Unknown place (Continued!)

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Your POV.

I slowly woke up as memories from before came flooding back into my consciousness. I tried to move, forgetting about my wounded body; I clenched my teeth, a small hiss escaping my already swollen mouth. "Little Lamb, are you awake yet?" I heard the all to familiar voice bark from behind closed doors. I quickly closed my eyes just as the door creaked open, allowing dim lights to shine into the pitch-black room. He sighed,, now leaning next to me on the ground; I felt a piece of my (H/L) hair pull of my shoulder. "Y'know, you look so peaceful when your asleep; I just wish you were asleep right now." He leaned closer to your ear, his dirty hair caressing my cheek, "I can tell your awake,, Little Lamb~" He whispered into my ear. I flinched as his stale breath hit my cold face. 

"Gotcha~" He chuckled, grabbing more hair and yanking it out of my skull. I gasped instinctively  trying to lower my hand to my bleeding head but was quickly restrained by the quirk-canceling cuffs holding my arms above me on the wall. "Good-morning Little Lamb, welcome home!" Shigaraki cackled insanely. "This. Isn't. My. Home." I had to take a moment to suck in some air, "I am a hero, they're coming for me." I finally managed to pant out. My whole body hurts so bad, but I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. "Aw, well that's to bad. I'll come have someone give you a little taste on what it's like on the outside world." I close my eyes, and resign knowing I have no power in this situation. As he gets up, he steps on my already disinigrated and burned leg, snapping the bone slowly under his red hightopped foot. I winced ever so slightly, as I feel the slow bend, and final snap of my left leg. I wanted to scream so bad but I couldn't, maybe I could try to slip a single hand out and send a message to someone? I thought. Yeah it's as good a chance as any I guess. I decided to try my left hand since it was the least damaged part of my body. I tried to squeeze, slide, and yank it out. Hissing everytime I would move it. 

I finally managed to rip it out of the cuff, and activated a telepathy like quirk. "Write this down- Todoroki, help, I managed to slip a single message too you. I have quirk canceling cuffs on so I'll be able to hold the connection as long as possible. I can't hold it for to long though, so just know I love you. Please help." I whispered sending it too Shoto as quickly as possible. Closing the link before he could say anything else. 

I heard clicks coming from behind closed doors, and quickly closed my eyes. I hid my free hand behind my back so hopefully I could land one hit on whoever comes into the room. I heard the creak of the door, and smelt burnt cloth. "I know your awake dollface." the voice said from the doorway. I felt heat licking up my right leg. Than scorching fire started to crisp my leg, slowly bringing its way up my limb. My eyes shot open, and I threw ice and water at him with my free hand. It was thin, due to lose of energy and my wounds; but it was hard enough to land a few nice hits before it broke. "Why you little brat, that's it no more Mr. Nice Dabi!" He yelled at me a crazed look in his eyes. He flew over to where I was and snapped my free hand back, breaking the bone. He put it back into the cuff, before he used his fire once again, scorching nearly every part of my body but my upper chest, because it would be a vital point. I felt a shock go through my body, I knew what it was it was the stupid remote control chip implanted in my body, it seems they're trying to force me to scream; I refuse. I WILL not scream, and I WILL not let them win another knight in the game of chess.

As I was being burned, shocked, and broke, I felt around with my un-broken hand for anything that may help me survive this. I found a sharp piece of rock, that may be useful in breaking out. It would appear Dabi also noticed this though, because he quickly made a thin strand of pure fire at my palm, encasing my hand in flames and smoke while he grabbed the sharp object from my grasps. I tried to hold on but eventually gave up, and so did the fire. "Really, you were trying to escape? That hurts my feelings y' know. To think I was going easier on you, oh well. I guess you made your choice." He chuckled making his flames ten times more excrutiating than before. "Ngh, screw you." I hissed through clenched teeth. He put his hand on my cheek, and burnt the skin underneath it. I clenched my teeth and bit my tongue, the blood pooling in my mouth seeming annoying. I slurped up all the blood inside my mouth, and spit it all on Dabi's face. He growled and got ready to send another shot of fire at me but an explosion was heard from another area, along with people shouting my name, "I'M UP HE-" I started but was cut of by a thick upper- cut to the chin, making my ears ring, and my vision blur. I regained my vision after a second, and started shouting again, receiving more pain, and more ear ringing. I finally heard stomping in the hallway, and doors swinging open. I was light headed, and still bleeding but I managed to get a sly smile on my face, "Boom." I muttered just as the door was blown open by fire. 

I saw Shoto's eyes widen as he saw the state I was in clothes tattered, exposed bones showing through my body, and burns and new scars hanging on my face and body. 

I blanked out for a minute...

I woke up to see Shoto's worried face right in front of mine, trying to undo the bindings holding my arms and legs.

I blanked out again...

I finally saw Shoto carrying me out, his warm side heating up my hypothermic body. I snuggled up to his chest allowing a small smile and tears to escape my cracked open eyes. he noticed and wiped my tears away, hugging me closer to him.

I blacked out for a longer period, finally allowing myself to go asleep for as long as my body will let me, which probably won't be long.

(Time Skip brought to you by, Shigaraki's Rum flavored chapstick.)

Todoroki's POV

I saw the girl I love, the girl I valued more than my own life, in the hospital bed barely clinging onto life. I saw her body start twitching, she turned to the side facing me her eyes fluttering open. She seemed scared, curling into a small ball hiding her small head, underneath her beat up arms. I could see her body retract a bit, most likely due to her wrapped up wounds. I slowly creep over to her side, unfurling her weak arms with my stronger ones. She freezes when her arms are completely unwoven; I can see her eyes scrunch up and her jaw tense waiting for impact. When nothing came her way, she very cautiously opened her eyes and they landed on me.

Your POV.

I saw Shoto leaning over me, and quickly hugged his muscular arm. I missed him and everyone so much, even Momo. He seemed taken aback, but quickly returned the gesture with a gentle squeeze. Unbenowst myself, I started shaking my eyes filling with tears. "Hey, your safe now, it's okay to let it all out." He whispered to me; I start sobbing onto his arm while he strokes my knotted (H/C) hair. "I-I'm sorry Shoto!" I sobbed out gasping fro breath as the slty tears slipped into my still healing wounds. "Hey, its okay. It's not your fault. Shhh-" He said hugging me tightly. 

"I love you Sho," I cried out. I looked up to see that he had tears trailing down his perfect face in sync with mine.

"I love you too, now rest..." He replied, kissing my forehead and leaning me back down on the thick hospital bed. "Gd noight" I managed out, it was illegible, but it was worth a shot. He chuckled and sat down beside my bedside, holding my tiny hand In his as I passed out into a deep, calming sleep.

Hey guy's Author~Chan here, I've felt a large burst of motivation lately so expect more to come out. This story isn't the best one out there by any means, but I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have stayed with me this far. I'm hoping to be working on this story for quite a while, as well as (Possibly) working on other stories on the side. I just want to reiterate my gratitude for all of you who have forced yourself to read up to this point. Have an amazing Day, night, afternoon, whatever. Chao~

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