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Just as I place my hands on the bark to climb up the tree, a hand grabs my shoulder.

I freeze. I then try to scream but they use their other hand to cover my mouth. "No need to scream love. It's just me."

I recognize that same voice. As well as the scent of firewood and pine. I turn my head around. "Felix." I breathe. He lets out a dark chuckle. "That's right."

"What are.. what are you doing here?" I question. He takes his hand away from my jaw. "Just a quick evening stroll that's all." I nod.

"You look cold." He says. "Oh no, I'm fine actually it's just.. I was about to climb the tree before you snuck up on me." I laugh. He smirks. "I like your laugh."

I raise an eyebrow. "Is that so?" I smirk slightly. He nods. "It's very.. nice." "You almost sound as if you breathe a sigh of relief." I smile. "Makes sense." I reply.

We both ended up sitting against the trunk of tree instead of the branches. We talk and laugh about random things. Sorta like my conversations with Morgan.

"You know." I start. "We had such a brief introduction with each other but it seems like we've been friends forever." I smile, looking over at him.

He nods. "Indeed." He says back. Just then, he pulls out a packet of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. Flicking his lighter, he lights one and puts it to his mouth. "Want one?"

I shake my head. "Funny enough, I rarely smoke." I laugh as he blows the smoke out from his mouth.

"Rarely?" He smirks. "What do you mean by rarely?"

"When I visit my grandparents in France, I usually smoke the expensive stuff there." He nods while blowing more smoke out.

"Here." He hands me one. "Oh god." "No." I say disgusted. "Why." He laughs. "I just told you." I start laughing again. "Expensive stuff is worth it."

"What." "Audreys become too wealthy that she can't take one of my cigs?" He smirks bumping my arm with his." I chuckle as he blows smoke in my face.

"Stoopp." I whine like a baby. Geez, I sound annoying. "Never." He whispers in my ear.

I chuckle. Putting my hands behind my head and resting it against the tree. He stares at me. "What." I smirk as he finishes his cigarette.

"Nothing." "It's just.. your eyes are quite pretty." I blush slightly. I've always thought my eyes were boring. They were a dull blue. Not like my mother's. Hers are as bright as the ocean while mine look like a polluted day in the sky.

"I like yours too." "They look nice in the sun." I laugh. "Really now?" He smirks with a raised eyebrow. I nod. "Very."

"And then I just walked out of the classroom." I gasp. "Wow." "You sure are a brave one for that, Felix." Felix tells me about the pranks he's pulled on the teacher and how he usually gets away with it a lot because the teachers are used to it by now.

"I'm surprised I haven't met you before." I laugh. "I skip class often." "Or I'm kicked out and end up being in the garden all day." "Doing what." I raise an eyebrow.

"Smoking." "Reading." "Just walking around in general." "I get bored." He grins. "I'd say your very mischievous, Felix." "I love it when you say my name." He says looking down at me with my head on his shoulder.

I look back up at him again. His usual hazel eyes look jet black in the moonlight. Then he leans in. Holding my face with one hand and the other on my back.

Our mouths touch and move in sync. His hand moves down my neck. Caressing the soft flesh. He starts to leave kisses on my jaw and earlobe while bringing the other hand from my back to the other side of my neck.

I let out a shaky breath and I can tell he's smirking against my skin. He finally brings his lips back up to my lips before separating to take a breath.

I smile. His lips were soft and gentle. "Enjoyed it." He smirks into my ear. I laugh for like the millionth time tonight. "Yes."

"We should get back." "It's getting colder." I nod in agreement. He strokes my cheek one last time before standing up. He offers me his hand and I kindly accept. "Thank you kind sir."

"Anything for you, my lady."

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