The USJ Nightmare (Edited!)

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(A/N: This story is not Canon to the acual show, there may be parts in the story where they are simalar, but its not cannon to the show completely, I hope you understand. Enjoy!)

Your POV~

 It's been around a week since I started to attend UA high school, I've grown closer to Todoroki since I can sense that I can trust him. Well... also because he knows your backstory. I sat on the bus next to Momo while I awaited the bus to finally come to a halt outside the large ovular building know as the USJ.

"So, (Y/N), anyone caught your eye, even a little bit?" Mina asked you from the seat directly beside you. I felt the unwelcomed warmth fill my ears and cheeks. "Oh my god! (Y/N)'s bushing like crazy! Who is it?" Mina asked me, her hungry eyes eating up my face. Stars basically pooling in her eyes. At this point basically, everyone was looking, making my blush cover even more of my already heat soaked face. "Shoto," I mumbled not even letting The Minecraft Crafting Bench hear my response. "What was that, couldn't hear yo-" Mina started saying but was cut off by Dadzawa, monotonously stating that were here. He quickly placed some eye drops in his bloodshot eyes. "Saved by the Dad..." I mutter, Mina heard and gave me a death glare, "This isn't over..." She whispered in my ear, forcing my cheeks to lighten up more than they already were. "Ugh!" I groaned really wishing for this to be over. "Are you okay (N/N) I heard the all to familiar voice glean from behind me. "Mhmm" I hummed out hiding my face in my costume that we chose to wear.

(Pick one of these 4, if possible please vote if not ill just pick one!)

(Pick one of these 4, if possible please vote if not ill just pick one!)

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