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" Disgusting

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" Disgusting. I'm in. "

WE DUMPED ALL of the items in our school bags into the trash can. "Best. Feeling. Ever." Stanley exclaimed. Richie looked up and smirked. "Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." He suggested, making me chuckle and playfully nudge his arm with my elbow.

"So, it's officially summer break, what do you Losers plan on doing?" I asked them all. Richie pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Start my training." He stated.

"Training?" Eddie questioned. "What training?" He added. Richie. Shrugged. "Street Fighting." He replied. Street Fighting was an arcade game. I prefered Pacman but would always enjoy fighting against my sister. I'd always let her win because she was so bad at the game.

"Is that really how you wanna spend your summer? Inside an arcade?" Eddie asked, blinking slowly. Richie shrugged again. "Beats spending it inside your mother. OhHh!" He raised his hand for me to high-five, but I pushed it back down to his side.

"I have no idea what you mean by that, but I'll go to the arcade with you." I offered. Richie smiled and nodded.

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stanley chimed in. We all started to nod and agree except for Bill. "Guys we have the b - b - barrens." He reminded the guys.

Stanley nodded. "Right." He peeped. I raised an eyebrow. "What are the barrens?" I asked. "Sewers." Richie quickly answered.

"Disgusting. I'm in." I smiled deviously as we started to walk away with our empty bags. "You know the barrens aren't that bad," Richie raised his voice so we could all hear. "we could have some laughs splashing around in shitty water."

Then, sporadically, Henry came and pushed Richie into Stanley by the straps in his backpack, knocking them both to the ground. Patrick kneeled next to Stan, picking up his kippah. "Nice frisbee, flamer." He teased.

"G - give it back!" Stanley gulped, attempting to snatch it out of Patrick's grip, but failed as he threw it into an open window on a schoolbus driving by.

I turned around and saw Belch burp into Eddie's face, laughing as he gagged. I shook my head at him, and he mouthed a "sorry" in response.

They started to walk off when Bill started to muffle up a comment. "You s - s - suck, Bowers!" He shouted. I mentally cursed him out as I watched Henry and the others turn around, Patrick with a wicked grin.

They began to slowly step closer. "You.. suh - suh - suh - say somethin'? Buh - buh - buh - Billy?" He made fun of the boy's stutter. Bill began to sweat lightly.

"You had a free ride this year because of your little brother," Henry started. "Ride's over, Denbrough." He smirked.

I stood next to Bill. "What do you think you're doing, dickhead?" I asked Henry. His smirk faded into a pout as he sort of looked down. "What, someone saw you hold me by the neck, so you go spread rumors, just because I shattered your cold, stone heart?" I snickered.

Henry just stayed silent, not even clenching his shaking fists. I fixed him good. "Your father is right over there," I pointed over to the cop car where Betty Ripsom's hopeless mother also stood. "At any moment, I could go ruin his little mission to find Betty and tell him all about what his tiny shafted son has done to me and these poor boys." I mumbled with gritted teeth.

"Leave me and my friends alone. Now, you have a nice day, Snowflake." I wispered. Henry looked back at Bill.

"This summer's gonna be a hurt train. For you and your faggot friends." He muttered, walking away with the other's. "And we'll see you soon, hot stuff!" Henry grinned.

I scoffed. "You wanna come over here and repeat that for me?" I asked. Henry turned back around and stepped closer. "We'll see you soon, hot stu-"

Right then, I grabbed his shoulder with my free hand and brought my knee up to his crotch, instantly making him grunt and crouch down, holding it with pressure.

I nodded to the Losers and walked away, all of them following me. "You kind of deserved that, man." I heard Victor tell Henry, making me smile and roll my eyes.

WE MADE IT TO the place I now know as Eddie's house to grab some things. They sort of hid me as we walked past one of the rooms that I could sort of make out to be a livingroom.

"Uh.. why?" I asked, leaning on Eddie's kitchen counter. Bill shrugged, opening a cabinet and shoving various food items inside.

"What if we get caught?" Eddie asked, worried. Bill scanned the shelves. "We won't." He assured him. "The sewers are p - p - public work. We're the public, aren't we?" He shrugged.

"Besides, Eddie, if we were to get in trouble, it would make today more fun. And I would back all of us up." I patted his shoulder. Eddie sighed. "How would you do that?" He asked.

I raised a brow and scoffed. "Oh, dear Eddie, I was a part of the Bowers Gang. Is that really a question you need to ask?" Eddie shook his head and chuckled with me.

I looked over at Bill and we gave each other a smile. On our way out, we were in such a hurry that the guys didn't bother to cover me, and I noticed a 100lb woman stuffed in an armchair wearing a pink Muumuu, painting her nails.

"Eddie Bear!" She called. Oh lord, that was Eddie's mother. I let out a quiet snort behind my palm. "Where you boys off to in such a hurry?" She asked, her eyes averting towards me. "And.. girl." She flashed a small smile.

We all hesitated for a moment. "Juh - just my house, Mrs. K.. I got a new.." Bill thought for a moment until Richie let out a sigh. "A new croquet set. Jeez, spit it out B - B - Bill!" Richie fibbed.

"Okay," Mrs. K nodded. "Oh and sweetie, don't go rolling around in the grass, especially if it's just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get." She reminded Eddie, who nodded.

"Yes, mommy." He said, beginning to walk out with us, but stopped again. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked. Eddie mentally cursed himself before walking over, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

Richie and I exchanged looks and chuckled. "Do you want one from me too, Mrs K?" Richie asked while I made kissy faces next to him.

"Go, go, go," Eddie pushed us all out of the house.

Author's Note

Hi children! Emma here,
hope you enjoyed this
chapter and the badassery
from Zara in the beginning.


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