A split second after Jake fired the little revolver, the feline pivoted toward him. Under normal circumstances that would have been disastrous but that's exactly what he needed the cat to do. Now, he knew why Sarah came running from the jungle with the machete in one hand...and a hand-carved spear in the other. But it was Dylan's gunshot that made him look at the pool moments before the animal jumped onto the bank.
Next, Tony had fired the shotgun from inside the tepee. His shot seized the cat's attention and made it slink toward him, poised on its giant paws, ready to pounce.
Finally, Jake's shot pegged it in the side with the .38 caliber. In response, the cat turned back to him. That's where they needed the animal—between the pool and Tony's tepee. The cat's new orientation, facing Jake, pulled their plan back into place. The only kink was Sarah rushing into harm's way.
But the cat didn't want to play nice.
For some reason, whether by chance or the fact the shotgun pellets blistered its hide, the big cat whirled around and set its sights on Tony and the tepee. The double barrel retreated within the dressing of limbs and leaves. This was not part of the plan. If his friend was reloading, he'd better hurry.
Helplessly, Jake watched as the animal honed in on Tony's position. With its long body and lengthy stride, it covered the distance between the bank and the tepee in about two gallops. It left the ground like its half-a-ton body was made of air, smashed down into the hastily made structure, and crushed it with horrendous power.
In the aftermath of the destruction, the cat pawed at the splintered saplings and scattered leaves, driving its jaws into the center of the pile. As it rooted through the crumbled mess, Jake searched for his friend's body among the destruction. That's when he caught a glimpse of Tony, not in the remnants of the leaning trees, but fleeing toward the jungle.
Unable to get Tony, the predator turned on Dylan. But instead of standing his ground, he took off running toward the coastline, twisting and firing as he ran.
For a few intense moments, Jake thought Tony wasn't coming back, but then he appeared at the bank of the pool, having circled back around. He dropped to a knee and took aim, firing a shot that boomed throughout the clearing.
The cat felt the pellet barrage and swung around on its agile paws. In a blur, it started pounding toward Tony as he cracked open the shotgun and inserted two more shells in the double chambers. As the cat charged toward him, he peppered it with two more blasts.
Time to reload. But this time, as the animal drew closer, Tony's hands shook as he fumbled for a pair of shells.
With the cat rumbling toward his friend, Jake had to get its attention. His only choice was to fire at its rear end. His next to last bullet nailed it in the hind quarter.
The feline swiveled and turned back toward Jake.
His eyes grew large.
In the distance Dylan circled with the same strategy as Tony, sticking to the animal's blindside. He rattled off a shot—too far away to reach Jake in time.
Having reloaded, Tony redirected the double barrel shotgun, lowered his aim and fired. If he'd had closer proximity, the tight band of pellets could have blown out a huge chunk of the cat's rear paw. But because he was so far away, all he managed to do was tag its rear end with an irritating spray of lead.
As the cat spun on Tony, Dylan had drawn near enough to fire his pistol, nailing it behind its remaining good ear. The animal jerked its head toward Dylan and roared with fury. They had it off balance, on a swivel.
The cat sensed it was caught between the triangle of gunfire, the worst of it coming from Tony's position. With that realization, the animal raced away from the heavier barrage back toward Jake, with several more shots from Dylan missing wide.
Even blistered with injuries, the cat moved with tremendous speed.
Jake glanced at Sarah as she closed the distance between them.
He turned as Dylan emptied the rest of his ammo, a few shots missing but one or two nicking the predator's body.
One more blast came from Tony as he paused again to reload.
Jake fired and swore his shot hit the cat between the eyes, but somehow, the angle of the bullet and the thickness of the animal's skull deflected the .38 round up and over its head.
Still, it charged at Jake as he backpedaled on his heels.
He squeezed the trigger once more but the revolver only clicked as Sarah raced the final steps in his direction, coming from his right...on the blindside.
As he turned to run, the cat sprang off it's hind legs and leapt toward him.
But Sarah shoved him out of the way and stepped into the predator's path.
Jake rolled to a stop as the massive animal came down on top of Sarah and impaled itself on her long wooden spear. The sharpened point stabbed through its chest and protruded from its back.
With a final exasperated groan, El Tunchi, the spirit that haunted Predator Island breathed its last breath, and all of them would live to see another day.

AdventureCan Jake Soloman evade a creature lurking in the shadows, uncover the truth about a mysterious scientist, and find the long lost gold of Predator Island? During a shark dive off Cocos Island-covered by journalists from Adventure Magazine-Jake Solom...