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"Thanks for the reminder, mom

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"Thanks for the reminder, mom."

I curse under my breath as I question my luck. I sigh before standing up and opening the stall revealing Henry's ugly face. "What the fuck are you doing in the girls bathroom, you pervert." He rolls his eyes at my comment. His eyes drift down to the cigarette in my hand, quickly taking it from me and taking a puff.

"You know why I'm here." Henry says while staring at me like it was obvious. I just roll my eyes at the taller boy. "I broke up with you, so no I don't know. please tell me, why are you here?" I say while glaring at him. He lifts his arm and rests it against the stall door, chuckling slightly. "You're so stupid, you're gonna get back together with me." He says with a smirk on his face while I scoff at his words. "Fuck no." I argued with a snicker. Henry inhaled deeply trying to calm himself down before looking me in the eyes again. "Why?" I give a rough sigh before responding, "Because, Henry, I'm tired of you and your goons always beating the shit out of me." I mumble the last part in case anyone can hear, "Come on, baby, you know I love you." I scoff at his dumbass excuse. "No you don't, if you really did I wouldn't have bruises from you and-" but before I could finish, I'm pinned against the wall and Henry's hands are wrapped around my throat. I try to take them off as I'm gasping for air but thankfully, someone walked in.

Henry quickly lets go of the hold on my neck letting me finally be able to breathe. I eyed the girl as I walked out, who now had widened eyes. I felt the strap of my backpack falling down as I walked outside of the school and sat against the brick wall.

I pull the rest of the cigarette pack out of my bag and let it meet my lips. I soon lit it with a lighter while enjoying the fresh air. After a few moments of leaning on the brick wall and just enjoying nature — I'm interrupted by none other than Richie Tozier. I sigh and turn my attention to the shorter boy standing in front of me. He takes the cigarette out of my hand and throws it against the concrete ground without saying anything. "What the fuck?" I growl at him as he steps on the cigarette bud. "They're bad for you idiot," He says as he sits next to me. I roll my eyes at him and grab another, quickly lighting it. "I never told you, you could sit." He laughs and tries to take the cigarette but I pull it away from him. "This is public property Zara, but honestly you're killing yourself."

I roll my eyes once more at the trashmouth. "Thanks for the reminder mom," I say as I blow a puff of smoke in his face. I start laughing at his coughing fit from inhaling the smoke. "You're a bitch," He says laughing after his coughing. "Takes one to know one Tozier," I said smiling at him. He laughed again, "You know, Wellington I have a feeling that this is going to be a great friendship," Richie says while smiling at me. "I was thinking the exact same thing," I said and looked off back at the scenery.

The two of us sat there for a while until the bell went off signaling the period ended. "I should probably go," Richie said as he helped me up. "Yeah, I'll see you later Tozier," He nodded and started walking back to the doors of the school but then he stopped and turned around, "Actually, I will see you later, you're hanging out with me and the losers, and you can't say no," He laughed and turned back around running into the school. I laughed and walked in after him.

The rest of the school day went by slowly as I watched the clock. The only thing off was the weird stares I got throughout the day, it all started right after third period when people would stop to stare and whisper. It wasn't until after last period that I found out why.

I slammed my locker closed as Richie, Bill and Eddie approached me. I smiled at them until I saw the looks on their faces. Richie looked pissed while the other two were confused. "Did you sleep with Bowers?!" Richie suddenly screams in my face. I was shocked, why would he even think that, "What gave you the impression that I slept with Bowers?" I asked, confused.

"D-don't mind hi-him Zara, he c-can be ve-very pr-protective," Bill said while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, I sigh as I turn to him and walk with him and Eddie out of the school and to our bikes.

Stanley met us outside along with Richie who was already by the bikes, we all biked around Derry together and stopped at the park where we all sat under a tall tree and talked, Richie though wouldn't even look at me. I didn't understand why he was mad if it didn't even involve him. Over the time of hanging out with the losers I somehow managed to get Richie alone so I could talk to him.

I sat down next to him on the grass and leaned my head on his shoulder making him tense up. "Rich?" I asked, he didn't answer. "Please don't ignore me, I would never sleep with Bowers." I said which made him look down at me. I moved my head off of his shoulder to look back at him. "Why would you think I would even try to get near his tiny dick?" I asked smiling, making him laugh. "I didn't think you did, but with everyone else saying it, it just kinda got in my head," He said looking down at the grass. "No I understand that, but if you don't mind me asking why did you care so much?"

Richie sighed, "Just like the cigarettes, he's bad for you Zara and I don't want you getting hurt, you're my friend I can't just let that happen ya know?" He said while pulling the grass through his fingers.

I smiled, "I swear Rich I will not go back to him, he was the worst boyfriend I have ever had," I said laughing. I looked over at Richie and saw his shocked face. "You've had more than one?" He asked, surprised. I nodded slowly laughing at his reaction. "How have you had so many? I can barely get a girl to talk to me." He asked. I laughed and smiled at him, "First off, Rich you're talking to one right now, second, the right girl will come around soon, maybe when you least expect it." I said smiling at him.


Sorry this chapter was kind of short

I'll try to write more next time :)


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