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'Hi! My name's Talia Garcia-Smith!'

I trudged through the mud of the Welsh mountains to get to the car, stood in my trainers, only imaging all my families faces as my entrance was played on the screen.

'You might know from Descendants, Our Girl, or my music career.'

We were off quickly, driving around before we got to a long, winding country road and I lost all of my bearings. I knew I'd been isolating in Angelsey, but where I was now I had no clue at all.

Nor who I would be in camp with.

'This is like bucket list stuff, I've literally watched the show every year since I've lived here, and to be on it is just such an amazing opportunity.'

Eventually, we come to the end of the journey, and without a word I'm practically booted out of the car and on to a literal hill in the middle of nowhere.

'But, if I'm honest, I was actually supposed to be on tour with Harry Styles right now.' Talia frowned, holding up two hands. 'World tour with Harry Styles.' She held one higher, then shifted them. 'Eating anus and penis in a haunted Castle in Wales.' She sighed deeply, the small camera crew around her in their masks all laughing.

'Bloody stupid rona.'

I stumbled through the uneven grass, almost tripping with every step I took towards a gap in a bush, hearing a few voices. 'Oh my gosh! Hi!' I had to raise my voice a little as the wind was so loud.

'I don't know what I'm afraid of really, there's a lot of things, but probably small spaces and heights are the worst. Typical, boring, rational. But, hopefully I come out of the castle having conquered those fears rather than having 500 new ones to go with them.' Talia pauses, then gasps.

'Oh no, clowns! Clowns are literally horrific. But Halloween's over now, so there better not be any Ronald McDonald's in the castle.' She giggles loudly.

'Ahh hello!' I recognised Vernon Kay straight away.

Because who didn't watch family fortunes religiously to learn English as a child, right?

'Nice to meet you, I'm Talia!' I hugged him, and in a non weird way, it felt so good to be able to hug someone beside my family after 6 of the longest months ever.

'Lovely to meet you, I'm Vernon!' He smiled, then I turned behind me, finding a gorgeous girl with an amazing afro. 'Hi! I'm Jessica! Lovely to meet you!' She kissed both my cheeks.

'Talia! You too! I absolutely love your makeup, you're so stunning!' I grinned at her as she gasped, hand over her mouth. 'Oh my god that's so sweet, Thankyou! Your eyebrows are giving me life right now!' We both giggle, I already knew we were gonna be besties.

'You know what, nobody ever notices me.' Vernon goes to walk off jokingly and I laugh loudly, all of us chatting away until another voice appears.

'Morning!' I turn and see Jordan North from Radio 1. I'd had a few interviews with him over the past couple of years, he was pretty funny, definitely a good sense of humour to cheer everyone up if they were down.

'Hiya!' I hug him. 'Oh eh up, what you doing here!?' I laugh. 'Hiya I'm Vernon.' 'Hi! Jess!' They all introduce themselves. 'Hang on. Why's there a rope down there?' He frowns at the cliff beside us, something I genuinely hadn't noticed until he pointed it out.

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