Your Curious Glances (Edited!)

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(Y/N) POV.

It would appear I beat dad... I proudly thought to myself. "(Y/N) you lost the challenge." A monotone voice stated from behind you. "H-heya dad, I beat Shinso. That counts for something right?" I sweat dropped slowly turning to face Dadzawa with all his wrath. "No, you didn't beat your brother" I nervously chuckled "RUN" I screamed and started bouncing off the walls. "really, I hate that you know my weakness." My dad Muttered, placing eye drops in his eyes. I giggled knowing he couldn't catch me even when I used this quirk. "Shins-" My dad started to say, but I covered his mouth with his own scarf, using an object manipulation quirk I read about once. "I don't get paid enough for this. Wheres your brother (Y/N)" Dadzawa mumbled through his scarf pulling on a large yellow sleeping bag. "Sleeping in the Car," I giggled calming down and sitting next to the only other person in the classroom. "I'll wake him up, Dad!" I chirped out cheerfully. Hmm, let's see a teleportation quirk should work just fine!  I thought while summoning an (F/C) portal.  

I quickly make a small opening in the car stick my top half through, and threw Shinso over my shoulder. He stirred in his sleep while slowly waking up. I tossed him in the chair next to me while he was adjusting to the classroom's lighting. "(Y/N), where are we." He mumbled turning over only to fall out of his chair. I (Of course) broke out laughing, "I left you in the car as part of my revenge for earlier~" I giggled. "Part? Wait don't tell me, is dad?" He whispered his eyes the size of saucers. I nodded levitating him to the front of the classroom. "EEP-" he yelped out as our dad wrapped his scarf around him and tied him to the ceiling. I cackled again and went to go introduce myself to the other student in the classroom. "Hi, sorry for earlier! I'm (Y/N), Aizawa" You said giving the hectocromatic eyed boy a cherry smile.

he seemed taken aback but quickly regained his composure, "I'm Shoto Todoroki!" The bi-Haired boy politely replied. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" The boy asked, ''Well, I'll tell you because I can tell you've had your fair share of trauma and because I feel like I can trust you." I sighed out before looking up to see Shinso smiling sweetly. "Really, you're trying to get on my bad side again, dearest brother..." I said winking red-eye at him while a single snake slithered its way around my shoulder. He gulped and let me out of his control. "As I was saying before, someone made me say more than intended..." I gave an evil glare at Shinso who looked away humming causally from the ceiling. "I have a quirked called overpower, I can basically have any quirk I wish to as long as I know what the basics of it are, like for instance if I were to read a short paragraph on the ideology of a quirks powers, and downsides. I could use the quirk with ease, and no downsides but my own. I also have a quirk called an emotional surge. I can feel anyone's emotions around me, and either give them an emotion or take emotion away, but I have to be feeling the emotion to give it." I said sighing at the end before plastering on a fake smile, like always. "A-Are you okay, your Crying?" He questioned me an underlying emotion of empathy lying underneath concern. I nodded lying like always, I froze and looked around. Pain, Pain was all I felt the Microchip, it's been set higher. They're near. "S-Shinso..." I gasped struggling for air. I clutched my side moaning in pain, waking Aizawa up in the process. "Honey, breath, SHINSO GET RECOVERY GIRL NOW!" Aizawa screamed. I moaned louder this time struggling to stay conscious. "What's happening to her!" I heard Todoroki shout, just as I lost consciousness.


