All the Pieces of the Puzzle

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"Wait so, I can have kids?" Elijah asked in awe.

"I'm just glad I've still be using protection since I'm so used to it." Caroline said.

"I'm pregnant. Again." Kat said miserably.

"Strong swimmers." Raven said proudly with his chest puffed out.

Kat smacked Raven on the back of his proud head in frustration.

I had talked to Freya who confirmed she isn't pregnant. So the only pregnant one in this pack is Kat. She's acting mad about it but I can sense through our bond she's happy. She never got to experience it really the first time when she was forced to give her baby away and then banished from her home country. I knew my sister Bekah would be very happy about it from what I read and saw of her character on the show it's really the only reason she wants to be mortal again.

Tuesday Klaus was still Alaric but by Wednesday Alaric was himself. After school on Wednesday Klaus was waiting for me.

"I thought we could have our first date." Klaus said.

Klaus took me into the city to a dress shop to find something for me to wear to a date he hasn't filled me in on.

"Is this her?" I heard someone ask in a female British accent.

I turned to see the beautiful blonde stepping out of the fitting room. I squealed and hugged Klaus before throwing myself at Rebekah.

"She's got maybe too much energy for me. But you did say she's Fae. I didn't know they were real so I wouldn't know what to expect from one. So many different stories about them. Good, bad, and in-between. Who knows what's the truth on their kind. Now will you peel her off of me?" Rebekah asked.

I giggled as I stepped away on my own.

"Beks you'll grow to love me. I'm going to be the true sister and best friend you've never had. I'll tone it down for now though." I said with a grin.

"Whatever you say. What are people wearing these days? It's next to nothing." Rebekah said.

"This store isn't a representation of what we wear. These clothes are strictly for events." I said.

"Well, why would you bring me here Niklaus? I need clothes for everyday wear." Rebekah complained.

"I wanted you to meet my mate as she's been very excited to meet you. Was that too much to ask for?" Klaus asked.

"Fine, I met her. Now can I go shopping for real?" Rebekah asked.

"If you help me pick out a dress I'll help you tomorrow." I offered.

Rebekah looked my outfit up and down before nodding.

"Fine. I'll trust your taste. Niklaus get out and I'll get her ready." Rebekah said.

Klaus put his hands up before leaving the shop. Rebekah made quick work of pulling several dresses before shoving me into a fitting room with the dresses. I looked at them and then grabbed the one that spoke to my little Fae heart. The top was a skin tight nude color with black stitching going through it in the pattern of constellations with silver thread for each star and the skirt was loose black tulle that went to my feet. I tried it on and knew this was it. I stepped out to show Rebekah.

"I agree. That's the one. Ok, time for shoes. Ma'am we need shoes to match this dress." Rebekah commanded while sipping from a champagne flute.

I looked at Rebekah with puppy eyes.

"No. Stop giving me those eyes. No alcohol for you. You're too young. Nik wouldn't be happy." Rebekah said.

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