chp 9 | distance |

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You yawned and stood up stretching your back. Realizing you weren't sleeping in your bed. Lying beside you was a sleeping rooster head. You jumped up quickly and looked down at the sleeping boy.

Why the hell was I sleeping next to him?

You looked around for a while longer and realized you had been sleeping sandwiched between Kuroo and Bokuto. Blinking for a second trying to get wing of the situation, you looked over near the kitchen and already Lev was eating the leftover onigiris.

"Lev?" You whispered maneuvering over the sleeping boys. "What?" He questioned loudly with his mouth full. "Shh." You said with your finger over your lip. "Sorry," Lev whispered.

"Sleep well?" He asked as I stood beside him near the counter. "Yeah, but I had completely forgotten where I was for a second." You lightly chuckled. "You know when you fell asleep, Kuroo tucked you in. It was kinda cute." Lev smiled. "He did?" You looked into the living room and Kuroo was now cuddling Bokuto...

"Omg Lev." You said pointing toward them. Lev began to laugh with rice slightly falling out his mouth. He slowly took out his phone and so did you and you both tippy-toed into the living room.

Ngl they looked so cute cuddling one another... I can't lie..

"This will be perfect blackmail," Lev smirked hovering his phone over the cuddling boys. "Likewise." You smirked also zooming in on both Bokuto and Kuroo's faces with your camera phone.

The flash on your phone went off which woke up the two boys. "Huh?" Bokuto said sitting up quickly while Kuroo's arms were wrapped around his waist.

"What the hell?!" Bokuto looked down as Kuroo was still holding him as he slept. "ROOSTER HEAD!" Bokuto yelled to the top of his lungs.

"And I'm up." Yaku said lifting his head up off the ground. "Damnit Bokuto why do you have to be so loud in the morning." Akaashi sighed rubbing his head. "Yeah." Daichi yawned leaning against the wall. "Mhm." Kenma said with his eyes lazily opened.

Kuroo opened his eyes, "Oh shit." He said realizing his arms were wrapped around Bokuto. "Yeah man." Bokuto sneered removing Kuroo's arms.

"I thought you were..." Kuroo said before he stopped. He looked over at you for a moment and gulped, "sorry about that dude." Kuroo nervously chuckled.

"It's fine but next time you do that I'm gonna pull your hair." Bokuto smirked. "In your dreams." Kuroo laughed. Bokuto's hair was still as flat as I remembered from last night.

"At this point I just want it back to normal." Yaku sighed and stood up off the ground. "Your right." You said with your hand on your hip.

Everyone had woken up and you sat on the living room couch deep in thought for a moment.

I wonder how we ended up all falling asleep on the floor?

"What even brought us to sleeping on the floor?" You said aloud. Lev sat beside you also deep in thought.

At some point Kenma had cleverly pulled us to playing video games with him and as time went on we played until 1 am and from there I guess we knocked out.

"Yeah I fell asleep at 4 in the morning and right now it's-" Kenma pulled out his phone, "9 o' clock in the morning." He sighed and lied his phone down on the floor.

There was something you had forgotten and it was on the tip of your tongue. What was it?

Suga suddenly appeared in your mind.

"Suga!" You said thinking out loud. "Suga? What about him?" Daichi asked sitting on the opposite side of you from Lev.

"He left the party early to do something. Wasn't it to study or something?" You asked yourself aloud. "Yeah he had to prepare for an exam and do chores." Daichi added.

"For some reason I feel like there was more to him leaving and I just can't shake this feeling off." You sighed and lied your finger on her chin.

Suga's POV

"Hello sir, what would you like this morning?" The waiter asked me.

I had woken up around 6 o' clock and came to my favorite cafe. It was a mistake waking up so early that's for sure.

I scanned the menu for a moment and stared at the beverage, green tea. This is what (y/n) ordered the first time I took her here.

I sighed and dropped the menu down onto the coffee table. "Green tea please." I smiled. "Of course I'll be right back." The waiter nodded and took the menu and ran off inside the cafe.

Even now when I'm here... She still crosses my mind. How do I get rid of these feelings damnit!

I clinched my fist and stared down at my phone. On Kuroo's Instagram it showed that they had gone out to breakfast.. so that must have meant (y/n) stayed the night.

But why would she spend the night with a bunch of boys. Isn't that dangerous? I mean the guys are cool but still...

I shut off my phone.

The waiter ran by and handed me my green tea. "Thank you." I nodded and I grabbed the green tea cup.

"I remember that one girl you brought here. She was sorta a klutz and stuff but you two looked so cute together." The waiter said with a soft smile. "Oh thanks." I said giving her a fake smile.

"Of course." She nodded and headed back inside.

That comment... I didn't know how to feel about it at all.

It feels as though distancing myself would be better.. I mean would it.

It's obvious (y/n) doesn't seem to have an interest in me. She only sees me as a friend I suppose.

Some day I have to tell her how I feel and I'm not sure when that day will come but for now.

I guess I won't be seeing her as much anymore.

Sorry for the short chp, kinda been busy with preparing for thanksgiving! Also happy thanksgiving ya'll, enjoy your dinner and eat as much as you can!
hope you enjoyed chp 9 of "morning dew"

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