After descending the perilous cliff face and the rest of Cerro Yglesia, Jake gave Dylan a much needed rest from whacking the jungle vegetation. With his machete, he and Tony slashed a trail to a point further down river from where they last encountered the big cat. Along the way, with everyone else keeping their distance from the slinging blades, Jake and Tony brought up the topic of Dr. Graham. The discussion centered around the shady way he kept the true facts about the cat hidden until pressed by Jake and the others. Jake didn't like catching him rifling through his backpack, and he wasn't sure what the doctor thought he'd find. Maybe he was systematically searching the bags for guns? If he found any and confiscated or disposed of them, it would eliminate future threats if the doctor had something in mind, some play for control he planned on making. And it disturbed Jake and Tony the way the doctor tossed the female pirate in the hole. Add to that the way he shot the man with pinpoint accuracy. The killings were brutal and cold-hearted. Not something done by a wildlife biologist, at least not a normal one. They whispered even quieter about one other oddity. It could have been a coincidence, but Jake and Tony had serious doubts.
By late afternoon, the party took a break by the river to relax their tired muscles, refill their canteens, and to eat their dwindling food supply. Losing one of their backpacks meant sharing what remained with the rest of the group. Hopefully, they'd find the treasure soon and figure out a way to get off the island and back to the yacht. To make matters more difficult, Dylan had been unable to reach Captain Marlon Steele by radio. The woman pirate hadn't specified what happened to the captain. She only implied he was hurt or dead. That gave them hope he was still alive. Help from Steele would've been an easy way to get back to the yacht, by having the captain swing around from Chatham Bay and pick them up at Yglesia Falls. Now, that seemed like a no go. And worse, Dylan and Savannah were vocally grieving over their friend's safety.
As for the cat, Jake wondered if the pirates had intercepted the drone and the blood sample. Or was that sample now on its way to the zoo in San Jose, Costa Rica, and were they close to discovering what kind of rare breed of predator they were dealing with? Any knowledge revealing details about its biological make-up and its unique behavior, might help them kill the animal. Jake believed deep down that the predator was not natural. There was not another cat like it in the world, not that he knew of. But when he remembered Dylan explaining that it would take twenty-four hours for a plane from San Jose to reach them, he realized that Captain Steele couldn't have had time to pass the sample along. But maybe Dylan's friend might show up by morning and help the captain, if he could be helped. At the moment, it seemed that any helpful knowledge concerning the predator wouldn't reach them in time. Before it killed them, or they killed it.
Jake sighed at the thought. Sundown was only hours away.
With the break over, they found a downed tree that provided them passage to the other side of the river. They had to trek further south in order to find the spot to cross, which meant they would have lost valuable daylight backtracking toward the waterfall. But Dylan had another idea. After Savannah whispered in his ear, he announced that it would be best if they maintained a direct eastern heading. He explained that doing so would put them south of the waterfall. Since the jungle was overgrown and there weren't any distinguishable landmarks to reference on the map, they might lose more time zigzagging, trying to pinpoint the falls. After reaching the shore south of Yglesia Falls, all they had to do was follow the coastline north until they reached their destination.
And that's what they did.
The party broke through the last vestige of jungle onto the open shoreline with an hour till sundown. They were on the east side of the island with the sun sinking low in the western horizon behind them. They heard the sound of crashing water long before they reached the falls. With their ultimate goal drawing near, Dylan and Savannah picked up their pace, urging everyone else to do the same.
With the majestic waterfall in sight—a few steps behind everyone— Dr. Graham said, "Now that we've reached our destination, I believe the treasure is within my reach."
His words, drew everyone's attention.
Jake hesitated when he saw the little gun pointed at them. Sarah closed her eyes and exhaled an exasperated sigh.
Rachel said, "But you saved us earlier?"
"I did," the doctor replied. "I wanted to keep everyone in good spirits and cooperative until we found the grandest fall which veils the darkest heart."
"Now, it seems we know who has the darkest heart," Savannah said.
"Oh really? I didn't hear you and Mr. Cross complaining when I offed the pirate couple. Seems you were also willing to do what it takes to get the treasure."
"I thought they got what was coming to them because of Marlon. Besides, I thought we were all on the same side here?" Dylan said. "We let you tag along, and now you stab us in the back."
"I was on this island long before any of you people arrived," Graham replied. "Be glad I kept you around this long."
"So," Jake said. "Who are you really?"
"Why, I told you the truth, I'm Dr. Hugh Graham."
Tony stepped forward, drawing a shift of the doctor's gun. "He means, how are you related to the former British captain turned pirate, Captain Bennett Graham?"
"I'm his great grandson many times over." Graham glanced at the setting sun. "I made a promise to my dying father many years ago that I would reclaim the family treasure and fulfill our legacy once and for all."
Sarah huffed. "That treasure doesn't belong to you and it never belonged to Bennett Graham. He stole it."
The gun pointed at Sarah. "I'd say that possession is nine-tenths. Now, let's make our way to the waterfall before sundown."
The recollection of the crashed cargo plane and the empty cage flashed across Jake's mind. "You're a wildlife biologist."
Graham nodded. "Guilty as charged."
"You created the cat in a lab and set it free on this island so you could have this place to yourself."
Dylan reached his hand behind his back. "Because of the treasure."
"Uh-uh-uh, Mr. Cross," Graham said. "Handover the gun, and do it slowly or I'll put a bullet in the heart of the woman you secretly love."
Dylan froze and Savannah looked at him.
After disarming Dylan, the doctor said, "To the falls we go, all of you will make splendid bait for that nasty feline. I want to watch it slaughter all of you. And if I'm unable to kill it when it's finished, I'll just wait for sunrise."

AdventureCan Jake Soloman evade a creature lurking in the shadows, uncover the truth about a mysterious scientist, and find the long lost gold of Predator Island? During a shark dive off Cocos Island-covered by journalists from Adventure Magazine-Jake Solom...