Chapter 6: Discussions on Decisions

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"What do you mean?"

I hoisted her up with my right harm, eyes still locked in on the airdropped text.

"Check it out"

As she read the text I could see a million things going through her mind. But the last emotion I saw was annoyance. She glares up at me with a straight face.

"You're kidding me right?"

"No! I'm serious! Think about it, we can go to this thing, maybe have fun I don't know." I began to trail off as a I got another air drop.


This Saturday night won't be an ordinary one. It's an annual thing that I do, just to have fun and help people get to know one another through this awesome experience. When you come to the park, we'll (we being my other friends) give you a map leading to several keys which open a box full of prize money! So not only are you gonna have to go around town and explore (while going to a crazy party lol) but you'll be on the hunt for cash! All this is supported by me, Mathew Pakt. The record time for finding the box is 10 hours. Or will that change October 1st? Hope to see you there!

My eyes read the text, and Brooke picked up the hint

"What you got another one," she said, taking my phone from my hand. As soon as she read it, she looked at me like we found the answer to our "problems". I put my phone in my pocket and we sprinted to Tyler, who sat by himself on the far left side of the cafeteria. Even though it wasn't that far away, we were still breathing like we ran a mile in 5 minutes. Brooke slumped in a seat while i leaned on the one across from Ty.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought I told you guys to leave me alone for today." He whispered in a harsh tone, barely looking us in the eyes. Brooke punched him on the shoulder and replied that we had found the answer to our problems.

Ha, called it.

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"If it's that stupid air drop about that Saturday thing in October, I'm out." He waved his hand, dismissing us, and got up to take his tray to the trash. Brooke and I followed trying to make him change his mind.

"C'mon, you don't even wanna try Ty?"

"To be honest Brooke, no i really don't. Because last time we got into something with other people, we both ended up in the hospital. My head is still even a Little bit shaky. I'm not ready to just go out there and compete against a bunch of fools for a stupid box of money. The 'prize money' could simply be $1 or even 50 cents."

He walked outside leaving us at the corridor. Brooke getting frustrated leaned back on the wall and ran her hand through her hair. I paced and tried thinking of another way to get Tyler to agree to this thing. Cause obviously plain out asking him to wasn't going to work no matter how many times we asked. Even if we payed him, he wouldn't care because he can get all the money he needs from his parents.

Both Brooke and I stayed there pacing or sitting, brainstorming ideas about how to convince our stubborn friend, for a good minute or 2.

Brook jumped from her wall-sitting position, "THAT'S IT THAT'S IT," she screamed shaking me by my arms. I unhinged her iron gripping fingers from my upper arms and inquired what was "it".

"Remember that chick in our Algebra class? The one Tyler was checking out on the first day?" I nodded trying not to show any excitement to encourage her.

"Well what if she went?"


That sneaky blitch.

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