Chapter 4: Half of a Homecoming

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As I walked through the crowded hallways, I let my head hang down. Brooke wasn't with me, or even on campus. She was in the hospital with Tyler. Turns out she had sprained her ankle pretty bad, and trying to help Tyler get up didn't help.

Tyler's condition was worst though.

Way worse.

He had hit his head pretty hard, hard enough to land him a spot on a hospital bed. Concussions man.

Yes, it's been a 3 days since Tyler or Brooke have been out.

Yeah, time goes by pretty fast.

As I dragged myself along, I'd bump into people randomly, some saying, "Sorry!" Or, "Excuse me," or the most said, "WATCH IT LOSER!" But I didn't care what they said. All I could think about was Tyler.

And Brooke of course.

The past few days had seemed like I was in a movie and I had it on replay. I'd wake up, feel happy, then return to being depressed because of my best friends.

Best friends.

I'd go to school for a grueling eight hours then walk home. I couldn't take the bus, too many morons fligging god knows what. I'd do whatever homework I had, eat bread, drink water, shower, and sleep. Then it just repeats.

Somewhere in the middle, I hit rock bottom and just started crying in my sleep. I woke up with my face wet and my breath heavy. I realized exactly how much they meant to me and decided that soon, I'd go visit them.

But I haven't been able to even think about that because I'm loaded with hurtful words from others and homework a million from dumb teachers.

Don't they see I have this thing called a LIFE?!

Obviously not because my algebra teacher decided to be horrible and give us a 3 page packet with 20 questions per page and make it due on friday, which is today. I got it done, but it's been all I"ve been able to think about for the week.

Then the day went by, as it does, and the bell rang, releasing us from this dreaded place. I still had this horrible attitude, but when I stood in the front of the school, and the sun hit my pale skin, it vanished. I ran a hundred miles per hour, maybe 2 hundred, to the hospital.

I had planned to visit them, but I knew today Brooke would be getting out. I'd get to see her, and maybe Tyler if he was okay.

"Brooke!" I screamed when I saw her limp out. She looked up and as soon as our eyes met, it's like she forgot she had a weakened ankle and she ran to me. I wrapped her in my arms and she did the same to me. She ruffled my white-ish blonde hair, "How ya been?"

"Horrible," I replied with a pout.

"Well, you don't have to continue like that cause I'm here to fix it!" She threw her arms in the air and stood on her tip toes, trying to reach my height. I laughed and asked about Tyler.

"He woke up yesterday, and he's perfectly fine. But they're gonna keep him till tomorrow." I nodded and we began a conversation about what she'd have to make up, which wouldn't be a lot.

For someone who says they wish school never existed, Brooke's pretty focused on getting stuff done.

Brooke and I walked to my house and we hung out on my driveway, just sitting and talking. Or more like her talking and me listening. She went on about how clean the hospital was and how boring it was and how much she missed being home.

At one point, we realized it was already sunset. I got worried and told her we should get inside. Cause let's just say it's not the safest place to be after dark. I grabbed her arm and tried pulling her to the front door, but she rejected and stayed in place.

"I wanna see this."

"See what?"

"I've been locked up in a hospital room on a bed for what feels like forever, Jade. And I didn't have a window. I want to see the sunset."

"Oh," I sat back down and accomponied her. As the sun fell to the horizon, I glanced to Brooke. I moved my eyes to her ankle, which didn't have a brace, but it had something wrapped around it. I went back to her face and sighed.


"Nothing," I shook my head and laid on the cold concrete. She leaned over and patted my stomache like a little sister would.

She whispered, "Hey, it's not your fault. Okay?" I just nodded. "Okay then. What time do you wanna pick Ty up?


Long time no see? Lol, ya, I barely wrote this. After this it's gonna get pree cray! XD lol Kk hope u liked it, comment if u did!

Oh and you're welcome Lauren.

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