Chapter 15

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I had no idea how they knew we were in the trees, but they must have because they began to set arrows loose heading in our direction. I decided it was best if we moved through the trees, so that is what we did. We moved quickly and stealthily through the trees until Haldir needed a short rest.

That short break turned out to be our undoing, for in a matter of seconds, a shower of arrows was upon us; one embedded itself into my leg. It was the most horrible pain one could ever endure, I cried out softly in hopes of not giving away our exact position. Haldir came to my aid quickly and helped me move higher in the tree.

I felt my energy slowly drain from me; I concluded that the arrow must be poisoned for no normal arrow would have such an effect. “Haldir…the arrow…it is poisoned, it is slowly draining my energy. We must…remove it!!”

“I know it needs to be removed my love, but we have nothing to stop the blood after it is removed.”

“But it hurts, so very much!” I whined.

“I know it does, but be strong, we will be back in Lothlorien in no time, for the Orcs headed back towards the city, not away from it.”

I tried to sit down in the tree, but the pain was excruciating, and I hissed at the feeling. “We shall rest for a time, and then we must leave.” I nodded my response, and Haldir rested on the branch across from me.

I was awakened by the feeling of sun dancing over my face. I opened my eyes and asked Haldir “Why didn’t you wake me?” I looked over to where Haldir slept before, only to find that I was alone. “Haldir?” I called “Haldir, where are you? This isn’t funny.”

“I am right here, melamin. I am sorry I worried you; I just went to check the area; it appears that the Orcs have left. Also, I have found some herbs that we can use to help us,” said Haldir, whose head popped up in front of me, startling me a little. “Come we shall remove the arrow now.”

We climbed back down the tree. I laid down on the soft ground, and Haldir prepared to remove the arrow. “This is going to hurt a lot, melamin.”

“I realize that, you do know I have been studying the art of healing, so I have seen some injuries.” I said jokingly.

“Yes, I know that you have but it’s a bit different when you are the receiving end of the pain,” retorted Halidir who grasped the arrow firmly with one hand while the other held my leg down. “On three! Three, two, one!” He pulled the arrow cleanly out of my leg, and to put it plainly, the pain was so excruciating that I passed out. Haldir took this time to clean out the poison he could and bandage up the wound.

In my unconscious state, I had a strange dream. I dreamt of Merewen, she was happy, greatly so. But this was quickly replaced by pain and dread. I saw what she saw, which was Elladan looking down at her from atop his horse. She panicked slightly and turned to look at Legolas. The emotions that she saw in his eyes were too much for her, and she ran away from everyone. I awoke when I saw nothing more.

This subtle movement startled Haldir. “What is it? Is there something the wrong Inwe?” At first I couldn’t answer but then the words just came flowing out “It is Merewen, she has discovered her power. I believe it is too much for her to handle for she has just met Elladan again. I must return to her now!”

“Inwe, calm yourself. We are heading back to Lothlorien now, and as soon as we get there, you can set out for Mirkwood, and I will accompany you.”

“You will accompany me? What of your duties in the city?” I questioned.

“It matters not now, for I must accompany my fiancé, so I can personally see to it that she arrives safely to her friend’s side.”

“Thank you so much!” I said, throwing myself into his arms.

“But first we must look after ourselves for we won’t do anyone help if we can’t even look after ourselves,” said Haldir.


When we arrived at the city, many were worried about our health, so we were immediately taken to the healers. After we were healed, we set off to arrange our journey to Mirkwood. Calaglin, Erethon, Ferevellon, and Helas were more than willing to accompany us back to Mirkwood, for I knew they greatly missed their own home.

The Lord and Lady were more than willing to allow me to leave, and take the captain of their guard with me. They wished us well, and we set off down the road from which we came only a few short days ago.

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