Back to UA!

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I suggest listening to the sound above for the fullest experience! Author~Chan out!

Chapter 6

Your POV.

I made it out of the hospital with minimum issues; I couldn't ever fully move my jaw again, I was susceptible to different temperatures, and I could easily get joint pains and locks. In other words, if I move too much, I could easily lock my jaw in place and have to get it snapped back in place, same for my leg, left hand, and right foot; I refuse to let that stop me though, it's just another stone I have to through right back at the world. Every step of the way, Shoto's been with me. He's been the supportive, kind, and caring Shoto the world has yet to see...















After the rehab and the therapy, I finally managed to get the pink slip of permission from the hospital to go back to UA. I already caught up with all my work (minus training) due to my thoughtful boyfriend bringing me my work. (Todoroki, incase you didn't realize!)

"Everyone, she'll be coming in any minute now. Be respectful and don't mention anything about her wounds." I heard a muffled voice from the hallway. I take a deep sigh and knock on the closed door with one fist, clutching my cruches with the other. Lost in thought as I was I didn't even notice the door open to reveal my classmates staring in awe at me. "(Y/N)! We were so worried about you!" I heard a weird pink skinned alien screech from the back of the familiar crowd. "Make way best friends get higher privlages than everyone else." I heard her snob out pushing through the crowd, I kept my head down though because it's my fault were in this mess in the first place. If I hadn't been so weak this would never have happened. "Wait, don't boyfriends get the highest privlages, under parents and siblings. So shouldn't Shinso move first?" I heard a confused Todoroki pout from the middle of the thinning crowd.  "Guys, could I just get some space, first I need to manuvor with these large things, and I also wanna claim that this whole ordeal is my fault." I pause to stumble into an awkward bow. I heard a few large gasps from the crowd as I continued. "It is in my greatest apologies that I saw sorry for bringing this misery and torment upon you, it is now that I will take my leave from this school in search of a place where I can at least save your lives, at the cost of mine," I whispered stumbling up from my clumsy bow. I shoulder my special support made backpack, and start to stumble my way to the elevator. I tripped a few times but finally managed to push my way into the tight claustophopic space.

After what felt like minutes of waiting for the large metal doors to close both my fate, and my life. The doors were about a millimeter apart, when a sturdy strand of ice flew through the barely opened door. In fear due to my "Wounderful" time in the LOV base, I shied away and tried to disappear, I shielded my eyes from instinct and bent down to ground level, curling up in a way that protects all my vital points.

I felt a firm grip snake around my enclosed body, a small squeak escaped from my grimicing lips. "I-I'm sorry if I made you feel that way (Y/N), please don't go. Take me with you at least." I heard the one person I truly cared for whimper into the curve of my exposed neck. "It's not you who made me feel like that, it's me, and I can't take you the whole point of leaving is so the LOV will follow me far away, and you'll be safe. If you don't remember there leaders after you now, all because I was to foolish to realize that they were following me for whatever reason." I sighed tears streaming down my (S/C) face. "Do remember though, that I love you, and before I go. Can you help me with getting to Nezu's office, I need to un register or else my expeses will be charged to my credit card and I need that to pay for airplane costages and such." I whimpered out trying (But failing) to hold an emotionless gaze. "S-sure..." I heard him sob out, I look up to see him crying into his jacket. I pull him into me, giving him a small kiss on the cheek, allowing him to sob into my crisp school uniform. "I have a proposal..." He whispered into my shoulder, sending vibrations up and down my left side. I hummed in acknowledgment not trusting my voice to waver.

"If I can promise you that I will be safe if you stay, will you stay with me?" He said voice as serious as ever now. I think for a minute and bite my lip. I sigh and yank my eyelids shut due to the oncoming tears, "Y-yes, if you c-can prove to m-me that you'll be safe, t-than I'll stay here until proven otherwise." I said my voice wavering all through my brief sentence. He lifted his head from my shirt, holding only my shoulders. I can see a shocked expression on his face, as he finally takes in the shape im in. Red puffed up eyes, casts and gauze wraps everywhere, and pink marks and healing scars coating my (S/C) skin.

He grasped my hand tightly, giving gental squeezes every now and than. I squeeze back giving him a small graceful smile, he gives smile in return, causing all the girls around us to squeal and give me dirty looks. I just chuckled under my breath at the stupidity of the girls around me. I saw Shoto shoot me a confused look, I just tilted my head towards the girls around us. 

Every one of them where twisting there body in a way that makes them look skinnier, or makes them look like they have bigger chests or such. He obviously didn't understand what I was referencing too, so I just rolled my eyes and cominued walking with Shoto's hand in mine.

 Author~Chan here sorry for the weird ending, I had no idea how to end this one so I just ended it there! I'm going to be posting a cute Christmas fluff filler in soon before I continue so if you want than check it out! 

One last announcement before I leave you to ponder, I have a shout out for two people (who will probably never see it)


Aswell as...


Or maybe two more?



There are so many people I wanna shout out so I'll be adding a few within the chapters to come! Thanks for baring with me Chao~.

~•~The Hero Who Saved The Day~•~ (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now