Story Info; Please Read!

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This is a Soulmate AU in which soulmates body swap at a random, yet significant time for until midnight the next night before switching back.

The soulmates have until the end of the day to figure out who each other are and how to meet.

Wings is about a suicidal reader.

Proceed with caution, know that there are various possibly triggering components to this book.

I do not own Haikyuu!! nor any of its plot, characters, or locations.

I do not own the beautiful cover art.

Finally, I do not own (L/n) (Y/n). That's you!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy.

Oh, and don't forget to, maybe, leave a vote if you like the story! More importantly, comment since I really love reading those!

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EDIT 2 . 16. 21

To clear things up, there is NO NSFW content in this book. 

I wanted to ensure I was abiding by the Terms and Conditions of Wattpad by providing proper warning that this book contains themes of self-harm, depression, and suicide. 

These topics are NOT depicted in a positive light (as in encouraging/teaching others to do so) and provide rehabilitation, character growth, and encouragement towards readers, characters, and anyone who needs help to reach out and improve their mental health.

Note that the "mature" content is not graphic in any way and I try my best to keep the themes vague.

By this, I mean that there is no gore or complete focus on subjects I know are considered triggering.

Keep this in mind and enjoy the book!

sugawara x depressed! reader || wingsWhere stories live. Discover now