Another Stepping stone crossed (Edited)

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Chapter 2 

Thank you to these users for their Help, criticism, Ec Cetra 





@ Thefandmos



And everyone else who has given me support, hank you to all these people for encouragement, inspiration, and constructive criticism! I hope everyone enjoys the story

        Narrators POV.

         "So while we were examining the wounds and ex-rays, we did indeed find a remote control shocking device presently Moving around your torso area." your head doctor explained to both you and the present pro hero Eraserhead. As ErasureHead nodded, he turned his emotionless gaze towards your balled up body. "Do you have any family kid, because if so we should probably give them a call." The hero said reaching out a hand to awkwardly pat your head. You flinched away from his extended hand and whimpered. "Y-Yes I have family, but please don't send me back there it Hurts too much." You cried. "Ahh, I see."The doctor clarified with himself. "What do you mean, is there something else?" The pro barked sounding angry. "There were scars present from previous altercations. From what the patient told us she was only with the villains for at most three days." The doctor let the words sink into the pro's mind. His eyes widened as he turned his head to look you in the eyes. "Whos your parent's kid?" the pro demanded, obviously shell-shocked. "(M/N) is my mother, or more commonly known as (M/H/N)." You choked out.  (A/N: (M/H/N) means mothers hero Name!) "It's okay kid, how about this, you can live with me and my husband." The black haired hero whined, an exasperated sigh emitting from the depths of his throat.

"Hizashi, Shinso, I'm home!" Your new "Father" shouted out slinging his scarf and black cloak, over the nearest reclining chair.  "Welcome home Zawa, and whos this cutie here!" The man yelled, scaring you. A small yelp escaped your closed lips. "This is (Y/N) (L/N), she's an abuse, and kidnap victim. She'll be living with us for the time being while we look into the abuse charges." Your Dad, gasped as a purplette hugged him from the side. He appeared to be around your age (A/N:) Your around 13-14 so this is a few years before the X-Reader actually begins, begins.) 

He was surprised when he saw you hiding behind Aizawa. He spared a confused look at his dads, and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Shinso, who are you?" He said coldly. "I-I'm, (Y-Y/N)..." You whimpered curling back even farther behind the black haired man." He sighed patting your head. 

"This is (Y/N), shes going to be staying with us. So technically now shes your sister." Aizawa stated, no, more like questioned to the loud one. He laughed and nodded his head yes. "R-Really. A sister!" The purple haired boy stuttered, still processing this new piece of information. His eyes widened, and he ran over to you squeezing you tightly. "EEP-" You cried in shock at the sudden motion. "Sorry, but do you know how annoying it can get to be with these two as compeny, their like total opposites." Shinso giggled. "HEY!" both the men yelled, "stop copying me." Aizawa quickly said while pulling on a large yellow sleeping bag. The loud one just rolled his eyes, and introduced himself to you. "Hi listener, the names Hizashi Yamada, but if you want, you can call me.." He stopped for effect "Dad." He finally said. 

Your eyes widen than a warm smile encased your whole face. You teared up and nodded running up to hug the yellow haired man. "Hey listener no need to get emotional." he laughed hugging your shaking body. You quickly wipe your tears on your torn bare arm. "May I change into something that's not a hospital gown?" You laugh, you felt happy. Which is something you haven't felt in quite some time. "Sure Listener, you can use one of shinsos hoodies!" He yelled. "O-Okay, Shinso. First is it okay if I call you brother, and second may I borrow a hoodie?" You ask blushing slightly at the weird request. "Yes, and Yes!" He lazily replied a big, goofy smile platered on his thirteen year old face. he quickly grabbed your hand and lead you to his room.

(Big ol' time skip brought to you by 'Boom Boom boy, the game of violence and anger!)

"Sweetie wake up, you don't wanna be late on your first day at UA, do you?" You heard Aizawa yawn from beside your bed. You let out an overly dramatic sigh. "Ugh- fine if I must." You said groggily, feeling sorry for yourself. you quickly rolled out of bed (Literally) and groaned from the landing. "Are *laugh* you okay *laugh* Sis?" you heard a very overly joyful Shinso laugh from the open doorway. "yeah are you?" you quoted in a sickly sweet voice. "U-uh, bye!" he said sprinting down the hall. You quickly got up and thought of a scaring quirk." Your hair quickly turned into white snakes with red eyes, and your eyes turned red, and michivous grin evident on your (S/C) skin. "Shinso, where are you dearest brother of mine?" you called out but where quickly stopped by a old, but strong scarf. Your hair quickly fell back down to its original state, and your eyes turned back to there normal color(s). "Aww, man!" you whined into the fabrics. "Mhmm, yeah, you have 10 minutes before I leave you to walk to school." Dadzawas sleepy voice said from behind me.

You quickly brushed your hair, took a really short shower, and changed into your overly short skirt, and shirt. "Why is it so short." You moaned to yourself as you entered the black vehicle that was taking both you and Shinso to the school at which both of your dads reached. Luckily though your dad teachs your first class, and Shinso made it in with you due to recommendations. "Hey, Shinso?" You whispered so only he could hear. he hummed in response. "Your not safe yet!" you giggled. His eyes quickly widened and he scooted as far away from you as he could, giving you a side glare every once in awhile. You just smiled in return. This continued the whole way there. 

"Get out of the car , and get inside before I get there or else." Dadzawa sighed quickly racing out of the car, a small smirk on his usually emotionless face. "EEP-" You squeaked before you, gave Shinso a little salute, and ran off.  Shinso was sleeping though so he didn't see you. As you made a mad dash into the building using a running quirk, you felt someones eyes on you. You quickly pushed the feeling out of your head and continued on. Stepping across another stepping stone to your future.

"Soon you will be mine... Little Lamb," the unknown voice said while snapping a picture of your perfectly framed body running, a huge lopsided smile etched across your face.

       Author~ Chan here, who do you think that was hmm? Guess we'll never know, UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER! Sorry for the cliff hanager but I need to save some ideas for the next chapter. Anyways I hope you have an amazing day, night, whatever! Chao~

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