Chapter: 7

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Kiori busted through the front door and up the spiral stairs looking like she had just been through hell. She was dragging her suitcase behind her and he hair was an absolute mess. She dropped her suitcase and then put her hands on her hair.

Within seconds her hair went from a frizzed mess to perfectly styled.

Quirk: Kiori Lavren: Stylist: She has the ability to style her hair to any desired length, color, and/or cut.

I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I say Kiori's quirk. I had to say it made me a bit jealous to see all these people's quirks and be quirkless myself. Although I still haven't seen Aria's quirk. I didn't want to ask and it be awkward, so I guess I'd have to wait for a time when she uses it on her own.

Anyways apparently Kiori had the "worst train ride known to man," in her words. As she rolled her suitcase in the living room Nora and Aria only laughed which caused a small smirk to run across my face. Where the other three were well acquainted, I was just getting to know Aria and Kiori. To be completely honest, It was a bit awkward. I was never in on their inside jokes and when they talked about memories I'd kinda just give a soft smile and rub my arm.

I've never had many friends, and to be completely honest, no one ever went out of their way to get to know me either. Except for one boy a very long time ago.

"So guys you wanna go clubbing later? I know a few hot spots around the city!" Kiori chimed in to the group of us. But only once she had returned from putting her suitcase in her room.

"Of course!" Nora piped up.

"Sounds great!" Aria then followed in her naturally soft voice. At that point all eyes were on me. I was standing by the couch while the other three were across the room and by a mini bar that was conveniently in front of the kitchen.

"Uh...I'm not so sure guys." I softly sort of murmured to the group. That's when all their faces showed slight disappointment. But really, I had a lot of course work to do. I might as well just stay in for the night.

"Are you kidding me (y/n)? Come on, you have to come!" Nora practically begged. At this point I debated it, but then I thought about my grades. I really have to keep perfect marks if I expect to do anything with my life. It was like my mother always told me. Just because we don't have some special quirk, we have to work twice as hard to get a good job. Luckily for my mother, she married rich. However, I simply don't have that luxury.

"Look guys, I'll get all my work done tonight. Then we have the rest of the week to go out and go clubbing." I promised the three disenchanted faces across from me.

"Okay but please (y/n). It won't be nearly as fun without you." Nora begged one last time while Aria and Kiori made puppy dog faces, and I had to assure them for the last time that my coursework was my top priority. Maybe another time.

Time skip » - « later that evening...

It wasn't too long after the three party girls left when I began my work. Although after about an hour, I just couldn't focus. Too many things rushed through my head at once and It was hard to concentrate. What if I did go out with Nora, Aria, and Kiori? Would it have truly been so bad? What was I really so afraid of? These were just a few questions I had asked myself. That's when I had decided that I needed a change of scenery. I checked my phone for good working spots and there seemed to be a small cafe down the road. So naturally, I picked up my laptop and a few textbooks and made my way out the apartment and down the busy street.

I walked into the cafe which had a really nice woodsy smell. The place was decorated by grey wooden tables and booths and multiple strands of white fairy lights. There was a coffee bar across the cafe, but I decided it was probably best to just get a booth.

That was when I turned and saw every single booth filled by people. I thought this was a bit surprising considering the hour of night it was, but hey, I guess this place must be popular, and then again we were in the inner city. We all know the city never sleeps.

I then noticed a man sitting alone in a booth. He had a mask on and I couldn't see his face. But anyways I thought I should ask if I could sit down across from him.

"Hey, would it be alright if I sat here? There's nowhere else and I just need to do some work." I asked the man and that was when he looked up and our eyes met.

There was no way.

I think we both stood in awe for a second. But there was no way that this man was the one I had been seeing everywhere.

There was no conceivable way. That was when my mouth moved before my brain could process.

"Kai?" I asked the man, looking in to the same golden eyes that I was sure hadn't aged a bit.

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