chp 1 | introductions |

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"Great work today (y/n)." My teacher smiled and handed me my exam. I overlooked the paper for a moment to find out I got a perfect score. "Yes!" I smiled and thanked my teacher a million times.

I never studied once and yet I was able to remember so much about chemistry so easily. A certain someone appeared in my head for a moment but soon the thought had passed.

"Get home safe alright." My teacher waved. "Yes, have a nice day Miss!" I waved back and left school for the day.

Once I walked out the school I couldn't help put look up at the sky. It was like a mix of pink and orange in the sky. It was very beautiful.

"Maybe I should take a picture of it." I thought out loud. I grabbed my cellphone and pointed the camera toward the sky.

This is for sure wallpaper worthy...

I snapped the photo and looked down at it longingly. I heard the sound of something bouncing toward me. Behind me came rolling a volleyball. "Here I got it!" I heard a boy's voice say.

A tall grey haired boy came running toward me to retrieve the volleyball. "Taking pictures of the sky?" He questioned grabbing the ball beside me. "Oh yes." I smiled putting my phone away.

"It's really nice." He smiled and looked up. I nodded. "Sorry about the ball." The boy nervously smiled. "It's fine I just wanted a quick picture that's all." I said.

"Well since we're talking, I'm Koshi Sugawara." He smiled and extended his hand. "I'm (y/n)(l/n)." I smiled and shook his hand softly.

"It's nice to meet you." Sugawara nodded. "Likewise." I smiled and put both my hands behind my back. "Next time be careful around here because these idiots will end up hitting you." Sugawara pointed to two boys fighting one another behind him.

"Wow." I said. "There quite a handful." Sugawara put his hand on his forehead. "Yeah very." I laughed.

"BOKE HINATA BOKE!" The black haired boy said pulling on the gingered haired boy's shirt. "It wasn't my fault, you wanted to play outside!" The ginger spoke loudly.

"I better spilt them up. It was really great to meet you." Sugawara smiled and ran off to break of the fight between those maniacs.

I couldn't help but watch this situation unfold. "YOU IDIOTS STOP FIGHTING!" Sugawara yelled pulling them apart. "Kageyama blames me when he was the one who suggested to play out here!" The ginger screamed as Sugawara pushed him to the side.

"Your not even supposed to bring the volleyball from the inside out here. Now there all dirty." Sugawara said holding the volleyball. "Hinata said he was getting bored always playing in the same gym." The black haired boy crossed his arms.

"I never said that! Stop putting words into my mouth you milk man!" The ginger attempted to attack the black haired boy once again.

"Alright let's get inside and get ready for practice you dumbasses." Sugawara sighed and dragged both boys by the ears into the gym.

I giggled at the sight of this. Probably the best entertainment I've seen in awhile.

I dusted myself and decided to head home.

That boy Sugawara... he was kinda cute

Ahh stop with these thoughts, I have tons of homework to do!

- next day -

"Wake up!" My brother yelled in my ear loudly. I got up and accidentally slapped him across the face. "Ow!" He said holding his cheek. "Oh shoot! I'm sorry." I said in concern. "Your reflexes are ridiculous sometimes." My brother sighed and walked out my room.


I got out of bed and took a quick shower, changed into my uniform, grabbed a piece of toast and I was on my merry way.

As I ran down the road to get to school I noticed small rain droplets hitting the cement below me.

Don't tell me it's gonna rain.

I walked faster as the sprinkling began to get more bigger. "Damnit I didn't bring my umbrella!" I sighed and grabbed my bag and put it over my head.

The rain poured down suddenly. "Why am I always so unlucky." I sighed. I finally reached the school entrance and noticed the gate was closed. "Am I late?" I questioned.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

7 o' clock am  Friday.

How did I wake up early? My brother woke me up didn't he? I sighed and waited near the gate. The gate doesn't open til 8 so I'll be waiting for an hour in the rain.

The trees were in the school field so I couldn't find any shelter from the rain.

"(y/n)?" A boy's voice said. I turned to direction of the voice. "Sugawara." I said still having my bag over my head. Sugawara stood there wearing a winter coat holding a transparent umbrella.

"Where's your umbrella?" Sugawara questioned. "I didn't know it was going to rain today." I nervously said. "Here." Sugawara came close to me putting his umbrella over us.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I felt Sugawara's arm touch mine as he came closer to me. "Thanks Sugawara." I smiled. "Of course, seriously getting a cold this early in spring wouldn't be fun." Sugawara said looking at me.

"Yeah your right." I giggled softly.

There's a silence that had begun and I was thinking of conversation starters as the silence distilled.

"I noticed Sugawara, that your apparently part of the volleyball team." I said. "Yeah! I've been apart of the team for about 2 years now. It's my final year here at Karasuno." Sugawara sighed.

"It's my final year at Karasuno too." I sighed. I felt a shiver down my spine from the cold. I came closer to Sugawara and wrapped my arm around his without thinking.

"Uh (y/n)." He said looking down at me. "Hm?" I questioned. I looked down at both of our arms linked with one another. "Oh! I'm sorry!" I nervously chuckled letting go of him.

"No no it's fine!" Sugawara laughed. "Sorry I just had a chill and my homeostasis kicked in." I giggled. "Homeostasis." Sugawara softly laughed. "I sound like a nerd don't I." I pouted.

"Not at all. You sound very formal." Sugawara complimented. I felt my cheeks burn up again. "But anyways it's fine for you to hold onto me." He softly said.

"Oh thanks Sugawara." I blushed more and held onto his arm again. "You can call me Suga if you like." He looked down at me and gave me the cutest smile in the world.

His goddamn smile is so freaking cute! HOW THE HELL-

We both waited for school to start with arms linked with one another under a transparent umbrella.

This almost felt like deja vu...

thanks for reading the first chp of "Morning Dew"
more chps coming soon!

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