The big, bad wolf has come to Town

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It's officially the end of the school year.  We've got prom followed up by graduation.  I'm the valedictorian.  Go me!  Right now I'm shopping for prom dresses with my girls.

"Do you think Klaus is here?  In the original time line he showed up before a school dance as Alaric.  Jenna said Alaric is acting a little strange." Elena said.

"Hm.  I guess we'll find out on Monday.  He won't be able to help but give himself away like he does on the show." I said.

I could feel the excitement and butterflies stirring in my stomach at the thought.  It was almost time to meet the rest of my mates.  I sent Kat a text to make sure she stays inside with her mates so that Klaus can't get to her.  After a few hours of shopping with Gabe each of us has a dress and accessories that he deems perfect for us.

On Monday I excitedly enter History class with my group.  Ty and Stef are sitting on either side of me with Elena on the other side of Stef.  Care is behind me with my brothers on either side of her and Bonnie in the same row with them.  I swung my legs under my desk gleefully as Alaric entered and I knew immediately it was my mate.  Alaric immediately froze as the most wonderful scent entered his nose and jerked his head in the direction of his mate.  He was frozen staring at her as his memories came rushing back.  I giggled as he stood like a frozen statue.

"Ric you ok over there?" I teased.

"Ahem, yes.  Sorry.  I wasn't feeling well over the weekend so my brain isn't quite all there.  Where did we leave off in class?" Klaus asked.

"The 60's." Dana chirped.

"Right the 60's.  The 60's were terrible to be blunt.  The only bright spot were the Beatles.  So lets see what happened in the 60's?  Vietnam War, Civil Rights Protests, assassinations of John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Cuban missile Crisis, and um..Watergate?" Klaus said uncertainly.

"The Watergate Scandal was in the early 70's sir." Dana said.

"Oh yes, yes.  Like I said still recovering from being ill.  I want each of you to tell me one thing you know about each event minus Watergate and go." Klaus said.

Klaus listened to the students with one ear but mostly focused on his mate and the doppelganger seated near her.  Klaus couldn't help but wonder what her game is to show up here and clearly be friends with the doppelganger.  Is his own mate here to stop him?  Will he never know love and loyalty?

I was seated with my friends at lunch when a compelled Dana came up to us excitedly.

"OMG Elena and Sang!!  This like totally hot guy came up to me asking about you both.  He said he wants to be your date to prom Sang.  And Elena he wants a dance with you but not the first or last dance as they're the most important and belong only to Sang.  Isn't that amazing?  I mean I know it's kinda weird but trust me he's hot." Dana said.

"Oh yes?  What's his name?" I asked with a knowing glint in my eye.

"Klaus.  Weird name right?  But anyways, so hot." Dana gushed before rushing away.

At the end of the school day I rushed up to Klaus.

"Hey Ric make sure you come over to the Salvatore's for a meeting about the big, bad wolf Klaus." I said with a wink before dashing off.

During the school day Jenna and Jeremy were moved to a location that Klaus wouldn't know about so they'd be safe.

"So what's the plan?" Klaus asked as he entered the living room where everyone was.

"Hey Ric." Damon said with a nod and a lift of his whiskey.

"Honestly I see no reason to deviate from our original plan.  I mean obviously Eli won't have to call Klaus to let him know about the doppelganger since he's already here somewhere.  So we do what we already planned.  Give him Elena, the vampire, and werewolf and Bonnie to do the spell since his witches are magicless.  We'll tell him how his mother tricked him and he actually needs Elena to survive because only her blood can be used to make hybrids.  But good news because Elena has been made immortal so she will come back.  So hybrids can happen!  Nothing needs to change.  Other than not needing to contact Klaus ourselves since he already found out.  We get to go on and enjoy prom and graduation and I can be reunited with my last  two mates.  I can't wait!" I said while looking dead into Klaus's eyes as Alaric.

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