Backstory (Edited)

205 7 21

Quirk: Over Power
You gain any quirk you wish just by thinking about it, you have to know someone with that quirk or know it in great detail for it to work as it should.

Y/N- You
N/N- Nick Name
F/M- Favorite movie
Underlined words- Texts
Bold words- Shouting
Italics- Thoughts

S/C- Skin Color

H/C- Hair Color

H/L- Hair length

It probably won't be too good, since this is my first story. But I hope the one person reading this ( probably me ) will enjoy it.

Chapter 1

Narrators POV:

"You Monster of a child, how dare you call me mom!" your "Mother" Screams at you at the top of her lungs. "B-but mommy, why are you hurting me?" You sobbed as you got a crisp slap across the face. Everytime you did something even as simple as talk while not spoken too, it was game over. All b4ecause of your stupidly over powered quirk. You wish you didnt even have a quirk, atleast that way you wouldnt be called a monster or be abused for something that isn't under your control.

Every. Single. Day. For five long and harsh years of beatings and bullies, at some point you just had enough. Enough scars to last you a life time, enough words to subdue your consious at night. Enough of being a monster. Your quirk basiclly had a mind of its own at this point, even if you didn't want to be healed, it would automaticlly heal you from the moment you were born.

At a certain point in your life, you couldn't take it anymore so you just ran away. As you changed your clothes to a black hodded jacket, and striped white and black Metallica T-shirt, and ripped black jeans, you couldn't help but notice the deep scars covering your body. You quickly shook the thought from your head and hopped out the window into the black night.

(Time skip brought to you by, Endaevor repelent, ever wanted to get that nagging  garbage out of your hair, just buy Endevor repelent!)

You turned down yet another alleyway just to be meet with total darkness again, You decided to use alleyways instead, so you could avoid being spotted by your mother while she was on patrol that night. "Whats a pretty girl like you doing out this late?" A scratchy voice rang out from behind an open dumpster. You cringed away releasing a small yelp when someone tigtly graped your sholder. you turned around to see a dark purple blob of mist on your shoulder. You focused on your quirk, thinking of the quirk Present Mic has and relese a sonic blast of sound following your every twist and turn. You did a full 360 and hit nothing but a stray peice litter.

The person behind the dumpster clapped, and stepped out into the dim light. It was a boy around 15-16, so very close to your age. He wore hands all over his body, as well as plain black pants, a black V-neck shirt, and bright red hightop shoes. He had light blue, unkemp hair. "Master told me to come find him a new test subject, you'll seem to do the trick!" The blue haired boy cackled with a crazed smile on his face. He than launched himself twords you, streching out this hand twords your wrist.

You emmited a small yelp hoping to hit him with your sonic ray, he easily dodged and grabbed your wrist. It started to desinigrate, the skin turning gray, and ashy. Only to fall of to reveal the flesh underneath. You yelled in pain, but were quickly muffled by a cloth. Before you knew it you felt yourself fading away, curing the world around you.

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