chp 8 | second thoughts |

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Suga's POV

As I heard Bokuto speak out his dare to (y/n) I had dropped one of the onigiri's I molded from my hand. Yaku came over to me from the other side of the counter. "Hey Suga, you alright?" He asked picking up the half molded onigiri off the ground.

I couldn't describe the way I felt. Confusion, Jealousy, Worried.

The words I wanted to say had escaped my mouth. Yaku tapped my shoulder, "Uh Suga?" He asked again. Once Yaku had touched me I flooded back to reality. "Dude, what happened?" He questioned throwing the onigiri he picked up into the trash.

"No, I just..." I gulped and lied both my hands on the kitchen counter. What the hell? Why am I so worked up about this?

Cold sweat dripped down my forehead slowly as I tried to pay close attention to (y/n). What will be her response to this dare?

Bokuto's words resonated within my mind, "Kiss the person to your right." And it just so happens to be her dearest friend from childhood, Kuroo.

Kuroo looked slightly worried and his face was turning red as he looked down at (y/n). (y/n) was deep in thought.

I felt my heart race. "Suga if you're not alright you can sit down and I'll take care of the last batch." Yaku said in concern. I tried shaking the thought away for a moment, "No I'm fine. I was just daydreaming." I smiled trying my best to stay composed.

Keeping my focus on finishing this onigiri might help possibly.

As I began to add the seaweed to the onigiris I heard a loud gasp from the living room. No, I shouldn't look... it's nothing this is just a game after all.

Yaku then grabbed my arm, "Woah Suga look!" He said facing me toward the living room. I couldn't believe my eyes.

(y/n) was kissing Kuroo.

"Wow, I never expected (y/n) to be so forward like that." Yaku smiled and leaned against the counter. I put my head down.

Clinching my fist I had realized something. These feelings I've been having and just everything about (y/n)... Was I...

Was I in love with her...

I had brought myself to this conclusion and at such a bad time. I felt like this was a test. Me seeing (y/n) kiss another guy. I've never felt like this before.

Kuroo was an amazing guy but at the time I wanted to shout at him and punch his brains out. (y/n) even told me she's never kissed someone before... and here she is getting her first kiss with a person she's known for a long time and where does that leave me in all this?

Was I useless to her? Should I tell her how I feel? Or should I let it be and leave?

But were friends... Why do I keep contradicting myself!?

And soon enough they had stopped kissing. I still kept my head down... I was so disappointed in myself for not noticing these signs ever since I've met her.

"Alright, onigiris are ready!" Yaku happily cheered. "Finally!" Bokuto jumped up from sitting on the ground and bolted into the kitchen.

Your POV

You kept trying to distance yourself from Kuroo for a moment. It didn't even feel like a regular kiss to you, almost like a make out.

"(y/n)." Kuroo softly said. You sighed, "hm?" you slightly turned your head. "You okay?" He asked concerned. You nodded. "Yes I'm fine it's just... that was my first kiss." You said pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Oh really!" Kuroo said nervously. "Yeah but it's fine because I mean as long as it was with someone I know." You nervously chuckled. "Yeah I mean kissing some random stranger could have been worse." Kuroo laughed.

The tension between you two had thinned slightly but there was still a hint of awkward in the air.

"Here let's get some onigiri and brush this off for now." Kuroo said standing up and extending his hand toward me. I nodded and took his hand to help me up.

Once me and Kuroo entered the kitchen, Yaku handed both of us our onigiri. I took a bite of it, "Oh!" You happily said. "Tastes amazing." Kuroo complimented both Suga and Yaku.

"Yeah of course it tastes good, right Suga? Uhm Suga?" Yaku said looking around. Where the heck is Suga?

You heard the sound of the front door open. You walked near the entrance and noticed Suga had opened the front door.

"Suga? Why are you leaving so early?" You asked him worryingly. Suga turned to you with a smile.

"I had forgotten I had to prepare for an upcoming test and also I have to do some chores as well." Suga said slipping his shoes on.

"Oh." You sighed and rubbed her arm softly as you leaned on the wall. "So I'll see you later." Suga sighed and began to walk out the door.

An impulse within you suddenly pulled your arm and you grasp onto his jacket sleeve before he could fully step out of the door.

"Suga." You said. Suga turned to you for a moment. "Thanks for making the onigiri for us." You smiled softly. Suga slightly chuckled and stared at you for a moment, "Of course." He smiled.

You let go of his jacket sleeve and watched him leave.

"Come on back in (y/n) it's freezing out there." Kuroo said. "I know I just wanted to say bye." You sighed and closed the front door. "Say bye to who?" Bokuto asked with his mouth full of onigiri.

"Suga." You sighed and walked back into the kitchen. "Wait Suga left?" Yaku said looking toward the front door. "But why?" Lev asked.

"He said he had to prepare for a test and do chores." You crossed your arms. "Oh, ah man." Yaku sighed. "Suga always does this." Daichi said with his hand on his forehead.

"What do you mean?" You asked Daichi picking a piece off from your onigiri. "I don't know. When it comes to social gatherings with a lot of people I feel as though he gets overwhelmed and has the need to leave." Daichi lied his hand on the counter beside him.

"I thought Suga would be the type to be extroverted." You said biting a piece of your onigiri. "Yeah that's what I thought to. But maybe that isn't the case and something just happened." Daichi thought aloud.

"I wonder what happened." You said with your finger on your chin.

"Oh (y/n) there's a piece of rice on your cheek." Kuroo said. He got a napkin and wiped it off your face for you.

You felt your face burn up. "Kuroo." You said slightly whimpering.

"Huh?" Kuroo said unaware of his actions. He then realized how awkward that was and his face turned beet red.

"Oh damn! I'm sorry." Kuroo said rubbing the back of his head nervously. "It's just a habit because you know..." Kuroo said trying to find an excuse.

You sighed and laughed, "It's fine Kuroo." You smiled. Kuroo sighed in relief and softly patted your head. "Your amazing." He said with a big smile on his face. "I know I am." You said with confidence.

Suga's POV

"Coming to this party was a mistake." I mumbled under my breath as I entered my car.

After what happened in there.. was there even a chance of me being able to express my feelings.

When I looked at them... they looked so comfortable with one another.

I sighed and turned on my car. I'm sick and tired of feeling like this.. is it even worth it anymore.

Maybe we should just stay friends...

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