Chapter 11 - This is just great

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The Next Morning: 9.00 am

Olivia POV:

I have been up for like two hours but I have just stayed in bed on my phone, just looking at Instagram. I haven't had much sleep.

I finally decide to get out of bed. I stand up and walk over to my suitcase that put on ground last night after my shower. I grab a black leather skirt with a plain pink crop top that doesn't reveal much.

I quickly get changed since I don't really like having a shower in the morning.

5 minutes later

I finished getting my clothes on. The skirt is mid thigh and the crop top reaches down to the top of the skirt. I sit on the bed and start putting a pair of socks on and then a pair on my black ankle boots.

I stand up and walk over to my suitcase and get out my little bag that I put some of my makeup in and a mirror that I threw in.

I start to put a little bit of foundation and some eye makeup on but not that much. I brush my hair and just leave it out.

I grab my handbag out of my bag and put my phone in it and check that my money is in there. I then walk out of my room and down the stairs to see Dad all dressed sitting on the couch.

"Oh good, your up" He says as he stands up.

"I've been up for over an hour" I say as I walk over to him.

"Well lets get a coffee and then I was thinking that we could go and visit Mrs Marin and Aunty Hanna" He says as he grabs his wallet, keys and phone and we walk out of the apartment and down the stairs.

Ezra's POV:

"Two coffees" Sabrina asks as she notices us.

"Yeah, thanks" I say as we stand just beside the counter. I get out my phone and start checking it.

"I'm sorry for all this mess stress that I have caused you guys" I hear Olivia tell me.

"It's alright, we still love you" I say as I turn my phone off and put my arm around her and side hug her.

"Ezra" I hear my name as I take my arm off Livi and look up to see that it is Mike, Aria's brother.

"Mike" I say shocked as he walks towards me and next minute I feel his fist collide with my left cheek. I lift my hand up to feel that my lip was bleeding

"What the hell Ezra, you dump my sister, you break her heart and now you are going out with a girl that looks like a teenager" He nearly yells as he pushes me to the ground.

"Dad" I hear Olivia yell.

"What" I ask confused.

"You should be in jail right now, you raped my sister and left her for dead, and then she had to go to a mental hospital where all the crazies are, I haven't seen her for nearly 17 years because of you" He yells at me as I look at him confused on what he is going on about.

"Mike, what are you talking about" I yell at him as I stand up and literally see steam coming out of his ears. He then pushes me back onto the ground.

"I'm calling the cops" I hear Sabrina say.

"No" I say as I grab onto the counter and pull myself back up. I don't want Mike to get in trouble because he believes all the things that his father has told him.

"And who knows where Mom is, she could be dead for all I know, her only daughter ruined by some fuck boy. That's the person that your boyfriend is" He says the last part to Olivia.

Pretty Little Liars: Ezria Fanfic: Aria is PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now