Chapter 14: It's Like a Love Hate Relationship

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I ran to the front door and hugged my brother.

My awesome, huggable, lovable bro.

Soon my obnoxious other brother Blake walked in.

"Hey Bry. Why are you here?"

After he released me from my hug, he looked up to Blake.

"Maybe cause I got off early to be here with you guys."

My 15 year old dummy of a bro Blake rolled his eyes and trudged back upstairs to his room.

After I stuck my tongue out at him I spun on my heal back to Bryon.


He made an "O" shape with his lips and gasped. He then smiled and engulfed me in a giant bear hug.

"That's great squirt! The big one on one! Do you wanna have a party or what?"

I put one hand on my hip and the other on my chin as I rubbed it like an old man.

"Nah I just wanna invite the boys!"

"Jade and Ty?"

I nodded anxiously waiting for his answer.

"Okay I guess we better clean up then!" I screamed in joy as I heard my other brother groan in annoyance

I walked Bryon to the living room and sat him down as I showed him some papers I brought home from school.

Drawings, graded math work, a bunch of stuff my dad or Blake didn't care about.

He flipped through my paper pile,
"Wow squirt, you're doing really good!"

"Thanks Byron!"

"Cool, well I'm gonna go to my room, I'll talk to Ya later?"

I nodded and he patted my head as he jogged up the stairs. As I heard his bedroom door shut, I suddenly felt that feeling.


Blake wasn't there, Byron just went to his room, and my dad wasn't going to come home until 3 days from now.

I dragged myself to the couch and put on cartoons. I slouched in the sofa messing with my bangs.

"And we'll be right back on Disney Channel!" I groaned as commercials began to play.

I got up as I turned the tv off. And not much later after that, I heard a bang.

A loud bang.

"Bryon? Was that you?"



*bang bang*

I tip toed up the stairs, quietly making my way up to his door.

Suddenly, there was no noise.

It was quieter than quiet.

I knocked softly on his door,
"Bry? Are you okay?"

I pushed his door in slowly and found him lying on his bed next to a drywall hole.

"Go away Brooke," he ordered in a low, serious voice. The kind only my dad uses.

"Why are your knuckles all bruised?"

He jerked up and stepped towards the door, towering over my small figure. Making me look up


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