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'So Talia, what do you think is the biggest culture change from where you grew up?' Hollie asks me.

There was a group of us sat around the fire keeping warm, just having heard all of Bev's stories about her fitness DVD's.

'Umm, I think, well I mean the sun. The weathers so much better in Spain, my house over there had a pool, it was near a really beautiful warm beach. Then we moved to Chester.' I sigh, tight lipped as they all chuckled.

'One thing I have noticed though. Is English people are always apologising for things.' Everyone laughs, knowing what I mean as I nod.

'And like if you hold the door open for someone there's a mutual agreement that you say like, Thankyou or something. Whereas when I'm in Spain I find myself saying both Thankyou and Sorry in Spanish like, all the time and my grandparents are just staring at me like a right weirdo. Because it's just kind of a british thing, the amount of times I say it everyday is crazy.' I laugh, Giovanna nodding.

'What about like, family because you've got quite a big family didn't you say?' Jordan asks and I nod. 'Yeah. So I've got 2 brothers and 2 sisters. But my dad has 4 sisters and two brothers. So I've literally got about 15 cousins, and then us as well so my grandma has like nearly 20 grandkids. We're like the Aldi rip off version of the Kardashians if I do say so myself.' I swish my hair slightly as I giggle and Jordan snorts, laughing loudly.

'But family is a really big thing in Spanish culture, they're always FaceTiming me wherever I go and making sure I'm okay and they're so thrilled every time we go over to see them.' They all nod at me.

'That's so sweet.' Bev grins and I smile. It felt weird, she'd just been talking about how she'd outsold Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro and here I am bloody talking about how I've got thousands of cousins and aunties.

But soon enough, after a day of chilled time and settling in, we were told to gather around the fire pit.

And I knew something was up.

'This is it. First public voted trial. Defo.' I nod at Jess, the two of us sat with Hollie and Shane.

'Really do you think?' Jordan asked and I nodded. 'Oh it's gonna be me because of the sick.' He huffed and I laughed slightly, mouthing a quick apology as I couldn't hold in my giggles.

'Hello!!' We suddenly see the two presenters appear, meaning Jess was definitely right.

'Ohhhh no!!' We all tense up, sitting to attention as we wait to be told what was happening.

'The public have been voting for the next trial. And this one is called Viper Vault.' My stomach did a flip. I bloody hated snakes.

I wasn't petrified like Jordan had said he was, but I was still scared.

I just was smart enough not to announce what I was scared of to the nation so I wouldn't be voted to do the ones I was most terrified of.

'In no particular order...' I couldn't help but grin slightly as the reality of the moment sunk in. It was the bit I'd wanted to be in for years.

'Perri... it's not you.' I saw as he breathed a huge sigh of relief, nodding his head.

'Vernon. The public have decided, it's not you.'

'Giovanna, they've decided, it's not you.'

'Hollie, it isn't you.'

'Talia... it might be you.' My eyes widen. 'Oh godddd.' I hide my face in Jess' shoulder as she laughs at my groaning.

'Victoria the public have decided. It's not you.'

'AJ it's not you.'

'Jessica they've decided, it's not you.'

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