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We all get told to change into our camp gear as we separate off to get dressed and I can't help but grin as I change into the shirt with my name on it.

I was really here.

I was really doing this.

Once ready, we all sling our rucksacks on our backs and head through the pitch black and into the castle, making history as we explore the place for the first time ever.

'Oh my god!!' We all gasp. 'This looks sick!!!' I see the campfire, then move with Jess and Perri to explore the bed chamber.

'Oi. Where's the bar?' Shane shouts and we all laugh, dropping our bags to look around properly.

'Oh my gosh! Look there's proper beds! And a hammock!' Victoria seems ecstatic and I laugh.

'I'm gonna try it.' I mumble, sitting back on the hammock, and flying straight off.

'Oooooh shit.' I laugh at myself, falling to the floor with a thud.

Perri and Jess burst out laughing, falling to their knees as Vernon and Shane laugh at me too, just lying there with my hand on my head.

- the bloody chamber -

'Literally 30 seconds in. And I'm already making a tit of myself. Lovely!' Talia sighs, unamused, but still laughs at her own stupidity.

'Oh my god. Are you okay?' Perri and Mo walk over to help me up, both laughing with tears in their eyes.

'NAH. The hammock doesn't work bro!' I get up, seeing everyone laughing at me.

But hey, got the camp vibe off to a good start.

I pick myself and my ego up, moving to have a look through the wash room, the privvy and the courtyard. 'Oh my god we've got so much space!!'

'This is gonna be great when we all stink, we can stay away from each other.' I laugh, Jess and Hollie chuckling either side of me.

'Wait what? What's this bit?' Jess points to the woodfire. 'This is the boiler room.' I frown at AJ. And he shrugs. 'I don't know either.' We all laugh.

'Jesus is there more!' I follow Jess and Hollie up to the lookout, where we can see the millions of hills around us.

I can imagine it's quite a good view at sunrise or sunset.

'Oof.' I plonk onto the bench, Jess beside me as we stare up at the sky. 'I like it here.' Jess says as she sniffles, looking away as Giovanna sits the other side of me. 'Awe you tearing up.' Hollie hugs her.

'I'm fine, just overwhelmed.' Jess laughs, tears streaming from her eyes as I coo. 'Awh Jess!' I give her a cuddle, leaving an arm over her shoulder.

'It's just. I said to my daughter before we left each other, that if she misses me when I'm not there that if she looks for the moon, I can look at the moon and we can both see it.' I pout, cooing as I tear up. 'Aweeee, chick.' We have a group hug with all the girls, apart from Bev, who I think was already picking her bed.

Which is what we then all do when we head back towards the front of the castle.

I end up on the right hand side of Mo, who was on the hammock, and then Perri is on my right, with Vernon next to him. Jess was the opposite side of Mo, then Jordan on her left. Everyone else was around the corner to the other side of the bedroom.

We then get told that we have to sit around the campfire, that luckily Vernon and Shane had lit for us so we could warm up.

And whilst we wait for whatever it is that we were waiting for, we each take some time to have one on one or small group chats.

'So, when did you say you moved to England?' Mo asks me, the two of us sat with Victoria and Perri.

'So I was born in Barcelona and lived there until I was 12, then I moved to Chester in 2008.' I smile slightly, a few eyes widening. 'Wow! That's quite a while.' I nod at Victoria. 'Yeah. I didn't even know any English when I moved over.' Perri and Victoria gasp. 'Really!?'

'Yeah! I had to learn it all. And being up north, I kind of got the cheat sheet version.'

They all laugh. 'I was gonna say there's not like a full northern accent but there's a hint.' Mo nods and I grin. 'Yeah, I don't even know how to describe my accent. That's why I just sing in Spanish.' I laugh loudly and they smile.

'So is English your first language now? Or is still Spanish?' Perri asks as Victoria and Mo start to talk to each other about her broadcasts, that were before Perri and I were born.

'Umm, probably English now, but I'm still fluent in Spanish because of all my family that stayed over in Barcelona when we moved.' I smile sheepishly as I knew what he was about to ask.

'What's like something that you say all the time in Spanish.'

I laugh, thinking. 'Realmente quiero comer mucha comida.' I giggle, Perri's jaw dropping slightly.

'Talia... What the hell was that?'

Shane said with a slightly scared expression. All eyes seemed to now be on me.

'Hahahahahah. Perri asked me to say something I say a lot in Spanish.' I shrug, turning to the boy, who was sat with wide eyes.

'What did you say?' Vernon asks me.

'I said, I really want to eat lots of food.'

They all burst out laughing as I blush. 'That's made my night.' Vernon hi-fives me, just as we see Ant and Dec arrive. 'OH!'

'Oh my god!' Everyone lost their shit. Even Ant and Dec.

'Oh my god. It's the celebrities!!' We all laugh, hurrying Jordan to come and sit down from where I think he was actually about to go for a poo.

'Welcome to the castle!' I grin excited, sat looking like a puppy with a new owner in between Mo and Victoria. 'I can't tell you how excited we are to see you all together finally! Welcome to Wales, welcome to the castle. How was the journey in?' We all freeze, forgetting to reply.

'I can't even remember, it feels like days ago.' We all laugh at Shane, nodding.

'Jordan. Have you recovered?' He groans as I laugh. 'Oh, who told you!?' We all chuckle.

'We've heard rumours that you may have been a tad unwell.' Mo and I struggle to keep our laughter in, though he knew we were just messing.

'Yeah. I was a bit sick. But I feel better now.'

'Well obviously, as you can see, things are gonna be a bit different this year. There's no jungle, no dunny. But there is a privvy. And I can guarantee there's absolutely no chance of sunbathing. Soz.' We all laugh, gritting our teeth. That was the one thing I wished I could bring from Australia to Wales.

Decent bloody weather.

'Some things though, will stay exactly the same. Like the fact you'll be on a diet of rice and beans, and the fact you'll face trials to win food for the camp. And the first trial of 2020,' my face drops as I bite my lip.

'Takes place tonight.'

Some people cheer, some scream in horror. It's a real mixed bag of reactions.

Mo however, is literally buzzing.

'He's just been itching to do some form of exercise since we walked in here.' Everyone laughs at me as Dec carries on, Mo nudging my shoulder jokingly.

'The trials called Gates to Hell.' Ant finishes. 'And taking part will be.... All of you!' We all cheer, taking deep breaths, before they wave goodbye and let us get ourselves ready.

- talia and jess bloody chamber -

'You know what, I was genuinely thinking. I might have an early night y'know, be ready for the morning..... NOPE.' Talia sighs, Jess laughing. 'Oh god, there's gonna be bugs and smell. I don't wanna smell.' The two girls lean on each other for support as they whine jokingly.

'Alright. LETS BE HAVING YA WALES.' We all get our jackets and gilets on, heading out to the trial area in a single file line like school kids.

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