore into the power bar, chewed it hastily, and swallowed. "What if there are no side effects? What if there are only benefits?"
"But why do I feel so dreadful about it all? And why do I have mood swings all the time? One minute I'm happy and another I'm not. And I have vivid dreams that are so foreboding and dark."
"You never told me about any dreams." Jake narrowed his gaze at her.
"Then, sometimes I have these daydreams that are just as ominous. They're almost like trances."
"I'm not sure about all that, Sarah. It could all be in your head. Have you thought about talking to someone about it?"
"I am talking to someone about it...right now."

AdventureCan Jake Soloman evade a creature lurking in the shadows, uncover the truth about a mysterious scientist, and find the long lost gold of Predator Island? During a shark dive off Cocos Island-covered by journalists from Adventure Magazine-Jake Solom...