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June 15th 1962

I lay awake unable to sleep the night before, I never usually sleep but last night was different. Like I was worried about something but I wasn't that's the thing. I roll out of bed and look in my vanity styled mirror and see my Black natural curls all messy and there's sleep gunk in my bright blue eyes and I stare at the freckles dotting my face. If I was being honest I hated my freckles but everyone else seemed to love them. I mean I guess I was pretty everyone said I was but I still failed to believe them. I step to my closet and pulled out a pair of blue mom jeans that were to loose for my waist so I put a black belt. I grabbed a white collared shirt and a rosy pink crew neck and threw it on. I brushed out my hair and put hair gel so it wouldn't frizz up in the California heat. If I'm being honest I would much rather wear a pair of old jeans and a baseball jersey with my hair tied up but my friends would never let me do that. I walk downstairs to see my mom sitting at the counter eating cereal and watching the television.

Mom: good morning Lilly
You: good morning mom
Mom: how'd you sleep
You: terrible I can never get a good nights rest
Mom: maybe we should take you to the doctors
You: I'm sure I'll figure it out

I hear a beeping coming from outside and see theres a moving truck backing into the house beside mine.

You: mom did you know we have new neighbours
Mom: ya there boy is pretty cute
You: mommmmmm I don't want a boyfriend
Mom: what about that boy across the street who's always playing baseball
You: he's cute but I don't want a boyfriend
Mom: you should play baseball with him I bet you would kick his ass
You: MOM!
Mom: oops

I laugh before seeing the boy across the street exit his house so I immediately closed the door behind me hoping he didn't see me. I mean ya I always had guys surrounding me talking to me but they all made me feel uncomfortable like they'd just date me for the popularity bonus. So I've stayed single never having a boyfriend.

Mom: well Lilly you have to get going so have fun at school love you

I open the door as I grab my backpack

You: bye love you too

I shut the door and see Benjamin Rodriguez standing near the middle of the caul-de-sac.

You; hey Benjamin right?
Benny: huh- oh- um- y-ya
You: you alright you seem nervous?
Benny: oh umm it's nothing
You: waiting for someone?
Benny: umm ya my gang
You: the ones from the sandlot down the road
Benny: ya how'd you know?
You: umm no reason

Then I hear a bunch of obnoxious boys coming over to Benny.

You: well I best be on my way see you around
Benny: oh umm people call me Benny
You: ok well see you around Benny

I say it with a slight laugh and make my way to school somehow in a happier mood once I get there I see my cheerleading friends waiting at the door for my so I run up to them and we all walk inside.

Bennys point of view
Lilly leaves and the boys come running over to me all exited and I laugh at them.

Ham: you were not just talking to the babe herself
Bertram: I hope she likes baseball boys
Me: hey not a chance
Squints: why Jealous?
Yeah-yeah: yeah, yeah he's totally jealous!
Me: was not
Ham: you weren't the least bit ecstatic that THE Lilly Anderson was talking to you
Kenny: we all saw you drooling over her as she walked off
Me: knock it of blockheads

Summer of "62" ~Benny Rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now