I held a limp (Y/N) in my arms the severity of the situation coming back for another punch. I sigh, "Shoto, what I'm about to tell you needs to remain between us, and us alone." I said concern seeping into my tone. I locked the door and propped (Y/N) up on my desk like a makeshift hospital bed. "When (Y/N) was a young girl fourteen at the max. she ran away from home, from her mother or as you know her the number three hero, she would hurt (Y/N) because of her quirk." I pushed for a minute so I could breathe and let that portion of the story sink in. Todorokis eyes widened and filled with a few small droplets of water, "When she ran away, she tried using alleyways to her advantage. As she was running she ran into a villain or as you may know him nowadays Tomura Shigaraki He and his master or as you know him, the number one villain. Kidnapped (Y/N) for a singular day. while it wasn't a long time it still did a lot of mental, and physical damage. She was injected with some type of serum that contained a special lab-made quirk called an emotional surge. She was beaten bloody, cut up in very critical areas. and had a remote-controlled shocking device planted into her ribcage. No-one knew how to remove it, so it's always stayed in her, it's always shocking her nonstop every day, but being the strong kid she is, she has learned how to tolerate it. Even so though, every once in a while when everything seems okay, they'll try and find her using the device, hoping to finish what they started." I finished with a tear dripping down the bridge of my nose. "H-How has she stayed so happy?" Shoto asked full-on sobbing himself. I shrug my shoulder and unlock the door. 'She hasn't she's just an amazing actor, we can hear her screaming and sobbing every night but we don't say anything because we don't want her to build a wall between herself and us again." I said holding my adoptive daughter's sweet, calloused hand. Shoto came to a covered her torso in ice to cool down her insides, and to hopefully wake her up. 

(Y/N) POV.

I could feel myself waking up although I didn't want to, I wanted to stay in the world where I had a loving family and a little sister, who wasn't dead. As well as a happy hero job, as the number four hero. But even though I fought against the oncoming light, I lost the battle and awoke in an all familiar hospital room. It happened again, great. I turned to the left to see my dads, and brother all curled up, with my sweet kitten nightmare purring on their laps. I then proceeded to turn to my right, to see an innocently sleeping Todoroki boy, hand curling around my balled up one. I softly smiled and tried to get up. Sadly I failed and was gently pulled back down by a now awake Shoto. He gave me an extremely concerned look and said, "Don't ever do that to me again, your one of the only people I trust enough to be around in public." He hugged my limp torso and cried into my extremely thin sleeveless hospital gown. "W-wait, where are my bandages?" I panicked, trying to hide my heavily scarred body out of view. "Hey, you don't need to hide from me, I know what they did to you, and I know how it feels." He whispered into my ear and retreated to the seat by my bedside. He took my scarred up hands in his and kissed the aching lines, and jagged bumps. I blushed and laid back down, huffing in contentment. "I love you..." He whispered turning his head to hide his creeping blush. "Love you to-"I started but was cut off by the unwelcomed feeling of sleep. I made a cute high pitched yawn and collapsed onto the small hospital bed. As I nodded off to sleep I felt a small pressure on my forehead and the warmth leaving my hands. Goodnight world, and goodnight Todoroki! I thought as sleep overtook my passed out body, a small smile evident on my hidden face.

"She's mine, what was he doing to her! Who even is he, that smile should be mine that hug should've been mine. Grr, I'll kill him, I'll kill them all!" he thought feverishly scratching his neck, contemplating turning the volume up again as revenge. "No, I'll leave MY Little Lab out of this and end that half and half idiot myself, UGH, I'm not happy she was hanging out with another man besides me!" He thought scratching harder until blood finally started flowing from an infected wound inflicted by his sharp talon-like fingernails. "Kurogiuri, and two more things to the list of things to do at the USJ, add, save Little Lamb, and kill Shoto Todoroki!" he spoke, his cracky voice echoing through the empty-ish lobby. "I'm coming dearest Little Lamb..." he laughed out finally cutting off his consistent scratches.

Author~ Chan here, welcome to the third edition of the "hero who saved the day" I know it sounds a bit clique but I wanna thank all of you who read up to here! This has honestly been my dream for quite a while, to be a writer I mean. I hope you enjoy it up here.

SORRY, IT WAS SHORT I'm trying to make them longer but to no avail! Anyways hope you enjoy this edition, Chao~

~•~The Hero Who Saved The Day~•~ (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now