For Savannah, moments of extreme intensity always seemed to unfold in an unbelievable frame of slow motion. About a year ago, she and Dylan were on a flight from Miami to Bermuda for yes, a magazine cover story. A storm popped up and the plane experienced violent turbulence. What she remembered was the fuselage shook, on and off, for less than a minute, but it felt much longer, like it would never end. After the brief bout with the wind, Dylan pointed out they were flying through the Bermuda Triangle. That didn't make her feel any better. Of course, there was nothing he could say to prepare her for the moment when the big cat made its presence known.
Savannah had her back turned when the feline roared from its spot high on the mountain near the waterfall. A shockwave of fright slammed into her as the nerve-rattling bellow carried across the island clearing. Her feet dragged as Dylan tried to pull her to safety, but she couldn't look away as the huge cat leapt from its perch and plunged into the water with a gigantic splash. As it swam after Dr. Graham, Savannah came to her senses and started running. Her heart pounded as they sprinted for the jungle on the left side of the pool. Briefly, she turned to see Sarah and Jake fleeing to the right side as Tony and Rachel ran straight away from the waterfall toward the rocky coastline.
In the chaos, they'd all been separated. While Sarah and Jake took their chances on the other side of the clearing, Tony and Rachel cowered behind the craggy rocks with the surf crashing in the background. She couldn't blame any of them for their reaction to the savage roar because it all played out in a pulse pounding, mind reeling frame of slow motion. They were all fortunate to get away. At least she assumed the Sea Lab team had made it to safety as the cat chased after Dr, Graham.
From behind a tree, Savannah peeked out from one side and Dylan the other. The cat pawed onto the bank and shook itself, slinging water droplets from its body with ferocious intent. By the time it came ashore, Graham had made it to the jungle on a path up the mountainside. Then the cat resumed the chase.
"Come on," Dylan had said. He grabbed Savannah by the arm, scraping her wrist on the rough bark. They hustled through the dense brush, sidestepping thick trees and slapping through wild bushes. In the rush, she forgot about the pain to her wrist and remembered why they came to the island in the first place.
"The waterfall." Savannah pointed.
"I know. It might be the best place to hide."
"That's what I was thinking...sort of."
Wasting no time, they sloshed into the pool, dove in, and swam for the crashing falls. When they emerged on the backside of the waterfall, Dylan hesitated, like he wanted to stay put, but Savannah tugged him toward the cave.
"The grandest fall veils the darkest heart," she said as they made it onto dry ground in the pitch blackness.
"What? Have you lost it?"
Savannah dug into her backpack and removed a waterproof flashlight. She clicked it on. "No. I'm gonna find it."
"All this time, I've been your frontman and jungle tour guide. Not to mention, your machete bushwhacker. I've done everything you wanted. I even pulled you to safety when your feet wouldn't move back there." He slung a hand toward the waterfall. "With that predator out there hunting for fresh meat, all you can think about is the gold?"
Savannah walked up to him and touched his arms, clenched the fabric of his shirt with one hand, held the flashlight against him with the other, its beam aimed up at the ceiling of the cave. "Are we risking our lives for nothing?"
Dylan glared at her. "What's wrong with you?"
"I think the tunnel system may be the safest place to hide." She arched a brow. "Don't you?"
He scowled. "And a mighty fine place to look for the treasure?"
"We might as well see what's back there while we're hiding." She cupped his face tenderly and felt him tense up. "Besides, if that cat sticks its head through the waterfall..."
"It might not see us if we wade in the pool and cut off that torch." His eyes hardened. "And if we enter the cave, we could be trapped if it comes after us."
"If?" Savannah said. "It might never think to check behind the waterfall."
Dylan rolled his head and massaged the back of his neck. "Okay." He blew a puff from his mouth. "But here." He ripped the bottom of his shirt and tore off a piece of the fabric. "Shield the flashlight with this. We'll be able to see, and maybe, the cat won't see us if it comes looking."
Savannah replied with a big smile and a thankful hug.
Dylan went ridged at first but then softened in her warm embrace.
"Thank you." She pulled back and turned serious. "Now let's go."
With that, she led him deeper into the tunnel, the dim glow of the shielded flashlight making it possible to see. Along the way, they heard voices coming from the cave entrance, barely audible under the sound of the crashing falls.
"They figured out the waterfall was the best place to hide," Savannah said.
"We might need to help them," Dylan replied.
"They'll be okay." She looked him in the eye. "Jake and Tony are more than capable, and that Sarah, she might be able take the cat on by herself. And Rachel's better off with them anyway."
"Don't be silly."
"I'm not. I told you from the beginning that I want the treasure."
"What if Dr. Graham is with them with his little gun?"
"Really? I don't think so. My money says he's cat food."
"I can see the gold lust in your eyes."
"But that's not even half of it. I'm hoping to get my hands on some emeralds too."
"Yes, of course," Dylan replied. "I know they're your favorite."
"I just think this could be us. This could be our moment. Our big find. The boss lady wants a story, and we want the treasure."
His face soured, and he sighed.
"You could do the photo shoot and I could pen the article of a lifetime. If Chastity Brasswell doesn't like the story, we can take it to the highest bidder. Or..." She grinned. "Walk away with enough gold and loot to finance a travel blog for the rest of our lives."
"The rest of our lives..."
Savannah glanced away, but then pecked him on the cheek and brightened her eyes. "Yes, let's go."
And they ventured deeper, leaving the voices behind.
As they went, Savannah said, "I think there might be another chamber back here somewhere."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, I've been thinking about the final clue...the one on the stone plug in the lagoon."
"The grandest fall veils..."
"...the darkest heart." Savannah turned to him, the flashlight swinging down to her side, the piece of fabric sliding off the beam. "Heart. Heart," she said it again to get him to focus. "In the body, arteries lead the way to our heart. This tunnel might be an artery."
Dylan's eyes brightened. "So we're searching for the heart of this cave?"
"Yes," she exclaimed, and pulled him even deeper.
It took a few minutes, but they eventually entered a much wider chamber, big and rounded with a high ceiling...the heart of the subterranean lair. But much to Savannah's dismay, this large room was completely empty.

AdventureCan Jake Soloman evade a creature lurking in the shadows, uncover the truth about a mysterious scientist, and find the long lost gold of Predator Island? During a shark dive off Cocos Island-covered by journalists from Adventure Magazine-Jake Solom...