"Fuck off, Tozier"

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"Fuck off, Tozier"

Bill held me tight as I cried in his arms. Why did everyone hate me? Why can't I just have a normal life with loving parents and a little sister that doesn't go missing.

We stood there for awhile, I didn't want to let go, I didn't know if I could handle it. Bill's arms slowly got looser around me and I looked up at him. "D-do you w-want to st-tay?" He stuttered out while checking out the red-mark on my cheek. "No, no Bill I don't want you to get in trouble for me, I'll be fine he probably is asleep already and we have school tomorrow," He looked down and nodded at me, slowly releasing me from his hold completely.

"Y-you know w-where to fin-nd me, r-right?" I smiled at his stutter; it was always so cute, "Yeah of course, I'll see you at school," I said as I smiled and walked away from the Denbrough house.

The street was cold and dark as I walked, even for a late spring night it was really cold. Even with shivers running down my spine I couldn't focus on just that. My thoughts brought me back to my father, a raging alcoholic that hits his daughter, what an asshole. It used to be so much different, we were a happy family once, a long time ago.

The best memory of my happy family was my birthday in 1985, I was turning 11.

"Zara, wake up, wake up!" yelled my younger sister Alexa as she jumped on top of me. She was only 3 years old. "It's your birthday Zara! And you know what that means?" She yelled in my ear.

"No Alexa, what does it mean?" I said while groaning in pain from being jumped on, but still having a smile on my face. "Presents!" She yelled while tugging on my hand and pulling me downstairs.

Alexa dragged me down the stairs and into the living room where my happy parents sat with smiles. "Zara, I thought you would never get up, it's already 10," my mother scolded, though whenever she scolded someone she could never wipe the smile off her face. She was the sweetest woman in the world.

Before I could even say a word back to my mother's scolding Alexa was once again dragging me to sit down on the carpet in the middle of the living room. "Mommy! Zara should open her presents!" She yelled with excitement.

"Alexa, from what I'm hearing I believe that you are more excited about Zara's presents than she is," My father said laughing, sending the rest of my family in a laughing fit along with me.

I smiled at the memory of the happy family I wish I could still have. But that's all it is, a memory.

As I got to my house I could see all the lights off inside, he was asleep thank god. I quietly went into the house and went straight to my room hoping and praying my father didn't hear me.

I fell back into my bed as I sighed and stared up at the small green stars I put up with Alexa the year before. As memories flooded my mind of my younger sister, I smiled and fell asleep, hoping Bill was right about Alexa and Georgie.

The next morning I woke up from loud banging on my door, "Zara, you're gonna be late for school!" My father yelled through the locked door, my eyes widened as I looked at the time, 7:45, school started at 8. I sprinted around my room looking for clothes to wear. I found an old, probably dirty, tee and some old jeans, quickly putting them on, grabbing my bag and sprinting out of my room. My dirty white sneakers are thrown on the ground at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

As I ran out of the house grabbing my bike from the garage I got on and started pedaling as fast as I could, I didn't even notice I had no socks on. The wind blew in my tangled hair as the school got closer and closer. I was down the street when I could hear the first, or second bell go off, I was screwed.

I almost ran into the bike rack as I got to it, not even caring to lock my bike up. There were still some students walking into the school as I ran up to the west entrance. I panted as I ran to my first class, math, I always hated math. What was the point of it anyways?

I swung the door open to see all the other students in the class stare at me while the teacher stopped teaching. "So happy for you to join us Zara take a seat, you're late." She growled. "Wait but the first bell just went off," I said, still trying to catch my breath. "No, that was the second bell, now sit," She said while glaring at me.

I glared back at her while I sat down at the only open seat, sadly it was next to Richie Tozier. "Nice going, maybe I could help you wake up earlier tomorrow," He said while leaning over and whispering to me. I rolled my eyes at his comment, knowing what he was implying. "Fuck off Tozier." He laughed as he sat straight up and paid attention to the rest of class.

First period passed by slowly as I watched the clock, there was barely a week of school left, why were they still learning? The bell then suddenly rang as I jumped up at ran out of the class, finally the torture was over, now I just needed to go to seven other classes.

I heard someone run after me as I walked in the hall, when I looked over I wished I didn't, it was once again Richie Tozier. "You never gave me an answer to my offer," He said as he walked next to me. "I thought the, fuck off Tozier, was enough," I said as I saw Bill at his locker just down the hall.

"Oh so it's a yes?" He asks with a slight smirk. I laughed as we walked up to Bill who was now waiting for us, "Whatever you say, Tozier." Bill smiled as we stopped in front of him. "W-what did h-he sa-say?" He asked. "He's just being stupid like normal," I said with a smile.

Richie looked at me with a hurt look once I said that, "Hey! That was rude!" he yelled. "Good," I said while laughing with Bill. "Hey, Bill, what class do you have next?" I asked while we started walking down the hall. "Z-Zara, I'm in y-your se-second period his-story," He said while staring at me like an idiot. "Wait, really how did I not notice?" I asked as Richie went off to his next class leaving Bill and I to walk to history. He just smiled instead of responding, while we walked into the classroom.

My eyes scanned the classroom looking for two empty seats, once I found some I pulled Bill over to them and sat down.

Once class started I just couldn't pay attention. It was so boring, I had to get out of there so I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. Once I was granted permission I grabbed my backpack and went out into the hall. It was so quiet with no one in the hallway it felt weird.

As I got to the entrance of the bathroom my stomach turned, I had a gut feeling that someone was watching me as I entered. The nervousness in my stomach went away as I lit a cigarette and brought it to my lips.

But it soon returned as I heard the bathroom door open from inside the stall I was in. I wasn't sure who it was until I looked under the stall and saw the one and only, Henry Bowers' shoes.


Ello people, thanks for reading, this is the
first chapter that I'm writing so I hope you like it

- Cami :)

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