Chapter 5

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This had to be the worst time of my entire life. Merewen would not answer my calls because she was already injured.

‘Why didn’t my foresight work; I should have sensed this danger coming long before it reached us? My skills must not be as attuned as they usually are. Now it may be too late.’ Those thoughts ran through my head as I fought through the onslaught of Orcs. I looked up briefly to see how Merewen was fairing, only to see that she was outnumbered worse than I. Then an Orc raised a rock high into the air only to bring it down hard onto Merewen’s head, dropping her to the ground with a sickening thud. Her eyes remained open for a moment only to allow a tear to slip from her eyes, and then they closed, almost as if she had given in after thinking, ‘why did this happen?’

I fought to reach her side dropping every Orc that chanced to come in the way of my twin knives. Most of them ended up fleeing from the scene, escaping their impending fate, which I would have gladly given.

After we were safe, my attention flew to Merewen. I noticed that the Orcs had inflicted more injuries upon her; the worst was the gash upon her head from the blow she had sustained. I weighed my direction options; which way should I go? Should I turn back to Rivendell or should I continue onto Mirkwood? I decided to continue onto Mirkwood, so I placed Merewen atop of Harma after binding the wounds that I could with the limited supplies we had packed.

We rode for two straight nights, only stopping briefly to allow the horses to rest. Merewen never awoke during the ride, only moaned or hissed softly at the pain, but she never woke once. This seriously worried me; it was most unnatural for an elf to not stir for so long, though not unheard of.

Now that my attention was solely on Merewen, I did not even realize my own condition was slowing worsening.

We arrived at the gates late into the third day, but they immediately allowed us entrance, for they had known of our impending arrival. When the gates swung open, Prince Legolas was standing there, and a look of horror riddled with shock crossed his fair face.

“What has happened to you? You look horrible!”

“Well this is what happens when two very disgruntled women get attacked by a band of Orcs, caught off guard,” came my response. “Now, I am in dire need of the attention of your Healer, for Merewen has been gravely injured!” I said knowingly, while I jumped off my horse and reached to get Merewen off.

The Prince said, “Very well, but let me take Merewen. You are in no condition to be carrying another when you look like you are having difficulties standing, yourself!”

He lifted Merewen off the horse and into his arms, where I noticed Merewen smiled briefly, but then it was gone. Legolas lead me through the Palace to the infirmary where Merewen was immediately taken care of, allowing me to relax for a while.


About an hour had passed when the Healer informed me that Merewen would be fine, though she had a concussion. When he asked me how I was fairing, I replied, “I am fine, if not a bit tired from our journey!”

I knew he suspected I was not telling him everything when he talked again, “No there is more I see; sorrow and eternal pain in your eyes. Are you grieving over someone?” I thought for a moment, ‘Well there is one I love, but we haven’t seen each other for many years, why am I grieving now?’

I looked at him for a moment blankly, and then I spoke. “Well there is one who I greatly desire to see, but it has been so for many a year. Why am I grieving now?”

“Most likely because you are being affected by your friend’s emotions, for she is also grieving, though hers are much worse than yours at the present. Plus, it does not help one if every ounce of their energy is spent on caring for others, and by the looks of it, you have been doing just that.”

“How does one go about stopping this grief? For I have not heard of any cases such as my own.”

“Well it is simple, really. You must see the one for whom you grieve.” With that, he left me and returned to the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

My thoughts drifted to a time when I was truly happy!


“Must you leave now, my love, for we have just found each other, and I do not wish to lose you?”

“Yes, I must leave, for one does not simply ignore a summons from Elrond to become his student. It’s a once in a life time opportunity!” I said smiling at my own comment.

“I know that it is, but I still don’t like it,” said Haldir grumpily, knowing he was not going to get what we both knew we truly wanted.

“I promise to return as soon as I can, to you melamin (my love). For I do not want to stray from my heart for long,” was my response, before Haldir bent down to kiss me tenderly.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek, only to have Haldir brush it away with his thumb, as his hands softly caressed my face. “I will await your return my love,” was Halidir’s answer, before he pulled me in for a more passionate kiss.

*End Flashback*

A tear slid down my cheek, at the thought of seeing my long lost, but not forgotten, love. Then I realized I had no idea how to get Haldir here in time.

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