chp 6 | chaotic hours |

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After the small little hangout, you had with Suga in the morning. He dropped you off at your house and drove off.

Yet again you were lonely and sluggishly walked through your front door. In a little while, Kuroo was coming to get you to also hangout. But instead with more people.

Sitting down on your living room couch, you slid your purse off your shoulder and looked down at your hand. Your hand still was red from literally touching pure hot green tea. Thank god Suga was there. Remembering his touch when he lied the ice on your palm made your heart fill with butterflies.

Reminiscing about what happened about 20 mins ago wasn't going to get you out of this situation. You had to prepare for Kuroo because he was about to arrive... You looked down at your cellphone with squinted eyes.

In... 5 minutes!

You rushed up out of the living room into your room. It doesn't seem like a formal type of get-together so you wore something comfortable and casual. You decided on a nice blouse with a cardigan over it with some skinny jeans. You admired yourself in the mirror for a moment.

* phone vibrates *

Kuroo: I'm outside dummy.

You: Okay, I'm coming!

Kuroo: U better!

You grabbed your purse once more and threw it over your shoulder. Looking over at your vanity, you noticed your makeup bag was open and couldn't help but wearing some makeup just in case. Kuroo never really clarified what type of get-together this would be so might as well.

Quickly you added your eyeliner and mascara with some blush and very little lip gloss to make your lips shine. "Perfect." You smiled and put your makeup away.

Your phone vibrated in your purse. It was Kuroo and you quickly ran out the front door. "Okay, I'm coming!" You yelled locking the door behind you. Kuroo had a smirk on his face while he rested his hands on the steering wheel.

Opening the door to his car, you took your purse off your shoulders and threw it at Kuroo's smirk covered face. "Ow." He said catching the purse falling off his face. "Look when it comes to girl's try to be more patient sir!" You sighed and crossed your arms. "Alrighty, ma'am," Kuroo said trying to hold in his laughter.

Kuroo pulled out of my driveway and off we were to his house. "Hm, now that I think about it. It's been a while since you've been to my house." Kuroo smiled. "Yeah, it's been so long." You said looking out the window watching things pass by.

"I promise the chemistry posters I had are gone," Kuroo added turning a corner. "I hope so. Are you still mentoring in high school?" You asked. Kuroo slightly shook his head, "I wanted to but I really wanna focus on volleyball because..." He gulped for a moment, "We're gonna go to nationals and beat everyone's asses." He smirked and had completely ignored the road for a moment.

"Idiot the road!" You yelled steering the wheel slightly before he hit the curb. "It was your fault for distracting me." He said gaining control of the wheel. "Ah hm." You nodded sarcastically. Kuroo ignored your sarcastic comment and continued looking at the road.

After a few minutes of mindless banter, you arrived at Kuroo's house. Loud music was blaring out his house and silhouettes of people through the window were talking and dancing. "I thought you said this was a get-together with some old friends?" You said in a suspecting way. "You know Bokuto... he kinda dialed up everyone and now here we are." Kuroo sighed and walked out of his car.

You sighed and also got out of the car. "This is going to be ridiculous ain't it?" You questioned walking to Kuroo's front porch. "Most likely." Kuroo nervously smiled and someone opened the door for us. "HEY HEY HEY!" Bokuto shouted in excitement. "Hey!" You smiled nervously. Bokuto pulled you into a friendly embrace and almost crushed your ribs. He gained so much muscle over the years.

His muscles were rock solid...

"So glad you can make it," Bokuto said with his hands on his hips. "God Bokuto already overwhelming her," Akaashi said drinking from a plastic cup. "Oh come on Akaashi it's been a while since we've seen (y/n)!" Bokuto sighed. Akaashi ignored Bokuto and came up to say hello to you. "Hey." He smiled letting Bokuto hold his cup. "Hey, Akaashi!" You softly smiled and hugged him.

"Glad to see you're doing alright." He smiled and pat your back lightly. "Yeah, it's nice to see you guys!" You nodded. "Need a tour?" Kuroo teased. You shoved your elbow on his side. "Ow." He said slightly falling over. "No, I don't." You crossed your arms. "Even now you're still as feisty as ever to me." He laughed. "Pff." You sneered.

Kenma was sitting on the couch playing a video game. You surprised him and sat down on the couch. "Oh (y/n)." He softly smiled. "Hey Kenma," You sighed realizing he wasn't fazed by your presence whatsoever. "This is a party Kenma come on get off the games!" You snatched the game out of his hand. Kenma pouted for a moment, "There's literally nothing to do here. I've been over to Kuroo's house so many times." He sighed and leaned back.

"I know but will figure out something." You reassured him. "Yeah, that's not reassuring at all." Kenma sighed. "Come dude really get off the games for once. Rest your perfect eyes." Kuroo smirked jokingly. "I agree with Kuroo dude." Yaku said entering the room with Lev as well.

"Oh whose this?" Lev said eating a cupcake looking down at you.

Holy crap this guy is tall... about 6 feet or more!

"This is (y/n). We used to hang out back in middle school." Kuroo smiled with his hands in his jean pockets. "Lev is kinda new to the team so sorry about his rudeness." Yaku said looking up at Lev with a glare. "What," Lev said with his mouth full of cupcake. Yaku face palmed himself. "I'm gonna get more punch." Yaku put his hand on his forehead and Lev followed behind him. "What did I do?" Lev asked. "Just shut up." Yaku said in a monotonous voice.

"Wow, they seem to be polar opposites of one another." You laughed. "Yaku is trying to teach him the basics of volleyball but Lev keeps slacking. He thinks he's all that just because of his height." Kenma said playing his video game again. "Hey didn't I take that away from you!" You shouted. Kenma ignored you and turned the other way. "HEY!" You said reaching over to take his video game.

You'd already been here for a few minutes and already you felt so overwhelmed. There are so many familiar faces but you couldn't really put a name on them. You then noticed a familiar school jacket.

Karasuno Highschool Volleyball Club

This person was at the kitchen serving themselves some punch near Yaku and Lev. You knew exactly who this was because of their noticeable grey hair and adorable smile.

"Suga?" You asked walking into the kitchen. "(y/n)?" Suga said with a confused look on his face. Yaku and Lev silently left the kitchen as the atmosphere slightly tightened between you and Suga.

Thanks for reading chp 6 of "Morning Dew"
the story just gets juicier from this point so be prepared ya'll!
Hope you enjoyed 💕✨

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